function calendarBySlugQuery(slug) { // GraphQL requires double-quoted strings in the query: return(' { calendar(slug: "' + slug + '") { event_occurrences { url, popover_url, start, end, event {id, name, description, css_class, all_day} } } } '); } function calendarEventsQuery(slug) { // GraphQL requires double-quoted strings in the query: return(' { event_occurrences { url, popover_url, start, end, event {id, name, description, css_class, all_day} } } '); } function formatEventOccurrence(occurrence) { event = occurrence.event; if(event.css_class == null) { className = ''; } else { className = event.css_class; } if(event.all_day == true) { className = className + ' all-day'; } else { className = className + ' part-day'; } return({ id:, title:, description: event.description, className: className, allDay: event.all_day, url: occurrence.url, popover_url: occurrence.popover_url, start: occurrence.start, end: occurrence.end }); } function calendarEventRender(event, element) { element.on('click', function (e){ e.preventDefault(); $.get(event.popover_url, function(ajax_data) { element.popover({ html: true, placement: 'auto', viewport: '#calendar-display', container: 'body', title: '' + event.title + '', content: ajax_data }).popover('show'); }); }); } var calendarEventHeader = { left: 'today', center: 'prevYear,prev title next,nextYear', right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay' }