// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*globals module test htmlbody ok equals same stop start Q$ */ var controller, // The sample array controller to test with content, // The sample content TestObject; // Class for sample content objects // TestObject = SC.Object.extend({ title: "test", toString: function() { return "TestObject(%@)".fmt(this.get("title")); } }); /** Common set up and teardown for the module. To run this test manually visit: http://localhost:4020/sproutcore/foundation/en/current/tests/controllers/array/selection_support.html */ module("Test SC.SelectionSupport mixin with ArrayController.", { setup: function() { content = "Apples Bananas Cherries Dates Eggfruit".w().map(function(name) { return TestObject.create({ title: name }); }); controller = SC.ArrayController.create({ content: content }); }, teardown: function() { } }); /** This test is not particularly useful, just a means to get warmed up for more advanced testing below. */ test("SC.ArrayController(SC.SelectionSupport) defaults", function() { ok(controller.get("hasSelectionSupport"), 'array controller hasSelectionSupport should be true'); ok(controller.get("allowsSelection"), 'array controller allowsSelection should be true'); ok(controller.get("allowsMultipleSelection"), 'array controller allowsMultipleSelection should be true'); ok(controller.get("allowsEmptySelection"), 'array controller allowsEmptySelection should be true'); }); /** Make sure that first selectable object works even though the content and order may change. */ test("SC.ArrayController(SC.SelectionSupport) first selectable object", function() { equals(controller.get('firstSelectableObject'), content[0], 'first selectable object should be the first object in arrangedObjects'); // Reorder the content controller.set('orderBy', 'DESC title'); equals(controller.get('firstSelectableObject'), content[4], 'first selectable object should be the first object in arrangedObjects (changed order)'); }); /** Make sure that the empty selection property is honoured. */ test("SC.ArrayController(SC.SelectionSupport) selection is empty only if allowed", function() { var selectionSet, source = controller.get('arrangedObjects'), indexSet; selectionSet = controller.get('selection'); indexSet = selectionSet.indexSetForSource(source); ok(!controller.get('hasSelection'), 'array controller should not have a selection'); ok(indexSet === null, 'selection set should not have an indexSet'); // Disable allowing empty selection controller.set('allowsEmptySelection', NO); selectionSet = controller.get('selection'); indexSet = selectionSet.indexSetForSource(source); ok(controller.get('hasSelection'), 'array controller should have a selection'); ok(indexSet !== null, 'selection set should have an indexSet'); equals(selectionSet.get('length'), 1, 'selection set should have length 1'); equals(indexSet.length, 1, 'selection set should have an indexSet with length 1'); ok(selectionSet.containsObject(content[0]), 'selection should be the first content object'); }); /** Make sure that the multiple selection property is honoured. */ test("SC.ArrayController(SC.SelectionSupport) selection is multiple only if allowed", function() { var selectionSet, source = controller.get('arrangedObjects'), indexSet; // Select 3 items controller.selectObjects([content[0], content[2], content[4]], NO); selectionSet = controller.get('selection'); indexSet = selectionSet.indexSetForSource(source); ok(controller.get('hasSelection'), 'array controller should have a selection'); ok(indexSet !== null, 'selection set should have an indexSet'); equals(selectionSet.get('length'), 3, 'selection set should have length 3'); equals(indexSet.length, 3, 'selection set should have an indexSet with length 3'); ok(selectionSet.containsObject(content[0]), 'selection should contain the first content object'); ok(selectionSet.containsObject(content[2]), 'selection should contain the third content object'); ok(selectionSet.containsObject(content[4]), 'selection should contain the fifth content object'); // Disable allowing multiple selection controller.set('allowsMultipleSelection', NO); selectionSet = controller.get('selection'); indexSet = selectionSet.indexSetForSource(source); ok(controller.get('hasSelection'), 'array controller should still have a selection'); ok(indexSet !== null, 'selection set should still have an indexSet'); equals(selectionSet.get('length'), 1, 'selection set should have length 1'); equals(indexSet.length, 1, 'selection set should have an indexSet with length 1'); ok(selectionSet.containsObject(content[4]), 'selection should be the fifth content object'); }); /** Test that selection remains while content grows. */ test("SC.ArrayController(SC.SelectionSupport) selection remains while content grows", function() { var selectionSet, source, newObject, indexSet; // Select 3 items controller.selectObjects([content[1], content[2], content[3]], NO); // Add an item to the content newObject = TestObject.create({ title: 'Figs' }); controller.addObject(newObject); source = controller.get('arrangedObjects'); selectionSet = controller.get('selection'); indexSet = selectionSet.indexSetForSource(source); equals(source.get('length'), 6, 'array controller content should have six items'); ok(controller.get('hasSelection'), 'array controller should still have a selection'); ok(indexSet !== null, 'selection set should still have an indexSet'); equals(selectionSet.get('length'), 3, 'selection set should have length 3'); equals(indexSet.length, 3, 'selection set should have an indexSet with length 3'); ok(selectionSet.containsObject(content[1]), 'selection should contain the second content object'); ok(selectionSet.containsObject(content[2]), 'selection should contain the third content object'); ok(selectionSet.containsObject(content[3]), 'selection should contain the fourth content object'); }); /** Test that selection remains while content shrinks, but doesn't effect the selection. */ test("SC.ArrayController(SC.SelectionSupport) selection remains while content shrinks", function() { var selectionSet, source, indexSet; // Select 3 items controller.selectObjects([content[1], content[2], content[3]], NO); // Remove an item from the content without effecting the selection controller.removeObject(content[0]); source = controller.get('arrangedObjects'); selectionSet = controller.get('selection'); indexSet = selectionSet.indexSetForSource(source); equals(source.get('length'), 4, 'array controller content should have four items'); ok(controller.get('hasSelection'), 'array controller should still have a selection'); ok(indexSet !== null, 'selection set should still have an indexSet'); equals(selectionSet.get('length'), 3, 'selection set should have length 3'); equals(indexSet.length, 3, 'selection set should have an indexSet with length 3'); ok(selectionSet.containsObject(content[0]), 'selection should contain the second content object (now first)'); ok(selectionSet.containsObject(content[1]), 'selection should contain the third content object (now second)'); ok(selectionSet.containsObject(content[2]), 'selection should contain the fourth content object (now third)'); // Remove another item from the content without effecting the selection controller.removeObject(content[3]); source = controller.get('arrangedObjects'); selectionSet = controller.get('selection'); indexSet = selectionSet.indexSetForSource(source); equals(source.get('length'), 3, 'array controller content should have three items'); ok(controller.get('hasSelection'), 'array controller should still have a selection'); ok(indexSet !== null, 'selection set should still have an indexSet'); equals(selectionSet.get('length'), 3, 'selection set should have length 3'); equals(indexSet.length, 3, 'selection set should have an indexSet with length 3'); ok(selectionSet.containsObject(content[0]), 'selection should contain the second content object (still first)'); ok(selectionSet.containsObject(content[1]), 'selection should contain the third content object (still second)'); ok(selectionSet.containsObject(content[2]), 'selection should contain the fourth content object (still third)'); }); /** Test that selection changes while content shrinks effecting the selection. */ test("SC.ArrayController(SC.SelectionSupport) selection changes while content shrinks effecting the selection", function() { var selectionSet, source, indexSet; // Select 3 items controller.selectObjects([content[1], content[2], content[3]], NO); // Remove an item from the content effecting the selection controller.removeObject(content[2]); source = controller.get('arrangedObjects'); selectionSet = controller.get('selection'); indexSet = selectionSet.indexSetForSource(source); equals(source.get('length'), 4, 'array controller content should have four items'); ok(controller.get('hasSelection'), 'array controller should still have a selection'); ok(indexSet !== null, 'selection set should still have an indexSet'); equals(selectionSet.get('length'), 2, 'selection set should have length 2'); equals(indexSet.length, 2, 'selection set should have an indexSet with length 2'); ok(selectionSet.containsObject(content[1]), 'selection should contain the second content object'); ok(selectionSet.containsObject(content[2]), 'selection should contain the fourth content object (now third)'); // Remove another item from the content effecting the selection controller.removeObject(content[1]); source = controller.get('arrangedObjects'); selectionSet = controller.get('selection'); indexSet = selectionSet.indexSetForSource(source); equals(source.get('length'), 3, 'array controller content should have three items'); ok(controller.get('hasSelection'), 'array controller should still have a selection'); ok(indexSet !== null, 'selection set should still have an indexSet'); equals(selectionSet.get('length'), 1, 'selection set should have length 1'); equals(indexSet.length, 1, 'selection set should have an indexSet with length 1'); ok(selectionSet.containsObject(content[1]), 'selection should contain the fourth content object (now second)'); }); /** Test that selection remains while content is replaced without effecting the selection. */ test("SC.ArrayController(SC.SelectionSupport) selection remains while content is replaced without effecting the selection", function() { var newObject1, newObject2, selectionSet, source, indexSet; // Select 2 items controller.selectObjects([content[1], content[2]], NO); newObject1 = TestObject.create({ title: 'Figs' }); newObject2 = TestObject.create({ title: 'Grapefruits' }); // Replace an item in the content without effecting the selection controller.replace(3, 1, [newObject1, newObject2]); source = controller.get('arrangedObjects'); selectionSet = controller.get('selection'); indexSet = selectionSet.indexSetForSource(source); equals(source.get('length'), 6, 'array controller content should have six items'); ok(controller.get('hasSelection'), 'array controller should still have a selection'); ok(indexSet !== null, 'selection set should still have an indexSet'); equals(selectionSet.get('length'), 2, 'selection set should have length 2'); equals(indexSet.length, 2, 'selection set should have an indexSet with length 2'); ok(selectionSet.containsObject(content[1]), 'selection should contain the second content object'); ok(selectionSet.containsObject(content[2]), 'selection should contain the third content object'); // Replace another item in the content without effecting the selection controller.replace(0, 1, [newObject1, newObject2]); source = controller.get('arrangedObjects'); selectionSet = controller.get('selection'); indexSet = selectionSet.indexSetForSource(source); equals(source.get('length'), 7, 'array controller content should have seven items'); ok(controller.get('hasSelection'), 'array controller should still have a selection'); ok(indexSet !== null, 'selection set should still have an indexSet'); equals(selectionSet.get('length'), 2, 'selection set should have length 2'); equals(indexSet.length, 2, 'selection set should have an indexSet with length 2'); ok(selectionSet.containsObject(content[2]), 'selection should contain the second content object (now third)'); ok(selectionSet.containsObject(content[3]), 'selection should contain the third content object (now fourth)'); }); /** Test that selection remains while content is replaced effecting the selection. */ test("SC.ArrayController(SC.SelectionSupport) selection remains while content is replaced effecting the selection", function() { var newObject1, newObject2, selectionSet, source, indexSet; // Select 3 items controller.selectObjects([content[1], content[2], content[3]], NO); newObject1 = TestObject.create({ title: 'Figs' }); newObject2 = TestObject.create({ title: 'Grapefruits' }); // Replace an item in the content effecting the selection controller.replace(3, 1, [newObject1]); source = controller.get('arrangedObjects'); selectionSet = controller.get('selection'); indexSet = selectionSet.indexSetForSource(source); equals(source.get('length'), 5, 'array controller content should have five items'); ok(controller.get('hasSelection'), 'array controller should still have a selection'); ok(indexSet !== null, 'selection set should still have an indexSet'); equals(selectionSet.get('length'), 2, 'selection set should have length 2'); equals(indexSet.length, 2, 'selection set should have an indexSet with length 2'); ok(selectionSet.containsObject(content[1]), 'selection should contain the second content object'); ok(selectionSet.containsObject(content[2]), 'selection should contain the third content object'); // Replace another item in the content effecting the selection controller.replace(1, 2, [newObject1, newObject2]); source = controller.get('arrangedObjects'); selectionSet = controller.get('selection'); indexSet = selectionSet.indexSetForSource(source); equals(source.get('length'), 5, 'array controller content should have five items'); ok(!controller.get('hasSelection'), 'array controller should not still have a selection'); equals(selectionSet.get('length'), 0, 'selection set should have length 0'); ok(indexSet === null, 'selection set should not still have an indexSet'); }); test("replacing content in an ArrayController propagates changes to bound arrangedObjects", function() { equals(controller.getPath('arrangedObjects.length'), 5, "precond - controller has 5 items"); var obj, listChanged = 0; SC.run(function() { obj = SC.Object.create({ testController: controller, listBinding: ".testController.arrangedObjects", listDidChange: function() { listChanged++; }.observes('list') }); }); equals(obj.getPath('list.length'), 5, "precond - binding has 5 items"); SC.run(function() { controller.set('content', []); }); equals(controller.getPath('arrangedObjects.length'), 0, "precond - controller has 5 items"); equals(obj.getPath('list.length'), 0, "binding has 0 items"); equals(listChanged, 1, "listDidChange was called"); });