#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/util/network_device/cisco/device' require 'puppet/util/network_device/transport/telnet' if Puppet.features.telnet? describe Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice::Cisco::Device do before(:each) do @transport = stub_everything 'transport', :is_a? => true, :command => "" @cisco = Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice::Cisco::Device.new("telnet://user:password@localhost:23/") @cisco.transport = @transport end describe "when creating the device" do it "should find the enable password from the url" do cisco = Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice::Cisco::Device.new("telnet://user:password@localhost:23/?enable=enable_password") expect(cisco.enable_password).to eq("enable_password") end describe "decoding the enable password" do it "should not parse a password if no query is given" do cisco = described_class.new("telnet://user:password@localhost:23") expect(cisco.enable_password).to be_nil end it "should not parse a password if no enable param is given" do cisco = described_class.new("telnet://user:password@localhost:23/?notenable=notapassword") expect(cisco.enable_password).to be_nil end it "should decode sharps" do cisco = described_class.new("telnet://user:password@localhost:23/?enable=enable_password%23with_a_sharp") expect(cisco.enable_password).to eq("enable_password#with_a_sharp") end it "should decode spaces" do cisco = described_class.new("telnet://user:password@localhost:23/?enable=enable_password%20with_a_space") expect(cisco.enable_password).to eq("enable_password with_a_space") end it "should only use the query parameter" do cisco = described_class.new("telnet://enable=:password@localhost:23/?enable=enable_password¬enable=notapassword") expect(cisco.enable_password).to eq("enable_password") end end it "should find the enable password from the options" do cisco = Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice::Cisco::Device.new("telnet://user:password@localhost:23/?enable=enable_password", :enable_password => "mypass") expect(cisco.enable_password).to eq("mypass") end it "should find the debug mode from the options" do Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice::Transport::Telnet.expects(:new).with(true).returns(@transport) cisco = Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice::Cisco::Device.new("telnet://user:password@localhost:23", :debug => true) end it "should set the debug mode to nil by default" do Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice::Transport::Telnet.expects(:new).with(nil).returns(@transport) cisco = Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice::Cisco::Device.new("telnet://user:password@localhost:23") end end describe "when connecting to the physical device" do it "should connect to the transport" do @transport.expects(:connect) @cisco.command end it "should attempt to login" do @cisco.expects(:login) @cisco.command end it "should tell the device to not page" do @transport.expects(:command).with("terminal length 0") @cisco.command end it "should enter the enable password if returned prompt is not privileged" do @transport.stubs(:command).yields("Switch>").returns("") @cisco.expects(:enable) @cisco.command end it "should find device capabilities" do @cisco.expects(:find_capabilities) @cisco.command end it "should execute given command" do @transport.expects(:command).with("mycommand") @cisco.command("mycommand") end it "should yield to the command block if one is provided" do @transport.expects(:command).with("mycommand") @cisco.command do |c| c.command("mycommand") end end it "should close the device transport" do @transport.expects(:close) @cisco.command end describe "when login in" do it "should not login if transport handles login" do @transport.expects(:handles_login?).returns(true) @transport.expects(:command).never @transport.expects(:expect).never @cisco.login end it "should send username if one has been provided" do @transport.expects(:command).with("user", :prompt => /^Password:/) @cisco.login end it "should send password after the username" do @transport.expects(:command).with("user", :prompt => /^Password:/) @transport.expects(:command).with("password") @cisco.login end it "should expect the Password: prompt if no user was sent" do @cisco.url.user = '' @transport.expects(:expect).with(/^Password:/) @transport.expects(:command).with("password") @cisco.login end end describe "when entering enable password" do it "should raise an error if no enable password has been set" do @cisco.enable_password = nil expect{ @cisco.enable }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, /Can't issue "enable" to enter privileged/) end it "should send the enable command and expect an enable prompt" do @cisco.enable_password = 'mypass' @transport.expects(:command).with("enable", :prompt => /^Password:/) @cisco.enable end it "should send the enable password" do @cisco.enable_password = 'mypass' @transport.stubs(:command).with("enable", :prompt => /^Password:/) @transport.expects(:command).with("mypass") @cisco.enable end end end describe "when finding network device capabilities" do it "should try to execute sh vlan brief" do @transport.expects(:command).with("sh vlan brief").returns("") @cisco.find_capabilities end it "should detect errors" do @transport.stubs(:command).with("sh vlan brief").returns(< "FastEthernet0/1", "Fa0/1" => "FastEthernet0/1", "FastEth 0/1" => "FastEthernet0/1", "Gi1" => "GigabitEthernet1", "Te2" => "TenGigabitEthernet2", "Di9" => "Dialer9", "Ethernet 0/0/1" => "Ethernet0/0/1", "E0" => "Ethernet0", "ATM 0/1.1" => "ATM0/1.1", "VLAN99" => "VLAN99" }.each do |input,expected| it "should canonicalize #{input} to #{expected}" do expect(@cisco.canonicalize_ifname(input)).to eq(expected) end end describe "when updating device vlans" do describe "when removing a vlan" do it "should issue the no vlan command" do @transport.expects(:command).with("no vlan 200") @cisco.update_vlan("200", {:ensure => :present, :name => "200"}, { :ensure=> :absent}) end end describe "when updating a vlan" do it "should issue the vlan command to enter global vlan modifications" do @transport.expects(:command).with("vlan 200") @cisco.update_vlan("200", {:ensure => :present, :name => "200"}, { :ensure=> :present, :name => "200"}) end it "should issue the name command to modify the vlan description" do @transport.expects(:command).with("name myvlan") @cisco.update_vlan("200", {:ensure => :present, :name => "200"}, { :ensure=> :present, :name => "200", :description => "myvlan"}) end end end describe "when parsing interface" do it "should parse interface output" do @cisco.expects(:parse_interface).returns({ :ensure => :present }) expect(@cisco.interface("FastEthernet0/1")).to eq({ :ensure => :present }) end it "should parse trunking and merge results" do @cisco.stubs(:parse_interface).returns({ :ensure => :present }) @cisco.expects(:parse_trunking).returns({ :native_vlan => "100" }) expect(@cisco.interface("FastEthernet0/1")).to eq({ :ensure => :present, :native_vlan => "100" }) end it "should return an absent interface if parse_interface returns nothing" do @cisco.stubs(:parse_interface).returns({}) expect(@cisco.interface("FastEthernet0/1")).to eq({ :ensure => :absent }) end it "should parse ip address information and merge results" do @cisco.stubs(:parse_interface).returns({ :ensure => :present }) @cisco.expects(:parse_interface_config).returns({ :ipaddress => [24,IPAddr.new(''), nil] }) expect(@cisco.interface("FastEthernet0/1")).to eq({ :ensure => :present, :ipaddress => [24,IPAddr.new(''), nil] }) end it "should parse the sh interface command" do @transport.stubs(:command).with("sh interface FastEthernet0/1").returns(< :absent, :duplex => :auto, :speed => :auto }) end it "should be able to parse the sh vlan brief command output" do @cisco.stubs(:support_vlan_brief?).returns(true) @transport.stubs(:command).with("sh vlan brief").returns(<{:status=>"active", :interfaces=>["FastEthernet0/1", "FastEthernet0/2"], :description=>"management", :name=>"100"}, "1"=>{:status=>"active", :interfaces=>["FastEthernet0/3", "FastEthernet0/4", "FastEthernet0/5", "FastEthernet0/6", "FastEthernet0/7", "FastEthernet0/8", "FastEthernet0/9", "FastEthernet0/10", "FastEthernet0/11", "FastEthernet0/12", "FastEthernet0/13", "FastEthernet0/14", "FastEthernet0/15", "FastEthernet0/16", "FastEthernet0/17", "FastEthernet0/18", "FastEthernet0/23", "FastEthernet0/24"], :description=>"default", :name=>"1"}, "10"=>{:status=>"active", :interfaces=>[], :description=>"VLAN0010", :name=>"10"}}) end it "should parse trunk switchport information" do @transport.stubs(:command).with("sh interface FastEthernet0/21 switchport").returns(< :trunk, :encapsulation => :dot1q, :native_vlan => "1", :allowed_trunk_vlans=>:all, }) end it "should parse dynamic desirable switchport information with native and allowed vlans" do @transport.stubs(:command).with("sh interface GigabitEthernet 0/1 switchport").returns(< "dynamic desirable", :encapsulation => :dot1q, :access_vlan => "100", :native_vlan => "1", :allowed_trunk_vlans=>"1,99", }) end it "should parse access switchport information" do @transport.stubs(:command).with("sh interface FastEthernet0/1 switchport").returns(< :access, :access_vlan => "100", :native_vlan => "1" }) end it "should parse auto/negotiate switchport information" do @transport.stubs(:command).with("sh interface FastEthernet0/24 switchport").returns(< "dynamic auto", :encapsulation => :negotiate, :allowed_trunk_vlans => :all, :access_vlan => "1", :native_vlan => "2" }) end it "should parse ip addresses" do @transport.stubs(:command).with("sh running-config interface Vlan 1 | begin interface").returns(<[[24, IPAddr.new(''), 'secondary'], [24, IPAddr.new(''), nil], [64, IPAddr.new('2001:07a8:71c1::'), "eui-64"]]}) end it "should parse etherchannel membership" do @transport.stubs(:command).with("sh running-config interface Gi0/17 | begin interface").returns(<"1"}) end end describe "when finding device facts" do it "should delegate to the cisco facts entity" do facts = stub 'facts' Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice::Cisco::Facts.expects(:new).returns(facts) facts.expects(:retrieve).returns(:facts) expect(@cisco.facts).to eq(:facts) end end end end