require 'spec/spec_helper' describe ShopOrder do dataset :shop_orders, :shop_line_items, :shop_products, :shop_packages, :shop_payments describe '#quantity' do it 'should return the total items' do shop_orders(:empty).quantity.should === shop_orders(:empty).line_items.sum(:quantity) shop_orders(:several_items).quantity.should === shop_orders(:several_items).line_items.sum(:quantity) end end describe '#weight' do it 'should calculate a total weight' do shop_orders(:empty).weight.should === lambda{ weight = 0; shop_orders(:empty) { |l| weight += l.weight }; weight }.call shop_orders(:several_items).weight.should === lambda{ weight = 0; shop_orders(:several_items) { |l| weight += l.weight }; weight }.call end end describe '#price' do context 'inclusive tax' do it 'should calculate from the line items alone' do Radiant::Config['shop.tax_strategy'] = 'inclusive' shop_orders(:empty).price.should === lambda{ price = 0; shop_orders(:empty) { |l| price += l.price }; price }.call shop_orders(:several_items).price.should === lambda{ price = 0; shop_orders(:several_items) { |l| price += l.price }; price }.call end end context 'exclusive tax' do it 'should calculate from the line items and tax' do Radiant::Config['shop.tax_strategy'] = 'exclusive' Radiant::Config['shop.tax_percentage'] = 10 shop_orders(:empty).price.should === lambda{ price = 0; shop_orders(:empty) { |l| price += l.price }; price += shop_orders(:empty).tax }.call shop_orders(:several_items).price.should === lambda{ price = 0; shop_orders(:several_items) { |l| price += l.price }; price += shop_orders(:several_items).tax }.call end end end describe '#new?' do context 'success' do it 'should return true' do shop_orders(:one_item).update_attribute(:status, 'new') shop_orders(:one_item).new?.should === true end end context 'failure' do it 'should return false' do shop_orders(:one_item).update_attribute(:status, 'paid') shop_orders(:one_item).new?.should === false shop_orders(:one_item).update_attribute(:status, 'shipped') shop_orders(:one_item).new?.should === false end end end describe '#shipped?' do context 'success' do it 'should return true' do shop_orders(:one_item).update_attribute(:status, 'shipped') shop_orders(:one_item).shipped?.should === true end end context 'failure' do it 'should return false' do shop_orders(:one_item).update_attribute(:status, 'new') shop_orders(:one_item).shipped?.should === false shop_orders(:one_item).update_attribute(:status, 'paid') shop_orders(:one_item).shipped?.should === false end end end describe '#paid?' do context 'success' do it 'should return true' do shop_orders(:several_items).update_attribute(:status, 'paid') shop_orders(:several_items).payment.should === shop_payments(:visa) shop_orders(:several_items).paid?.should === true end end context 'failure' do describe 'status is not paid' do it 'should return false' do shop_orders(:several_items).update_attribute(:status, 'new') shop_orders(:several_items).paid?.should === false end end describe 'payment is nil' do it 'should return false' do shop_orders(:several_items).update_attribute(:status, 'paid') shop_orders(:several_items).payment = nil shop_orders(:several_items).paid?.should === false end end describe 'payment amount doesnt match' do it 'should return false' do shop_orders(:several_items).update_attribute(:status, 'paid') shop_orders(:several_items).payment.update_attribute(:amount, 11.00) shop_orders(:several_items).paid?.should === false end end end end describe '#add!' do context 'item not in cart' do before :each do @order = shop_orders(:empty) @product = shop_products(:crusty_bread) end context 'no quantity or type passed' do it 'should assign a default type and default quantity' do @order.add!( @order.line_items.count.should === 1 @order.line_items.first.item_type.should === 'ShopProduct' @order.line_items.first.quantity.should === 1 @order.line_items.first.item.should === @product end end context 'quantity passed' do it 'should assign the default type and new quantity' do @order.add!(, 2) @order.line_items.count.should === 1 @order.line_items.first.item_type.should === 'ShopProduct' @order.line_items.first.quantity.should === 2 @order.line_items.first.item.should === @product end end context 'type and quantity passed' do it 'should assign the new type and new quantity' do @order.add!(shop_packages(:all_bread).id, 2, 'ShopPackage') @order.line_items.count.should === 1 @order.quantity.should === 2 @order.line_items.first.item_type.should === 'ShopPackage' end end end context 'item in cart' do before :each do @order = shop_orders(:one_item) @line_item = @order.line_items.first end context 'no quantity or type passed' do it 'should assign a default type and default quantity' do @order.add!( @order.line_items.count.should === 1 @order.quantity.should === 1 end end context 'quantity passed' do it 'should assign the default type and new quantity' do @order.add!(, 2) @order.line_items.count.should === 1 @order.quantity.should === 3 end end end end describe '#modify!' do context 'quantity not set' do before :each do @order = shop_orders(:one_item) @line_item = @order.line_items.first end it 'should not update the item' do @order.modify!( @order.quantity.should === 1 end end context 'quantity set' do before :each do @order = shop_orders(:one_item) @line_item = @order.line_items.first end context 'quantity > 0' do it 'should assign that quantity' do @order.modify!(, 1) @order.quantity.should === 1 @order.modify!(, 2) @order.quantity.should === 2 @order.modify!(, 100) @order.quantity.should === 100 end end context 'quantity <= 0' do it 'should remove that item for 0' do @order.modify!(, 0) @order.quantity.should === 0 end it 'should remove that item for -1' do @order.modify!(, -1) @order.quantity.should === 0 end it 'should remove that item for -100' do @order.modify!(, -100) @order.quantity.should === 0 end end end end describe '#remove!' do it 'should remove the item' do @order = shop_orders(:several_items) items = @order.line_items.count @order.remove!( @order.line_items.count.should === items - 1 end end describe '#clear!' do it 'should remove all items' do @order = shop_orders(:several_items) @order.clear! @order.quantity.should === 0 end end describe '.scope_by_status' do context 'no scoping' do before :each do @orders = ShopOrder.count end context 'nil' do it 'should return all' do ShopOrder.scope_by_status(nil) do ShopOrder.count.should === @orders end end end context 'blank' do it 'should return all' do ShopOrder.scope_by_status('') do ShopOrder.count.should === @orders end end end context 'missing' do it 'should return all' do ShopOrder.scope_by_status('this_status_shall_never_be_real') do ShopOrder.count.should === @orders end end end end context 'scoping' do before :each do ShopOrder.create(:status => 'new') ShopOrder.create(:status => 'shipped') ShopOrder.create(:status => 'paid') end context 'new' do it 'should return matching count' do @orders = ShopOrder.all(:conditions => { :status => 'new' }).count ShopOrder.scope_by_status('new') do ShopOrder.count.should === @orders end end end context 'shipped' do it 'should return matching count' do @orders = ShopOrder.all(:conditions => { :status => 'shipped' }).count ShopOrder.scope_by_status('shipped') do ShopOrder.count.should === @orders end end end context 'paid' do it 'should return matching count' do @orders = ShopOrder.all(:conditions => { :status => 'paid' }).count ShopOrder.scope_by_status('paid') do ShopOrder.count.should === @orders end end end end end describe '.params' do it 'should have a set of standard parameters' do ShopOrder.params.should === [ :id, :notes, :status ] end end end