require 'spec_helper' require 'ffi/hunspell/dictionary' describe Hunspell::Dictionary do subject { described_class } let(:lang) { 'en_US' } let(:affix_path) { File.join(Hunspell.directories.last,"#{lang}.aff") } let(:dic_path) { File.join(Hunspell.directories.last,"#{lang}.dic") } describe "#initialize" do subject {,dic_path) } it "should create a dictionary from '.aff' and '.dic' files" do expect(subject.to_ptr).to_not be_nil end after { subject.close } end describe ".open" do subject { described_class } it "should find and open a dictionary file for a given language" do do |dict| expect(dict).to_not be_nil end end it "should close the dictionary" do dict = dict.close expect(dict).to be_closed end context "when given an unknown dictionary name" do it "should raise an ArgumentError" do expect {'foo') }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end context "when opened" do subject {,dic_path) } after { subject.close } it "should provide the encoding of the dictionary files" do expect(subject.encoding).to be_instance_of Encoding end it "should check if a word is valid" do expect(subject.valid?('dog')).to be true expect(subject.valid?('dxg')).to be false end describe "#add_dic" do let(:fixtures_dir) { File.expand_path('../fixtures',__FILE__) } let(:extra_dic) { File.join(fixtures_dir,'extra.dic') } if FFI::Hunspell.respond_to?(:Hunspell_add_dic) context "when libhunspell supports add_dic" do before do subject.add_dic(extra_dic) end it "should add an extra dictionary" do expect(subject.add_dic(extra_dic)).to be 0 end context "when the given extra dictionary file cannot be found" do it do expect { subject.add_dic('foo') }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end it "should validate a word from the extra dictionary" do expect(subject.valid?('dxg')).to be true end it "should validate an affixed word based on an affix flag from base affix file" do expect(subject.valid?('dxgs')).to be true end end else context "when libhunspell does not support add_dic" do it "should raise an error" do expect { subject.add_dic(extra_dic) }.to raise_error(NotImplementedError) end end end end describe "#add" do it "should add a word" do expect(subject.add('cat')).to be 0 end end describe "#add_with_affix" do it "should add a word with an example word" do expect(subject.add_with_affix('cat', 'agree')).to be 0 expect(subject.valid?('disagreeable')).to be true expect(subject.valid?('discatable')).to be true end end describe "#stem" do it "should find the stems of a word" do expect(subject.stem('fishing')).to be == %w[fishing fish] end it "should force_encode all strings" do expect(subject.suggest('fishing')).to all satisfy { |string| string.encoding == subject.encoding } end context "when there are no stems" do it "should return []" do expect(subject.stem("zzzzzzz")).to be == [] end end end describe "#suggest" do it "should suggest alternate spellings for words" do expect(subject.suggest('arbitrage')).to include( 'arbitrage', 'arbitrages', 'arbitrager', 'arbitraged', 'arbitrate' ) end it "should force_encode all strings" do expect(subject.suggest('arbitrage')).to all satisfy { |string| string.encoding == subject.encoding } end context "when there are no suggestions" do it "should return []" do expect(subject.suggest("________")).to be == [] end end end end end