module Couchbase::Operations module Touch # Update the expiry time of an item # # @since 1.0.0 # # The +touch+ method allow you to update the expiration time on a given # key. This can be useful for situations where you want to prevent an item # from expiring without resetting the associated value. For example, for a # session database you might want to keep the session alive in the database # each time the user accesses a web page without explicitly updating the # session value, keeping the user's session active and available. # # @overload touch(key, options = {}) # @param key [String, Symbol] Key used to reference the value. # @param options [Hash] Options for operation. # @option options [Fixnum] :ttl (self.default_ttl) Expiry time for key. # Values larger than 30*24*60*60 seconds (30 days) are interpreted as # absolute times (from the epoch). # @option options [true, false] :quiet (self.quiet) If set to +true+, the # operation won't raise error for missing key, it will return +nil+. # # @yieldparam ret [Result] the result of operation in asynchronous mode # (valid attributes: +error+, +operation+, +key+). # # @return [true, false] +true+ if the operation was successful and +false+ # otherwise. # # @raise [Couchbase::Error::Connect] if connection closed (see {Bucket#reconnect}) # # @raise [ArgumentError] when passing the block in synchronous mode # # @example Touch value using +default_ttl+ # c.touch("foo") # # @example Touch value using custom TTL (10 seconds) # c.touch("foo", :ttl => 10) # # @overload touch(keys) # @param keys [Hash] The Hash where keys represent the keys in the # database, values -- the expiry times for corresponding key. See # description of +:ttl+ argument above for more information about TTL # values. # # @yieldparam ret [Result] the result of operation for each key in # asynchronous mode (valid attributes: +error+, +operation+, +key+). # # @return [Hash] Mapping keys to result of touch operation (+true+ if the # operation was successful and +false+ otherwise) # # @example Touch several values # c.touch("foo" => 10, :bar => 20) #=> {"foo" => true, "bar" => true} # # @example Touch several values in async mode # do # c.touch("foo" => 10, :bar => 20) do |ret| # ret.operation #=> :touch # ret.success? #=> true # ret.key #=> "foo" and "bar" in separate calls # end # end # # @example Touch single value # c.touch("foo" => 10) #=> true # def touch(*args, &block) sync_block_error if !async? && block_given? key, options = expand_touch_args(args) if key.respond_to?(:to_hash) multi_touch_hash(key, options) elsif key.respond_to?(:to_ary) multi_touch_array(key, options) else if async? java_async_touch(key, options[:ttl], &block) else success = java_touch(key, options[:ttl]) not_found_error(!success, options) success end end end private def expand_touch_args(args) options = extract_options_hash(args) options[:ttl] ||= args.size > 1 ? args.pop : default_ttl key = args.pop [key, options] end def multi_touch_hash(keys, options = {}) {}.tap do |results| keys.each_pair do |key, ttl| results[key] = java_touch(key, ttl) end end end def multi_touch_array(keys, options = {}) ttl = options[:ttl] || default_ttl {}.tap do |results| keys.each do |key| results[key] = java_touch(key, ttl) end end end def java_touch(key, ttl, options = {}) client.touch(key, ttl).get end def java_async_touch(key, ttl, &block) register_future(client.touch(key, ttl), { op: :touch }, &block) end end end