module Slideshow module BackgroundHelper def gradient_from_headers( *args ) return "" unless headers.has_gradient? # do nothing if use hasn't set gradient headers (ignore defaults) # lets you use headers (gradient, gradient-theme, gradient-colors) # to define gradient (see for predefined themes) theme = headers[ :gradient_theme ] colors = headers[ :gradient_colors ].split(' ') # colors as space separated all-in-one string buf = "" if theme == 'diagonal' buf << "linear-gradient( top left, #{colors.join(', ')} )" elsif theme == 'top-bottom' buf << "linear-gradient( top, #{colors.join(', ')} )" elsif theme == 'left-right' buf << "linear-gradient( left, #{colors.join(', ')} )" elsif theme == 'repeat' buf << "repeating-linear-gradient( -60deg, #{colors.join(', ')} 10% )" elsif theme == 'radial' buf << "radial-gradient( #{colors.join(', ')} )" elsif theme == 'radial-off-center' buf << "radial-gradient( 70% 70%, ellipse, #{colors.join(', ')} )" elsif theme == 'radial-repeat' buf << "repeating-radial-gradient( 60% 60%, ellipse, #{colors.join(', ')} 10% )" else buf << "linear-gradient( #{colors.join(', ')} )" puts "warning: unknown gradient themes #{theme} - falling back to default" end puts " Adding CSS for gradient background style rule using headers..." puts " gradient-theme: #{theme}" puts " gradient-colors: #{colors.join(' ')}" content_for( :css, <<-EOS ) /**** * generated by gradient_from_headers helper; using headers: * gradient-theme: #{theme} * gradient-colors: #{colors.join(' ')} */ .slide { background-image: -webkit-#{buf}; background-image: -moz-#{buf}; background-image: -ms-#{buf}; background-image: -o-#{buf}; background-image: #{buf}; } EOS end def gradient( *args ) # check for optional hash for options opts = args.last.kind_of?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} colors = args clazz = opts[:class] || ( 's9_gradient_linear_'+colors.join('_').gsub( /[(), ]/, '_' ).gsub( /_{2,}/, '_').gsub( /[^-\w]/, '' ) ) ## generate code buf = "linear-gradient(top, #{colors.join(', ')} )" puts " Adding CSS for background style rule..." content_for( :css, <<-EOS ) .#{clazz} { background-image: -webkit-#{buf}; background-image: -moz-#{buf}; background-image: -ms-#{buf}; background-image: -o-#{buf}; background-image: #{buf}; } EOS # add processing instruction to get style class added to slide puts " Adding HTML PI for background style class '#{clazz}'..." "\n" end def background( *args ) # make everyting optional; use it like: # background( code, opts={} ) # check for optional hash for options opts = args.last.kind_of?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} # check for optional style rule code code = args.last.kind_of?(String) ? args.pop : '' clazz = opts[:class] || ( 's9'+code.strip.gsub( /[(), ]/, '_' ).gsub( /_{2,}/, '_').gsub( /[^-\w]/, '' ) ) # 1) add background rule to css # e.g. .simple { background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, blue, white); } unless code.empty? puts " Adding CSS for background style rule..." content_for( :css, <<-EOS ) .#{clazz} { background: #{code}; } EOS end # 2) add processing instruction to get style class added to slide puts " Adding HTML PI for background style class '#{clazz}'..." "\n" end end # module BackgroundHelper end # module Slideshow class Slideshow::Gen include Slideshow::BackgroundHelper end