module Beaker module Options #A class representing the environment variables and preset argument values to be incorporated #into the Beaker options Object. class Presets # This is a constant that describes the variables we want to collect # from the environment. The keys correspond to the keys in # `presets` (flattened) The values are an optional array of # environment variable names to look for. The array structure allows # us to define multiple environment variables for the same # configuration value. They are checked in the order they are arrayed # so that preferred and "fallback" values work as expected. # # 'JOB_NAME' and 'BUILD_URL' envs are supplied by Jenkins # ENVIRONMENT_SPEC = { :home => 'HOME', :project => ['BEAKER_PROJECT', 'BEAKER_project', 'JOB_NAME'], :department => ['BEAKER_DEPARTMENT', 'BEAKER_department'], :jenkins_build_url => ['BEAKER_BUILD_URL', 'BUILD_URL'], :created_by => ['BEAKER_CREATED_BY'], :consoleport => ['BEAKER_CONSOLEPORT', 'consoleport'], :is_pe => ['BEAKER_IS_PE', 'IS_PE'], :pe_dir => ['BEAKER_PE_DIR', 'pe_dist_dir'], :puppet_agent_version => ['BEAKER_PUPPET_AGENT_VERSION'], :puppet_agent_sha => ['BEAKER_PUPPET_AGENT_SHA'], :puppet_collection => ['BEAKER_PUPPET_COLLECTION'], :pe_version_file => ['BEAKER_PE_VERSION_FILE', 'pe_version_file'], :pe_ver => ['BEAKER_PE_VER', 'pe_ver'], :forge_host => ['BEAKER_FORGE_HOST', 'forge_host'], :package_proxy => ['BEAKER_PACKAGE_PROXY'], :release_apt_repo_url => ['BEAKER_RELEASE_APT_REPO', 'RELEASE_APT_REPO'], :release_yum_repo_url => ['BEAKER_RELEASE_YUM_REPO', 'RELEASE_YUM_REPO'], :dev_builds_url => ['BEAKER_DEV_BUILDS_URL', 'DEV_BUILDS_URL'], :vbguest_plugin => ['BEAKER_VB_GUEST_PLUGIN', 'BEAKER_vb_guest_plugin'], :test_tag_and => ['BEAKER_TAG', 'BEAKER_TEST_TAG_AND'], :test_tag_or => ['BEAKER_TEST_TAG_OR'], :test_tag_exclude => ['BEAKER_EXCLUDE_TAG', 'BEAKER_TEST_TAG_EXCLUDE'], :run_in_parallel => ['BEAKER_RUN_IN_PARALLEL'], } # Select all environment variables whose name matches provided regex # @return [Hash] Hash of environment variables def select_env_by_regex regex envs = ENV.each_pair do | k, v | if k.to_s =~ /#{regex}/ envs[k] = v end end envs end # Takes an environment_spec and searches the processes environment variables accordingly # # @param [Hash{Symbol=>Array,String}] env_var_spec the spec of what env vars to search for # # @return [Hash] Found environment values def collect_env_vars( env_var_spec ) env_var_spec.inject({}) do |memo, key_value| key, value = key_value[0], key_value[1] set_env_var = Array(value).detect {|possible_variable| ENV[possible_variable] } memo[key] = ENV[set_env_var] if set_env_var memo end end # Takes a hash where the values are found environment configuration values # and formats them to appropriate Beaker configuration values # # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] found_env_vars Environment variables to munge # # @return [Hash] Environment config values formatted appropriately def format_found_env_vars( found_env_vars ) found_env_vars[:consoleport] &&= found_env_vars[:consoleport].to_i if found_env_vars[:is_pe] is_pe_val = found_env_vars[:is_pe] type = case is_pe_val when /yes|true/ then 'pe' when /no|false/ then 'foss' else raise "Invalid value for one of #{ENVIRONMENT_SPEC[:is_pe].join(' ,')}: #{is_pe_val}" end found_env_vars[:type] = type end if found_env_vars[:run_in_parallel] found_env_vars[:run_in_parallel] = found_env_vars[:run_in_parallel].split(',') end found_env_vars[:pe_version_file_win] = found_env_vars[:pe_version_file] found_env_vars end # Generates an OptionsHash of the environment variables of interest to Beaker # # @return [OptionsHash] The supported environment variables in an OptionsHash, # empty or nil environment variables are removed from the OptionsHash def calculate_env_vars found = found = found.merge(format_found_env_vars( collect_env_vars( ENVIRONMENT_SPEC ))) found[:answers] = select_env_by_regex('\\Aq_') found.delete_if {|key, value| value.nil? or value.empty? } found end # Return an OptionsHash of environment variables used in this run of Beaker # # @return [OptionsHash] The supported environment variables in an OptionsHash, # empty or nil environment variables are removed from the OptionsHash def env_vars @env ||= calculate_env_vars end # Generates an OptionsHash of preset values for arguments supported by Beaker # # @return [OptionsHash] The supported arguments in an OptionsHash def presets h = h.merge({ :project => 'Beaker', :department => 'unknown', :created_by => ENV['USER'] || ENV['USERNAME'] || 'unknown', :host_tags => {}, :openstack_api_key => ENV['OS_PASSWORD'], :openstack_username => ENV['OS_USERNAME'], :openstack_auth_url => "#{ENV['OS_AUTH_URL']}/tokens", :openstack_tenant => ENV['OS_TENANT_NAME'], :openstack_keyname => ENV['OS_KEYNAME'], :openstack_network => ENV['OS_NETWORK'], :openstack_region => ENV['OS_REGION'], :jenkins_build_url => nil, :validate => true, :configure => true, :log_level => 'info', :trace_limit => 10, :"master-start-curl-retries" => 120, :masterless => false, :options_file => nil, :type => 'pe', :provision => true, :preserve_hosts => 'never', :root_keys => false, :quiet => false, :project_root => File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../")), :xml_dir => 'junit', :xml_file => 'beaker_junit.xml', :xml_time => 'beaker_times.xml', :xml_time_enabled => false, :xml_stylesheet => 'junit.xsl', :default_log_prefix => 'beaker_logs', :log_dir => 'log', :log_sut_event => 'sut.log', :color => true, :dry_run => false, :test_tag_and => '', :test_tag_or => '', :test_tag_exclude => '', :timeout => 900, # 15 minutes :fail_mode => 'slow', :accept_all_exit_codes => false, :timesync => false, :disable_iptables => false, :set_env => true, :disable_updates => true, :repo_proxy => false, :package_proxy => false, :add_el_extras => false, :epel_url => "", :consoleport => 443, :pe_dir => '/opt/enterprise/dists', :pe_version_file => 'LATEST', :pe_version_file_win => 'LATEST-win', :host_env => {}, :host_name_prefix => nil, :ssh_env_file => '~/.ssh/environment', :profile_d_env_file => '/etc/profile.d/', :dot_fog => File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.fog'), :ec2_yaml => 'config/image_templates/ec2.yaml', :help => false, :collect_perf_data => 'none', :puppetdb_port_ssl => 8081, :puppetdb_port_nonssl => 8080, :puppetserver_port => 8140, :nodeclassifier_port => 4433, :cache_files_locally => false, :aws_keyname_modifier => rand(10 ** 10).to_s.rjust(10,'0'), # 10 digit random number string :run_in_parallel => [], :ssh => { :config => false, :paranoid => false, :auth_methods => ["publickey"], :port => 22, :forward_agent => true, :keys => ["#{ENV['HOME']}/.ssh/id_rsa"], :user_known_hosts_file => "#{ENV['HOME']}/.ssh/known_hosts", :keepalive => true } }) end end end end