dir = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/random_data" require "#{dir}/array_randomizer" require "#{dir}/booleans" require "#{dir}/contact_info" require "#{dir}/dates" require "#{dir}/locations" require "#{dir}/names" require "#{dir}/numbers" require "#{dir}/text" require "#{dir}/markov" require "#{dir}/grammar" require "#{dir}/version" class Random extend RandomData::Booleans extend RandomData::ContactInfo extend RandomData::Dates extend RandomData::Grammar extend RandomData::Locations extend RandomData::Names extend RandomData::Numbers extend RandomData::Text # Looks for a file in the load path with the name methodname.dat, reads the lines from that file, then gives you a random line from that file. # Raises an error if it can't find the file. For example, given a file named "horse.dat" in your load path: # >> Random.horse # => "Stallion" # >> Random.horse # => "Pony" # >> Random.horse # => "Mare" # >> Random.horse # => "Clydesdale" # >> Random.horse # => "Stallion" # >> Random.horse # => "Mare" def self.method_missing(methodname) thing = "#{methodname}.dat" filename = find_path(thing) if filename.nil? super else array = [] File.open(filename, 'r') { |f| array = f.read.split(/[\r\n]+/) } return array.rand end end private def self.find_path(filename) $:.each do |path| new_path = File.join(path,filename) return new_path if File.exist?(new_path) end return nil end end