/* =colors-utils

Sass functions and color related variables beyond standard color declarations
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

// map for all color declarations
$colors: () !default;

// map for only colorified colors
$core_colors: () !default;

// pre-defined variations for easy consistent adjustments across future color variation tweaks
$variations: (
  light: (
    function: lighten,
    parameters: 15%
  dark: (
    function: darken,
    parameters: 10%

// appends colors to master color list
@function set_color($id, $color, $core: false) {
  $colors: map-merge($colors, ($id: $color)) !global; // adds color declaration to global $colors map

  @if $core {
    $core_colors: map-merge($core_colors, ($id: $color)) !global; // adds color declaration to global $core_colors map

  @return $color;

// retrieves a color from the master color list
@function get_color($key) {
  @if map-has-key($colors, $key) {
    @return map-get($colors, $key);
  @warn "Unknown `#{$key}` in $colors.";
  @return null;

@function color-variation($color, $variation: false) {
  // get $color variable:
  $color: get_color($color);

  @if $variation {
    @if not map-has-key($variations, $variation) {
      // variation is not in $variations
      @error "Invalid $variation: `#{$variation}`.";
    } @else {
      // make it easier to deal with nested map
      $this-variation: map-get($variations, $variation);
      // $args = $function, $color
      $args: join(map-get($this-variation, function), $color);
      @if map-get($this-variation, parameters) {
        // $args = $function, $colors, $parameters
        $args: join($args, map-get($this-variation, parameters));
      //@return $args;
      @return call($args...);
  // no $variation, just return $color
  @return $color;

// alias for get_color
@function color($key) {
  @return get_color($key);

// generates dynamic of a provided color and registers them as unique colors
@function colorify($id, $color) {
  $base-color: set_color($id, $color, true);
  @each $variation, $varation-args in $variations {
    $variant-color: set_color('#{$id}-#{$variation}', color-variation($id, $variation));
  @return $base-color;