module Stf module CLI require 'gli' require 'stf/client' require 'stf/interactor/start_debug_session_interactor' require 'stf/interactor/stop_debug_session_interactor' require 'stf/interactor/stop_all_debug_sessions_interactor' require 'stf/interactor/remove_all_user_devices_interactor' require 'stf/interactor/get_keys_interactor' require 'stf/interactor/get_values_interactor' require 'stf/interactor/user_interactor' include GLI::App extend self program_desc 'Smartphone Test Lab client' desc 'Be verbose' switch [:v, :verbose] desc 'Authorization token, can also be set by environment variable STF_TOKEN' flag [:t, :token] desc 'URL to STF, can also be set by environment variable STF_URL' flag [:u, :url] pre do |global_options, _command, _options, _args| global_options[:url] = ENV['STF_URL'] if global_options[:url].nil? global_options[:token] = ENV['STF_TOKEN'] if global_options[:token].nil? help_now!('STF url is required') if global_options[:url].nil? help_now!('Authorization token is required') if global_options[:token].nil? Log.verbose(global_options[:verbose]) $stf =[:url], global_options[:token]) end desc 'Search for a device available in STF and attach it to local adb server' command :connect do |c| c.switch [:all] c.flag [:n, :number] c.flag [:f, :filter] c.action do |_global_options, options, _args|$stf).execute(options[:number], options[:all], options[:filter]) end end desc 'Show avaliable keys for filtering' command :keys do |c| c.action do |_global_options, _options, _args| puts$stf).execute end end desc 'Show known values for the filtering key' command :values do |c| c.flag [:k, :key] c.action do |_global_options, options, _args| if options[:key].nil? help_now!('Please specify the key (--key)') else puts$stf).execute(options[:key]) end end end desc 'Disconnect device(s) from local adb server and remove device(s) from user devices in STF' command :disconnect do |c| c.desc '(optional) ADB connection url of the device' c.flag [:d, :device] c.switch [:all] c.action do |_global_options, options, _args| if options[:device].nil? && options[:all] == true$stf).execute elsif !options[:device].nil? && options[:all] == false$stf).execute(options[:device]) elsif help_now!('Please specify disconnect mode (--all or --device)') end end end desc 'Frees all devices that are assigned to current user in STF. Doesn\'t modify local adb' command :clean do |c| c.action do |_global_options, _options, _args|$stf).execute end end desc 'Add current adb public key into STF (depends on' command :trustme do |c| c.flag [:k, :adb_public_key_location], desc: 'Location of adb public key', default_value: '~/.android/' c.action do |_global_options, options, _args| options[:adb_public_key_location] = '~/.android/' if options[:adb_public_key_location].nil? filename = File.expand_path(options[:adb_public_key_location]) unless File.exist? filename help_now!("File does not exist: '#{options[:adb_public_key_location]}'") end$stf).execute(options[:adb_public_key_location]) end end exit run(ARGV) end end