require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "YARD::Handlers::Ruby::#{LEGACY_PARSER ? "Legacy::" : ""}ClassHandler" do before(:all) { parse_file :class_handler_001, __FILE__ } it "parses a class block with docstring" do expect(P("A").docstring).to eq "Docstring" end it "handles complex class names" do expect(P("A::B::C")).not_to eq nil end it "handles the subclassing syntax" do expect(P("A::B::C").superclass).to eq P(:String) expect(P("A::X").superclass).to eq"A::B::C") end it "interprets class << self as a class level block" do expect(P("A.classmethod1")).not_to eq nil end it "interprets class << ClassName as a class level block in ClassName's namespace" do expect(P("A::B::C.Hello")).to be_instance_of(CodeObjects::MethodObject) end it "makes visibility public when parsing a block" do expect(P("A::B::C#method1").visibility).to eq :public end it "sets superclass type to :class if it is a Proxy" do expect(P("A::B::C").superclass.type).to eq :class end it "looks for a superclass before creating the class if it shares the same name" do expect(P('B::A').superclass).to eq P('A') end it "handles class definitions in the form ::ClassName" do expect("MyRootClass")).not_to be nil end it "handles superclass as a constant-style method (camping style < R /path/)" do expect(P('Test1').superclass).to eq P(:R) expect(P('Test2').superclass).to eq P(:R) expect(P('Test6').superclass).to eq P(:NotDelegateClass) end it "handles superclass with or syntax (superclass should be OStruct/Struct)" do expect(P('Test3').superclass).to eq P(:Struct) expect(P('Test4').superclass).to eq P(:OStruct) end it "handles DelegateClass(CLASSNAME) superclass syntax" do expect(P('Test5').superclass).to eq P(:Array) end it "handles a superclass of the same name in the form ::ClassName" do expect(P('Q::Logger').superclass).to eq P(:Logger) expect(P('Q::Foo').superclass).not_to eq P('Q::Logger') end ["CallMethod('test')", "VSD^#}}", 'not.aclass', 'self'].each do |klass| it "raises an UndocumentableError for invalid class '#{klass}'" do with_parser(:ruby18) { undoc_error "class #{klass}; end" } end end ['@@INVALID', 'hi', '$MYCLASS', ''].each do |klass| it "raises an UndocumentableError for invalid superclass '#{klass}' but it should create the class." do expect(YARD::CodeObjects::ClassObject).to receive(:new).with(Registry.root, 'A') with_parser(:ruby18) { undoc_error "class A < #{klass}; end" } expect('A').superclass).to eq P(:Object) end end ['not.aclass', 'self', ''].each do |klass| it "raises an UndocumentableError if the constant class reference 'class << SomeConstant' does not point to a valid class name" do with_parser(:ruby18) do undoc_error <<-eof CONST = #{klass} class << CONST; end eof end expect( be nil end end it "documents 'class << SomeConstant' by using SomeConstant's value as a reference to the real class name" do expect('String.classmethod')).not_to be nil end it "allows class << SomeRubyClass to create the class if it does not exist" do expect('Symbol.toString')).not_to be nil end it "documents 'class Exception' without running into superclass issues" do Parser::SourceParser.parse_string <<-eof class Exception end eof expect( be nil end it "documents 'class RT < XX::RT' with proper superclass even if XX::RT is a proxy" do expect( be nil expect( eq P('XX::RT') end it "does not overwrite docstring with an empty one" do expect( eq "Docstring 2" end it "turns 'class Const <' into class Const with attr :sym" do obj ="Point") expect(obj).to be_kind_of(CodeObjects::ClassObject) attrs = obj.attributes[:instance] [:x, :y, :z].each do |key| expect(attrs).to have_key(key) expect(attrs[key][:read]).not_to be nil expect(attrs[key][:write]).not_to be nil end end it "turns 'class Const <'Name', :sym)' into class Const with attr :sym" do obj ="AnotherPoint") expect(obj).to be_kind_of(CodeObjects::ClassObject) attrs = obj.attributes[:instance] [:a, :b, :c].each do |key| expect(attrs).to have_key(key) expect(attrs[key][:read]).not_to be nil expect(attrs[key][:write]).not_to be nil end expect("XPoint")).to be nil end it "creates a Struct::Name class when class Const <'Name', :sym) is found" do obj ="Struct::XPoint") expect(obj).not_to be nil end it "attaches attribtues to the generated Struct::Name class when'Name') is used" do obj ="Struct::XPoint") attrs = obj.attributes[:instance] [:a, :b, :c].each do |key| expect(attrs).to have_key(key) expect(attrs[key][:read]).not_to be nil expect(attrs[key][:write]).not_to be nil end end it "uses @attr to set attribute descriptions on Struct subclasses" do obj ="DoccedStruct#input") expect(obj.docstring).to eq "the input stream" end it "uses @attr to set attribute types on Struct subclasses" do obj ="DoccedStruct#someproc") expect(obj).not_to be nil expect(obj.tag(:return)).not_to be nil expect(obj.tag(:return).types).to eq ["Proc", "#call"] end it "defaults types unspecified by @attr to Object on Struct subclasses" do obj ="DoccedStruct#mode") expect(obj).not_to be nil expect(obj.tag(:return)).not_to be nil expect(obj.tag(:return).types).to eq ["Object"] end it "creates parameters for writers of Struct subclass's attributes" do obj ="DoccedStruct#input=") expect(obj.tags(:param).size).to eq 1 expect(obj.tag(:param).types).to eq ["IO"] end ["SemiDoccedStruct", "NotAStruct"].each do |struct| describe("Attributes on a " + (struct == "NotAStruct" ? "class" : "struct")) do it "defines both readers and writers when @attr is used on Structs" do obj = attrs = obj.attributes[:instance] expect(attrs[:first][:read]).not_to be nil expect(attrs[:first][:write]).not_to be nil end it "defines only a reader when only @attr_reader is used on Structs" do obj = attrs = obj.attributes[:instance] expect(attrs[:second][:read]).not_to be nil expect(attrs[:second][:write]).to be nil end it "defines only a writer when only @attr_writer is used on Structs" do obj = attrs = obj.attributes[:instance] expect(attrs[:third][:read]).to be nil expect(attrs[:third][:write]).not_to be nil end it "defines a reader with correct return types when @attr_reader is used on Structs" do obj ="#{struct}#second") expect(obj.tag(:return).types).to eq ["Fixnum"] end it "defines a writer with correct parameter types when @attr_writer is used on Structs" do obj ="#{struct}#third=") expect(obj.tag(:param).types).to eq ["Array"] end it "defines a reader and a writer when both @attr_reader and @attr_writer are used" do obj = attrs = obj.attributes[:instance] expect(attrs[:fourth][:read]).not_to be nil expect(attrs[:fourth][:write]).not_to be nil end it "uses @attr_reader for the getter when both @attr_reader and @attr_writer are given" do obj ="#{struct}#fourth") expect(obj.tag(:return).types).to eq ["#read"] end it "uses @attr_writer for the setter when both @attr_reader and @attr_writer are given" do obj ="#{struct}#fourth=") expect(obj.tag(:param).types).to eq ["IO"] end it "extracts text from @attr_reader" do expect("#{struct}#fourth").docstring).to eq "returns a proc that reads" end it "extracts text from @attr_writer" do expect("#{struct}#fourth=").docstring).to eq "sets the proc that writes stuff" end end end it "inherits from a regular struct" do expect('RegularStruct').superclass).to eq P(:Struct) expect('RegularStruct2').superclass).to eq P(:Struct) end it "handles inheritance from 'self'" do expect('Outer1::Inner1').superclass).to eq'Outer1') end end