# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # # Copyright 2014 PagerDuty, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'spec_helper' describe Lita::Handlers::GithubIssues, lita_handler: true do # issues_list command routing it { routes_command('gh issues GrapeDuty/lita-test').to(:issues_list) } it { routes_command('gh issues lita-test').to(:issues_list) } it { routes_command('gh issues lita-test key:value keys:"values"').to(:issues_list) } it { routes_command('gh repo issues GrapeDuty/lita-test').to(:issues_list) } it { routes_command('gh repo issues lita-test').to(:issues_list) } it { routes_command('gh repo issues lita-test key:value keys:"values"').to(:issues_list) } let(:gh_org) { 'GapeDuty' } let(:gh_repo) { 'lita-test' } let(:github_issues) { Lita::Handlers::GithubIssues.new('robot') } describe '.validate_list_opts' do let(:good_opts) { { state: 'open', sort: 'updated', direction: 'asc' } } let(:bad_opts) { Hash.new('sometestval').merge(state: 'shipped', sort: 'most code', direction: 'backwards, yo') } let(:bad_state) { good_opts.merge(state: 'something') } let(:bad_sort) { good_opts.merge(sort: 'something') } let(:bad_direction) { good_opts.merge(direction: 'backwards, yo') } let(:io_header) { "Invalid option(s):\n" } context 'when all options are good' do it 'should reply with a string' do expect(github_issues.send(:validate_list_opts, good_opts)).to be_an_instance_of String end it 'should reply with empty string' do expect(github_issues.send(:validate_list_opts, good_opts)).to be_empty end end context 'when :state is invalid' do it 'should return a string containing a valid error message' do r = github_issues.send(:validate_list_opts, bad_state) expect(r).to eql "#{io_header}Issues can be one of the following states: 'open', 'closed', or 'all'\n" end end context 'when :sort is invalid' do it 'should return a string containing a valid error message' do r = github_issues.send(:validate_list_opts, bad_sort) expect(r).to eql "#{io_header}Issues can be sorted by one of the following: 'created', 'updated', 'comments'\n" end end context 'when :direction is invalid' do it 'should return a string containing a valid error message' do r = github_issues.send(:validate_list_opts, bad_direction) expect(r).to eql "#{io_header}Issues can be ordered either 'asc' (ascending) or 'desc' (descending)\n" end end context 'when the user did EVERYTHING wrong' do it 'should return a string containing all the error messages' do r = github_issues.send(:validate_list_opts, bad_opts) expect(r).to eql( "#{io_header}Issues can be one of the following states: 'open', 'closed', or 'all'\n" \ "Issues can be sorted by one of the following: 'created', 'updated', 'comments'\n" \ "Issues can be ordered either 'asc' (ascending) or 'desc' (descending)\n" ) end end end describe '.issues_list' do before do issues = [ { number: 42, title: 'XYXYXYXY', html_url: 'https://github.com/GrapeDuty/lita-test/issues/42', user: { login: 'theckman' } }, { number: 84, title: 'YZYZYZYZ', html_url: 'https://github.com/GrapeDuty/lita-test/issues/84', user: { login: 'theckman' } }, { number: 99, title: 'NO', html_url: 'https://github.com/GrapeDuty/lita-test/issues/99', user: { login: 'theckman' }, pull_request: {} } ] @octo_obj = double('Octokit::Client', list_issues: issues) allow(github_issues).to receive(:octo).and_return(@octo_obj) allow(github_issues).to receive(:repo?).and_return(true) allow(github_issues).to receive(:validate_list_opts).and_return('') end context 'when all goes well' do it 'should reply with the list of issues' do send_command('gh issues GrapeDuty/lita-test') r = replies.last expect(r).to eql "Showing 2 issue(s) for GrapeDuty/lita-test GrapeDuty/lita-test #42: 'XYXYXYXY' opened by theckman :: https://github.com/GrapeDuty/lita-test/issues/42 GrapeDuty/lita-test #84: 'YZYZYZYZ' opened by theckman :: https://github.com/GrapeDuty/lita-test/issues/84 " end end context 'when there are no issues' do before { allow(@octo_obj).to receive(:list_issues).and_return([]) } it 'should return message indicating no issues' do send_command('gh issues GrapeDuty/lita-test') expect(replies.last).to eql 'There are no open issues for GrapeDuty/lita-test' end end context 'when there is an option that fails validation' do before { allow(github_issues).to receive(:validate_list_opts).and_return('sadpanda') } it 'should reply with the response from .validate_list_opts' do send_command('gh issues GrapeDuty/lita-test') expect(replies.last).to eql 'sadpanda' end end context 'when the repo is not found' do before { allow(github_issues).to receive(:repo?).and_return(false) } it 'should reply with response indicating repo not found' do send_command('gh issues GrapeDuty/lita-test') expect(replies.last).to eql 'That repo (GrapeDuty/lita-test) was not found' end end context 'when an option passes validation, but fails from GitHub' do before { allow(@octo_obj).to receive(:list_issues).and_raise(Octokit::UnprocessableEntity.new) } it 'should reply indicating an issue was hit and include the exception message' do send_command('gh issues GrapeDuty/lita-test') expect(replies.last).to eql "An invalid option was provided, here's the error from Octokit: Octokit::UnprocessableEntity" end end context 'when there is a general error when calling GitHub' do before { allow(@octo_obj).to receive(:list_issues).and_raise(StandardError.new) } it 'should reply indicating an issue was hit and include the exception message' do send_command('gh issues GrapeDuty/lita-test') expect(replies.last).to eql 'I had a problem :( ... StandardError' end end end end