# frozen_string_literal: true namespace :benchmarks do # https://github.com/evanphx/benchmark-ips # Enable and start GC before each job run. Disable GC afterwards. # # Inspired by https://www.omniref.com/ruby/2.2.1/symbols/Benchmark/bm?#annotation=4095926&line=182 class GCSuite def warming(*) run_gc end def running(*) run_gc end def warmup_stats(*) end def add_report(*) end private def run_gc GC.enable GC.start GC.disable end end # desc 'setup standard benchmark' task :setup do require "benchmark" require "benchmark/ips" require "redis" if ENV["COVERAGE"] || ENV["ONESHOT"] require "coverage" ::Coverage.start(oneshot_lines: !!ENV["ONESHOT"]) end require "coverband" require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "dog") end def benchmark_redis_store redis = if ENV["REDIS_TEST_URL"] Redis.new(url: ENV["REDIS_TEST_URL"]) else Redis.new end Coverband::Adapters::RedisStore.new(redis, redis_namespace: "coverband_bench") end # desc 'set up coverband with Redis' task :setup_redis do Coverband.configure do |config| config.root = Dir.pwd config.logger = $stdout config.store = benchmark_redis_store config.use_oneshot_lines_coverage = true if ENV["ONESHOT"] config.simulate_oneshot_lines_coverage = true if ENV["SIMULATE_ONESHOT"] end end # desc 'set up coverband with filestore' task :setup_file do Coverband.configure do |config| config.root = Dir.pwd config.logger = $stdout file_path = "/tmp/benchmark_store.json" config.store = Coverband::Adapters::FileStore.new(file_path) end end def work # simulate many calls to the same line 10_000.times { Dog.new.bark } end # puts "benchmark for: #{Coverband.configuration.inspect}" # puts "store: #{Coverband.configuration.store.inspect}" def run_work(hold_work = false) suite = GCSuite.new Benchmark.ips do |x| x.config(time: 12, warmup: 5, suite: suite) x.report "coverband" do work Coverband.report_coverage end x.report "no coverband" do work end x.hold! "temp_results" if hold_work x.compare! end Coverband::Collectors::Coverage.instance.reset_instance end LINES = 45 NON_NIL_LINES = 18 def fake_line_numbers LINES.times.map do |line| coverage = line < NON_NIL_LINES ? rand(5) : nil end end def fake_report 2934.times.each_with_object({}) do |file_number, hash| hash["file#{file_number + 1}.rb"] = fake_line_numbers end end def adjust_report(report) report.keys.each do |file| next unless rand < 0.15 report[file] = fake_line_numbers end report end def mock_files(store) ### # this is a hack because in the benchmark we don't have real files ### def store.file_hash(_file) @file_hash ||= Digest::MD5.file(__FILE__).hexdigest end def store.full_path_to_relative(file) file end end def reporting_speed report = fake_report store = benchmark_redis_store store.clear! mock_files(store) 5.times { store.save_report(report) } Benchmark.ips do |x| x.config(time: 15, warmup: 5) x.report("store_reports_all") { store.save_report(report) } end keys_subset = report.keys.first(100) report_subset = report.select { |key, _value| keys_subset.include?(key) } Benchmark.ips do |x| x.config(time: 20, warmup: 5) x.report("store_reports_subset") { store.save_report(report_subset) } end end def measure_memory require "memory_profiler" report = fake_report store = benchmark_redis_store store.clear! mock_files(store) # warmup 3.times { store.save_report(report) } previous_out = $stdout capture = StringIO.new $stdout = capture MemoryProfiler.report { 10.times { store.save_report(report) } }.pretty_print data = $stdout.string $stdout = previous_out unless data.match?("Total retained: 0 bytes") puts data raise "leaking memory!!!" end ensure $stdout = previous_out end def measure_memory_report_coverage require "memory_profiler" report = fake_report store = benchmark_redis_store store.clear! mock_files(store) # warmup 3.times { Coverband.report_coverage } previous_out = $stdout capture = StringIO.new $stdout = capture MemoryProfiler.report { 10.times do Coverband.report_coverage ### # Set to nil not {} as it is easier to verify that no memory is retained when nil gets released # don't use Coverband::Collectors::Delta.reset which sets to {} # we clear this as this one variable is expected to retain memory and is a false positive ### Coverband::Collectors::Delta.class_variable_set(:@@previous_coverage, nil) end }.pretty_print data = $stdout.string $stdout = previous_out unless data.match?("Total retained: 0 bytes") puts data raise "leaking memory!!!" end ensure $stdout = previous_out end ### # TODO: This currently fails, as it holds a string in redis adapter # but really Coverband shouldn't be configured multiple times and the leak is small # not including in test suite but we can try to figure it out and fix. ### def measure_configure_memory require "memory_profiler" # warmup 3.times { Coverband.configure } previous_out = $stdout capture = StringIO.new $stdout = capture MemoryProfiler.report { 10.times do Coverband.configure do |config| redis_url = ENV["CACHE_REDIS_URL"] || ENV["REDIS_URL"] config.store = Coverband::Adapters::RedisStore.new(Redis.new(url: redis_url), redis_namespace: "coverband_bench_data") end end }.pretty_print data = $stdout.string $stdout = previous_out unless data.match?("Total retained: 0 bytes") puts data raise "leaking memory!!!" end ensure $stdout = previous_out end desc "checks memory of collector" task memory_check: [:setup] do # require 'pry-byebug' require "objspace" puts "memory load check" puts(ObjectSpace.memsize_of_all / 2**20) data = File.read("./tmp/debug_data.json") # about 2mb puts(ObjectSpace.memsize_of(data) / 2**20) json_data = JSON.parse(data) # this seems to just show the value of the pointer # puts(ObjectSpace.memsize_of(json_data) / 2**20) # implies json takes 10-12 mb puts(ObjectSpace.memsize_of_all / 2**20) json_data = nil GC.start json_data = JSON.parse(data) # this seems to just show the value of the pointer # puts(ObjectSpace.memsize_of(json_data) / 2**20) # implies json takes 10-12 mb puts(ObjectSpace.memsize_of_all / 2**20) json_data = nil GC.start json_data = JSON.parse(data) # this seems to just show the value of the pointer # puts(ObjectSpace.memsize_of(json_data) / 2**20) # implies json takes 10-12 mb puts(ObjectSpace.memsize_of_all / 2**20) json_data = nil GC.start json_data = JSON.parse(data) # this seems to just show the value of the pointer # puts(ObjectSpace.memsize_of(json_data) / 2**20) # implies json takes 10-12 mb puts(ObjectSpace.memsize_of_all / 2**20) json_data = nil GC.start puts(ObjectSpace.memsize_of_all / 2**20) # dig in some more... # debugger puts "done" end desc "runs memory reporting on Redis store" task memory_reporting: [:setup] do puts "runs memory benchmarking to ensure we dont leak" measure_memory end desc "runs memory reporting on report_coverage" task memory_reporting_report_coverage: [:setup] do puts "runs memory benchmarking on report_coverage to ensure we dont leak" measure_memory_report_coverage end desc "runs memory reporting on configure" task memory_configure_reporting: [:setup] do puts "runs memory benchmarking on configure to ensure we dont leak" measure_configure_memory end desc "runs memory leak check via Rails tests" task memory_rails: [:setup] do puts "runs memory rails test to ensure we dont leak" puts `COVERBAND_MEMORY_TEST=true bundle exec test/forked/rails_full_stack_test.rb` end desc "runs memory leak checks" task memory: %i[memory_reporting memory_reporting_report_coverage memory_rails] do puts "done" end desc "runs benchmarks on reporting large sets of files to redis" task redis_reporting: [:setup] do puts "runs benchmarks on reporting large sets of files to redis" reporting_speed end # desc 'runs benchmarks on default redis setup' task run_redis: %i[setup setup_redis] do puts "Coverband configured with default Redis store" run_work(true) end def run_big require "memory_profiler" require "./test/unique_files" 4000.times { |index| require_unique_file("big_dog.rb.erb", dog_number: index) } # warmup 3.times { Coverband.report_coverage } dogs = 400.times.map { |index| Object.const_get("Dog#{index}") } MemoryProfiler.report { 10.times do dogs.each(&:bark) Coverband.report_coverage end }.pretty_print end task run_big: %i[setup setup_redis] do # ensure we cleared from last run benchmark_redis_store.clear! run_big end # desc 'runs benchmarks file store' task run_file: %i[setup setup_file] do puts "Coverband configured with file store" run_work(true) end desc "benchmarks external requests to coverband_demo site" task :coverband_demo do # for local testing # puts `ab -n 500 -c 5 ""` puts `ab -n 2000 -c 10 "https://coverband-demo.herokuapp.com/posts"` end desc "benchmarks external requests to coverband_demo site" task :coverband_demo_graph do # for local testing # puts `ab -n 200 -c 5 ""` # puts `ab -n 500 -c 10 -g tmp/ab_brench.tsv ""` puts `ab -n 2000 -c 10 -g tmp/ab_brench.tsv "https://coverband-demo.herokuapp.com/posts"` puts `test/benchmarks/graph_bench.sh` `open tmp/timeseries.jpg` end desc "benchmark initialization of rails" task :init_rails do require "benchmark" require "benchmark/ips" Benchmark.ips do |x| x.config(time: 60, warmup: 0) x.report("init_rails") do system("bundle exec rake init_rails -f ./test/benchmarks/init_rails.rake") end end end desc "compare Coverband Ruby Coverage with Filestore with normal Ruby" task :compare_file do puts "comparing Coverage loaded/not, this takes some time for output..." puts "coverage loaded" puts `COVERAGE=true rake benchmarks:run_file` puts "without coverage" puts `rake benchmarks:run_file` end desc "compare Coverband Ruby Coverage with Redis and normal Ruby" task :compare_redis do puts "comparing Coverage loaded/not, this takes some time for output..." puts "coverage loaded" puts `COVERAGE=true rake benchmarks:run_redis` puts "without coverage" puts `rake benchmarks:run_redis` end end desc "runs benchmarks" task benchmarks: ["benchmarks:redis_reporting", "benchmarks:compare_file", "benchmarks:compare_redis"]