CodeRunner.setup_run_class('chease') class CodeRunner::Chease # We hotwire the execute command so that it just # runs it instead of doing a batch submission def execute system "#{executable}" end end class CodeRunner::Ecom # We hotwire the execute command so that it just # runs it instead of doing a batch submission def execute system "#{executable}" end end class CodeRunner::Trinity::Optimisation include GSL::MultiMin # optimisation_spec is a hash of {:code_name => {:variable => [initial_guess, dimension_scale_factor]}} # dimension_scale_factor is just some estimate of the length scale in which the result # varies significantly # code_name is either trinity or chease (both can be used simultaneously) attr_reader :optimisation_spec attr_reader :optimisation_variables attr_accessor :trinity_runner attr_accessor :gs_runner attr_accessor :parameters_obj attr_accessor :results_hash def initialize(optimised_quantity, optimisation_spec) #@folder = folder @optimised_quantity = optimised_quantity @optimisation_spec = optimisation_spec @optimisation_variables ={|code, hash|{|var, pars| [code, var]}}.flatten(1) @optimisation_starts ={|code, hash|{|var, pars| pars[0]}}.flatten(1) @optimisation_steps ={|code, hash|{|var, pars| pars[1]}}.flatten(1) #@runner = CodeRunner.fetch_runner( #p ['optimisation_variables', @optimisation_variables] @results_hash = {} @first_call = true @ifspppl_converged = false end def dimension @optimisation_variables.size end def serial_optimise(optimisation_method, parameters_obj) optimisation_meth = case optimisation_method when :simplex FMinimizer::NMSIMPLEX else raise "Unknown optimisation_method" end @results_hash[:start_time] = opt = FMinimizer.alloc(optimisation_meth, @optimisation_variables.size) @parameters_obj = parameters_obj catch(:out_of_time) do func ={|v, optimiser| optimiser.func(v)} eputs 'Created func' gsl_func = Function.alloc(func, dimension) eputs 'Allocated gsl_func' gsl_func.set_params(self) eputs 'Set params' opt.set(gsl_func, @optimisation_starts.to_gslv, @optimisation_steps.to_gslv) eputs 'Set func and starting iteration' parameters_obj.nit.times do |i| opt.iterate p ['status', opt.x, opt.minimum, i, parameters_obj.nit] @results_hash[:iterations] ||= [] @results_hash[:iterations].push [opt.x.dup, opt.minimum] @results_hash[:elapse_mins] = ( - @results_hash[:start_time]).to_f/60 @results_hash[:current_time] ='results', 'w'){|f| f.puts @results_hash.pretty_inspect} end eputs 'Optimisation complete' end eputs 'Optimisation ended' #MPI.Finalize end def func(v) val = nil count = 1 val_old, repeat = func_actual(v) loop do val, repeat, trinity_is_converged = func_actual(v) if trinity_is_converged # This means that Trinity has reached steady state # Now we check if the loop over recalculating the GS equation # has converged if ((val_old - val)/val).abs < @parameters_obj.convergence if @parameters_obj.use_ifspppl_first and not @ifspppl_converged @ifspppl_converged = true else break end end break if count > @parameters_obj.max_func_evals # If geometry is being evolved internally in Trinity, we don't # need to run this loop break if not repeat val_old = val #break if not repeat or (not @first_call and count > 1) or count > 4 count += 1 unless @parameters_obj.use_ifspppl_first and not @ifspppl_converged end end @first_call = false return val end def func_actual(v) eputs 'Starting func' @id||=1 # Id of the current trinity run which should always be equal to the number of func_actual calls repeat = false print_pars = {} pars = {} pars[:gs] = {} pars[:trinity] = {} pars[:trinity].absorb(@parameters_obj.trinity_pars) if @parameters_obj.trinity_pars pars[:gs].absorb(@parameters_obj.gs_pars) if @parameters_obj.gs_pars for i in 0...v.size code, varname = @optimisation_variables[i] val = v[i] code = case code when :chease, :ecom :gs else :trinity end pars[code][varname] = val print_pars[code] ||={} print_pars[code][varname] = val end if not @first_run_done pars[:trinity][:ntstep] = @parameters_obj.ntstep_first #pars[:trinity][:nifspppl_initial] = -1 #pars[:trinity][:niter] = 2 # The line below assumes that the whole first run is done # with ifspppl, in which case we don't want the timestep to get # too large for the gryfx run afterwards. #pars[:trinity][:ntdelt_max] = 0.05 #pars[:trinity][:convergetol] = -1.0 else pars[:trinity][:ntstep] = @parameters_obj.ntstep #pars[:trinity][:nifspppl_initial] = -1 #pars[:trinity][:niter] = 3 #pars[:trinity][:ntdelt_max] = 10.0 end if @parameters_obj.use_ifspppl_first and not @ifspppl_converged pars[:trinity][:nifspppl_initial] = pars[:trinity][:ntstep] else pars[:trinity][:nifspppl_initial] = -1 end # Must fix this soon! if @parameters_obj.gs_code == 'chease' #pars[:gs][:ap] = [0.3,0.5,0.4,0.0,0.4,0.0,0.0] #pars[:gs][:at] = [0.16,1.0,1.0,-1.1,-1.1] end trinity_runner.run_class.instance_variable_set(:@mpi_communicator, MPI::Comm::WORLD) #if false and trinity_runner.run_list.size > 0 #else if @first_run_done #crun.nppfun=4 #crun.neqdsk=0 #crun.expeq_file = trinity_runner.run_list[@id] end if not @replay if not @first_run_done and gs_runner.run_list.size > 0 #This means we are in a restart @replay = true @nrun = 1 if @parameters_obj.delete_final_run eputs 'Removing final run: ' + trinity_runner.run_list.keys.max.to_s trinity_runner.conditions = 'id==' + trinity_runner.run_list.keys.max.to_s trinity_runner.destroy no_confirm: true gs_runner.conditions = 'id==' + gs_runner.run_list.keys.max.to_s gs_runner.destroy no_confirm: true end else @nrun = nil @replay = false end end if @replay eputs 'Replaying: ' + @nrun.to_s run = trinity_runner.run_list[@nrun] if not run eputs 'Ending replay at ' + @nrun.to_s @replay = false @id = @gsid = @nrun-1 else @id = @gsid = @nrun end @nrun += 1 end Hash.phoenix('func_calls.rb') do |hash| hash[@id+1] ||={} hash[@id+1][:variables] = v.dup hash[@id+1][:print_pars] = print_pars hash end #raise "WORK!!" eputs "Written parameters" if not @replay eputs "Not replaying... starting GS and Trinity runs" remaining_wall_mins = ( @parameters_obj.wall_mins - @parameters_obj.wall_mins_margin - ( - @parameters_obj.start_time).to_f / 60.0 ) eputs "Remaining wall mins #{remaining_wall_mins}, wall mins #{@parameters_obj.wall_mins}, start time #{@parameters_obj.start_time}, time #{}, margin #{@parameters_obj.wall_mins_margin}" if remaining_wall_mins < @parameters_obj.wall_mins_margin eputs "Run out of time" throw(:out_of_time) end eputs "Starting real run, @id = ",@id # Create and initialize the gs run gsrun = raise "No gs_defaults strings" unless @parameters_obj.gs_defaults_strings.size > 0 @parameters_obj.gs_defaults_strings.each{|prc| gsrun.instance_eval(prc)} if gs_runner.run_list.size > 0 #gsrun.restart_id = @gsid if @parameters_obj.gs_code == 'chease' last_converged = @id #We need to find the last converged Trinity run to use as the pressure profile. until last_converged == 0 or trinity_runner.combined_run_list[last_converged].is_converged? eputs "Run #{last_converged} not converged" last_converged -= 1 end #unless (@parameters_obj.use_previous_pressure==0 and not @first_trinity_run_completed) unless last_converged == 0 eputs "Using previous pressure profile" # We give CHEASE the pressure profile from the previous run. pars[:gs][:nppfun] = 4 pars[:gs][:nfunc] = 4 #if prid = @parameters_obj.use_previous_pressure and not @first_trinity_run_completed # If the last trinity run did not converge we may want to run exactly # the same case again, and in particular use the pressure profile from # the previous Trinity run as input (as an unconverged pressure profile # can lead to a wacky GS solution) #gsrun.expeq_in=trinity_runner.combined_run_list[prid].directory + '/chease/EXPEQ.NOSURF' #else gsrun.expeq_in=trinity_runner.combined_run_list[last_converged].directory + '/chease/EXPEQ.NOSURF' #end # Don't optimise presssure profile. pars[:gs][:nblopt] = 0 end end end gsrun.update_submission_parameters(pars[:gs].inspect, false) # Create and initialize the trinity run run = raise "No trinity_defaults_strings" unless @parameters_obj.trinity_defaults_strings.size > 0 run.instance_variable_set(:@set_flux_defaults_procs, []) unless run.instance_variable_get(:@set_flux_defaults_procs) @parameters_obj.trinity_defaults_strings.each{|prc| run.instance_eval(prc)} run.update_submission_parameters(pars[:trinity].inspect, false) #if @parameters_obj.gs_code == 'chease' and (run.evolve_geometry and run.evolve_geometry.fortran_true?) #pars[:gs][:nblopt] = 0 #end gs_runner.submit(gsrun) gsrun = gs_runner.run_list[@gsid = gs_runner.max_id] gsrun.recheck gs_runner.update #gs_runner.print_out(0) #FileUtils.cp( + '/ogyropsi.dat', trinity_runner.root_folder + '/.') run.gs_folder = while ( not FileTest.exist? run.gs_folder + '/ogyropsi.dat' or + '/ogyropsi.dat') =~ /nan/i ) #eputs "GS solver failed: using previous solution" gs_runner.conditions = 'id == ' + @gsid.to_s gs_runner.destroy(no_confirm: true) gs_runner.conditions = nil eputs "GS solver failed for #{v.inspect}: returning 10000" return [10000, false] #run.gs_folder = gs_runner.run_list[@gsid -= 1].directory end #run.evolve_geometry = ".true." eputs ['Set gs_folder', run.gs_folder] trinity_runner.run_class.instance_variable_set(:@delay_execution, true) if trinity_runner.run_list.size > 0 run.restart_id = @id else end eputs 'Submitting run' run.wall_mins = remaining_wall_mins trinity_runner.submit(run) run = trinity_runner.run_list[@id = trinity_runner.max_id] comm = MPI::Comm::WORLD arr = arr[0] = 1 eputs 'Sending message' comm.Bcast(arr,0) comm.Bcast_string( comm.Bcast_string(run.run_name) eputs 'Running trinity' Dir.chdir({run.run_trinity(run.run_name+'.trin', comm)} eputs 'Rechecking' trinity_runner.update eputs 'Queue', run.queue_status trinity_runner.update @first_trinity_run_completed end # if not @replay #trinity_runner.print_out(0) Dir.chdir( do run.recheck run.status = :Complete run.get_global_results if (run.evolve_geometry and run.evolve_geometry.fortran_true?) repeat = false else repeat = true end end result = run.instance_eval(@optimised_quantity) p ['result is ', result, 'repeat: ', repeat] @first_run_done = true @results_hash[:func_calls] ||=[] @results_hash[:func_calls].push [print_pars, result] Hash.phoenix('func_calls.rb') do |hash| hash[@id] ||={} hash[@id][:result] = result hash[@id][:repeat] = repeat hash[@id][:is_converged] = run.is_converged? hash end return [-result, repeat, run.is_converged?] #end #v.square.sum end end