require 'rubygems' require 'rake' require 'rdoc' require 'date' $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w[lib])) ############################################################################# # # Helper functions # ############################################################################# def name @name ||= Dir['*.gemspec'].first.split('.').first end def version line ="lib/#{name}.rb")[/^\s*VERSION\s*=\s*.*/] line.match(/.*VERSION\s*=\s*['"](.*)['"]/)[1] end def date end def rubyforge_project name end def gemspec_file "#{name}.gemspec" end def gem_file "#{name}-#{version}.gem" end def replace_header(head, header_name) head.sub!(/(\.#{header_name}\s*= ').*'/) { "#{$1}#{send(header_name)}'"} end ############################################################################# # # Standard tasks # ############################################################################# task :default => [:test, :features] require 'rake/testtask' do |test| test.libs << 'lib' << 'test' test.pattern = 'test/**/test_*.rb' test.verbose = true end require 'rdoc/task' do |rdoc| rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'rdoc' rdoc.title = "#{name} #{version}" rdoc.rdoc_files.include('README*') rdoc.rdoc_files.include('lib/**/*.rb') end begin require 'cucumber/rake/task' do |t| t.profile = "travis" end"features:html", "Run Cucumber features and produce HTML output") do |t| t.profile = "html_report" end rescue LoadError desc 'Cucumber rake task not available' task :features do abort 'Cucumber rake task is not available. Be sure to install cucumber as a gem or plugin' end end desc "Open an irb session preloaded with this library" task :console do sh "irb -rubygems -r ./lib/#{name}.rb" end ############################################################################# # # Site tasks - # ############################################################################# namespace :site do desc "Generate and view the site locally" task :preview do require "launchy" # Yep, it's a hack! Wait a few seconds for the Jekyll site to generate and # then open it in a browser. Someday we can do better than this, I hope. do sleep 4 puts "Opening in browser...""http://localhost:4000") end # Generate the site in server mode. puts "Running Jekyll..." Dir.chdir("site") do sh "#{File.expand_path('bin/jekyll', File.dirname(__FILE__))} serve --watch" end end desc "Commit the local site to the gh-pages branch and publish to GitHub Pages" task :publish do # Failsafe. Remove this once it has been done. puts "Make sure to merge #583 into gh-pages before deploying." exit(1) # Ensure the gh-pages dir exists so we can generate into it. puts "Checking for gh-pages dir..." unless File.exist?("./gh-pages") puts "No gh-pages directory found. Run the following commands first:" puts " `git clone gh-pages" puts " `cd gh-pages" puts " `git checkout gh-pages`" exit(1) end # Ensure gh-pages branch is up to date. Dir.chdir('gh-pages') do sh "git pull origin gh-pages" end # Copy to gh-pages dir. puts "Copying site to gh-pages branch..." Dir.glob("site/*") do |path| next if path == "_site" sh "cp -R #{path} gh-pages/" end # Commit and push. puts "Committing and pushing to GitHub Pages..." sha = `git log`.match(/[a-z0-9]{40}/)[0] Dir.chdir('gh-pages') do sh "git add ." sh "git commit -m 'Updating to #{sha}.'" sh "git push origin gh-pages" end puts 'Done.' end end ############################################################################# # # Packaging tasks # ############################################################################# task :release => :build do unless `git branch` =~ /^\* master$/ puts "You must be on the master branch to release!" exit! end sh "git commit --allow-empty -m 'Release #{version}'" sh "git tag v#{version}" sh "git push origin master" sh "git push origin v#{version}" sh "gem push pkg/#{name}-#{version}.gem" end task :build => :gemspec do sh "mkdir -p pkg" sh "gem build #{gemspec_file}" sh "mv #{gem_file} pkg" end task :gemspec do # read spec file and split out manifest section spec = head, manifest, tail = spec.split(" # = MANIFEST =\n") # replace name version and date replace_header(head, :name) replace_header(head, :version) replace_header(head, :date) #comment this out if your rubyforge_project has a different name replace_header(head, :rubyforge_project) # determine file list from git ls-files files = `git ls-files`. split("\n"). sort. reject { |file| file =~ /^\./ }. reject { |file| file =~ /^(rdoc|pkg|coverage)/ }. map { |file| " #{file}" }. join("\n") # piece file back together and write manifest = " s.files = %w[\n#{files}\n ]\n" spec = [head, manifest, tail].join(" # = MANIFEST =\n"), 'w') { |io| io.write(spec) } puts "Updated #{gemspec_file}" end