0.9.10 - November 13, 2009 Changed RSolr.connect to return Http connection only: RSolr.connect :url=>'xxx' Added RSolr.direct_connect to handle the creation of SolrDirectConnections rsolr = RSolr.direct_connect :home_dir=>'' # can also use a block so the connection will get closed automatically: RSolr.direct_connect :home_dir=>'' do |rsolr| # query... end Added paginate method to RSolr::Client - This method requires 2 new arguments: current page and per page: solr.paginate 1, 10, :q=>'' - handler paths can be set: solr.paginate 1, 10, '/music', :q=>'' - handler paths can also be set by method names: solr.paginate_music 1, 10 Added required java libs to RSolr gem Removed :dist_dir option from Direct connection options -- you gotta load your own java libs. See examples/direct.rb Updated specs - November 6, 2009 fixed gem spec, added client.rb - November 5, 2009 added support for multibyte url characters in RSolr::Connection::Utils - this is because Ruby 1.9's String size method is different than 1.8 0.9.7 - October 23, 2009 Removed XML message builders - using pure Ruby generator instead - benchmarks show generation speed is a little faster than libxml - minimal xml escaping so binary posting to Solr should no longer be a problem. Changed response.adapter_resonse to response.raw Removed HTTP adapters - sticking with NetHTTP Removed builder dependency in gemspec Removed Adapter and HTTPClient modules Moved HTTPCLient::Util to Connection::Utils Updated all tests 0.9.6 - September 9, 2009 Added ability to create direct connections from existing Java::OrgApacheSolrCore::SolrCore Added ability to send queries using POST - solr.request '/select', :q=>'*:*', :method=>:post 0.9.5 - September 4, 2009 Removed Array #extract_options! Removed the Connection #send_request method (now #request) Removed the Connection #select method -- still works, but this now ends up calling Connection #method_missing Removed HTTPClient::Connector - HTTPClient now uses a method called #connect (like RSolr.connect) - This method accepts 1 or 2 args, see the #connect method comments Changed the way the HTTP client adapter is set. Now just pass in when connecting: - RSolr.connect(:http, :adapter=>curb, :url=>'http://solr.com') Moved Message::Builders to Message::Adapter Made Connection a module and moved class methods to "Base" class Made HTTPClient a module and moved class methods to "Base" class Removed the "adapter.rb" files -- Adapter modules are defined in the parent module file. Moved Message module/singleton functionality to Message::Builder class XML message adapter API change: no longer a singleton, must instantiate Message::Builder Made RSolr::Connection #message public -- can change the adapter as needed; connection.message.adapter = RSolr::Message::Adapter::LibXML.new More tests for HTTPClient::Util Simplified url/query building in HTTPClient::Util Updated tests accordingly 0.9.1 - July 22, 2009 Added LibXml builder support (Thanks to Mat Brown - github.com/outoftime) 0.9.0 - July 17, 2009 Added ability to use DirectSolrConnection instance when connecting Loading Java classes using full package name 0.8.9 - June 30, 2009 Deprecated hash syntax fix from outoftime/rsolr (Mat Brown) 0.8.8 - May 6, 2009 Added method :request to RSolr::Connection - this method is an alias for send_request 0.8.7 - May 6, 2009 Added method_missing to RSolr::Connection, which sets the request handler path, based on the method name: # this sends a request like: /music_library?q=>coltrane solr.music_library :q=>'coltrane' Removed the core_ext file, put the Array extension code directly into rsolr.rb 0.8.6 - April 25, 2009 Removed the Mash stuff -- which means the response keys from solr are only accessable using String based keys. Use RSolr::Ext if you want more magic. 0.8.5 - April 7, 2009 The RSolr::Message #add method now accepts a single Message::Document or an array of Message::Document objects The Message::Document class has a new method: #add_field Tests added for both changes Permissions of files changed to non-executable -- the above changes were made by Mat Brown, thank you Mat! Added CannedSolrResponse module for mocks in the specs... not used yet 0.8.4 - April 3, 2009 New test suite using RSpec and mocks coming. Run "rake spec" - added specs for RSolr and RSolr::Connection 0.8.3 - April 3, 2009 RSolr::Connection - removed the block functionality of send_request and related methods - this was used to gain access to the raw adapter response - added #adapter_response method to all response objects - this is used to get access to the original adapter response: response = rsolr.select(:q=>'test') response.adapter_response[:status_code] 0.8.2 - March 24, 2009 Changed RSolr.connect method to accept one options hash argument - This hash gets passed to the Connection object and the adapter Updated tests, examples and README.rdoc to reflect this change Bumped the version up in gemspec and the RSolr module 0.8.1 - March 12, 2009 Added RSolr.escape and RSolr::Connection.new.escape - tests in rsolr_test Added ability to set doc and field attributes when adding documents via Message.add 0.8.0 - March 6, 2009 Removed all response wrapper classes (now returning a simple hash for ruby responses) Removed RSolr::Query - this library needs an external partner lib, RSolrExt etc.. changed query method to select added send_request method to Connection for custom requests: send_request '/my-handler', {:start=>0}, post_data=nil moved Connection::Base to Connection moved Connection::Adapter::* to Adapter::* 0.7.1 - February 27, 2009 Added simple query helper module -> RSolr::Query Added tests for RSolr::Query Modified Test::Unit::TestCase in test/test_helpers.rb 0.7.0 - February 20, 2009 Removed all param mapping behavior, code and tests - this stuff just gunks up rsolr and should be in an extension of some sort Can now specify the request handler in all RSolr::Connection::Base methods as the first argument: - solr.query 'select', :q=>'ipod' - solr.query 'catalog', :q=>'humphry' - solr.query :q=>'big' # defaults to the /select handler 0.6.9 - January 29, 2009 Simplified facet response methods Main facet method is called #facets - returns an array of Response::Facet instances - each Facet instance has field and values attributes -- the values attribute is an array with FacetValue instances which have @value and @hits Added ability to set Connection::Base @param_adapters using :dismax or :standard instead of full class constant updated comments for #search method Updated tests Bumped up version 0.6.8 - January 28, 2009 New method added to RSolr::Connection::Base - #find_values_for_facet This method searches for facet values only, and sets the :rows param to 0 - returns an RSolr::Response::Query::Base instance Example: search_params[:facets][:offset]=0 search_params[:facets][:limit]=5 response = solr.search_facet_by_name(:language_facet, search_params) 0.6.7 - January 27, 2009 The Symbol extension in core_ext.rb was cause for some REALLY painful debuging - so I removed it :( This means no more :q.alt or :facet.field until RSolr gets a really nice query-builder module happening. 0.6.6 - January 26, 2009 Added #get method helper to RSolr::Response::Query::DocExt # doc.get(key, opts) # key is the name of the field # opts is a hash with the following valid keys: # - :sep - a string used for joining multivalued field values # - :default - a value to return when the key doesn't exist # if :sep is nil and the field is a multivalued field, the array is returned 0.6.5 - January 26, 2009 Removed to_mash everywhere, except for usage in RSolr::Response Added a #close method to the Direct adapter - this closes the connection and sets the @connection variable to nil Removed to_mash in RSolr::Connection::Base Changed RSolr::Response::Query::Doc to DocExt - this no longer extends Mash - each doc in the response now uses the #extend method to mixin the new DocExt module Added #teardown method in direct connection test, this method closes the connection Updated the connection test methods a bit 0.6.4 - January 26, 2009 Updated the mapping output for the :filters and :phrase_filters (when using the #search method) - now sending multiple fq's instead of one Updated mapping tests 0.6.3 - January 21, 2009 Added a new param mapping module: RSolr::Connection::ParamMapping Mapping only for fields that need conversion/escaping or nested (facet.*) etc. This new module can be activated by using the #search method New tests for ParamMapping 0.6.2 - January 14, 2009 Removed mapping and indexer modules -- seems to me that a general purpose mapping library would be more valuable than an embedded module in RSolr ( RMapper ?) This helps lighten RSolr a bit too 0.6.1 - January 13, 2009 Removed SearchExt and mapping until this library gets some real use The only param mapping now is for :page and :per_page via the #search method The Connection::Base #query method does NO mapping now 0.6.0 - January 9, 2009 Removed first argument from RSolr.connect, the "adapter_name" The adapter is now set using the :adapter key when passing in options to RSolr.connect: s = RSolr.connect(:adapter=>:direct) 0.5.9 - January 7, 2009 Finally brought in the ExtLib Mash classes for incoming params and response hashes from solr - this gives the ability to access/set values for hashes using strings OR symbols (HashWithIndifferentAccess) Organized response tests Added more response tests Simplified the RSolr::Response::Base class by supporting only raw/string ruby input Added method to Response::IndexInfo for grabbing a Solr field list 0.5.7 - January 5, 2009 Changed name from Solr to RSolr, changed all references to Solr to RSolr Added new tests for RSolr::Mapper and RSolr::Message 0.5.6 - December 30, 2008 solr.gemspec cleanedup thanks to shairontoledo on github! :) Added Solr::Response::Query::Facet module with helpers from the delsolr project Also added test stub in test/connection/search_ext_test_methods.rb Fixed pagination math errors Added new SearchExt helper field: :phrase_filters This will add quoted values to the :filters (fq solr param) hash for doing easier facet requests Be sure to check out the new demo app: http://github.com/mwmitchell/consuminator/tree/master 0.5.5 - December 29, 2008 Fixed bug where accessing a field by method name failed: docs.each do |doc| doc.timestamp end Fixed bug where using the #has? method on a doc failed: docs.each do |doc| doc.has?('timestamp') end Removed invalid autoload in Solr module Fixed spelling error in Solr::Connection::SearchExt (thanks to matthewrudy) 0.5.4 - December 29, 2008 Re-organized the main Solr adapters, they're now in Solr::Connection::Adapter instead of Solr::Adapter All responses from HTTPClient and Connection::Adapter::Direct return a hash with the following keys: :status_code :body :params :url :path :headers :data This hash is now available in the solr response objects as #source - this will be useful in testing and debugging by allowing you to see the generated params and queries... example: response = Solr.query(:q=>'*:*') response.source[:params] response.source[:body] response.source[:url] Added MultiValue field support in Solr::Message, thanks to Fouad Mardini Bug in Solr::Connection::SearchExt where the :q params was not getting generated - fixed by Fouad Mardini Organized tests a bit, moved connection tests into test/connection Fixed a bug in Solr::Connection::Adapter::HTTP where invalid HTTP POST headers were being generated