module AwsUtils class Provisioner < Base def setup_aws_auth_resources security_group_id = ssh_security_group_id if security_group_id.nil? security_group_id = ec2_client.create_security_group( group_name: AWS_AUTH_SECURITY_GROUP_NAME, description: 'Inbound SSH', ).group_id end puts "EC2 Security group: #{security_group_id}" setup_security_group(security_group_id) vpc = ec2_client.describe_vpcs( filters: [{ name: 'cidr', values: [AWS_AUTH_VPC_CIDR], }], ).vpcs.first if vpc.nil? vpc = ec2_client.create_vpc( cidr_block: AWS_AUTH_VPC_CIDR, ).vpc end # The VPC must have an internet gateway and the subnet in the VPC # must have a route to the internet gateway. # # Internet gateways cannot be named when they are created, therefore # we check if our VPC has a gateway and if not, create an unnamed one # and attach it right away. # igw = ec2_client.describe_internet_gateways( filters: [{ name: 'attachment.vpc-id', values: [vpc.vpc_id], }], ).internet_gateways.first if igw.nil? igw = ec2_client.create_internet_gateway.internet_gateway ec2_client.attach_internet_gateway( internet_gateway_id: igw.internet_gateway_id, vpc_id: vpc.vpc_id, ) end # route_table = ec2_client.describe_route_tables( filters: [{ name: 'vpc-id', values: [vpc.vpc_id], }], ).route_tables.first ec2_client.create_route( destination_cidr_block: '', gateway_id: igw.internet_gateway_id, route_table_id: route_table.route_table_id, ) vpc_security_group_id = ssh_vpc_security_group_id if vpc_security_group_id.nil? vpc_security_group_id = ec2_client.create_security_group( group_name: AWS_AUTH_VPC_SECURITY_GROUP_NAME, description: 'Inbound SSH', vpc_id: vpc.vpc_id, ).group_id end setup_security_group(vpc_security_group_id) subnet = ec2_client.describe_subnets( filters: [{ name: 'vpc-id', values: [vpc.vpc_id], }], ).subnets.first if subnet.nil? subnet = ec2_client.create_subnet( cidr_block: AWS_AUTH_VPC_CIDR, vpc_id: vpc.vpc_id, ).subnet end puts "VPC: #{vpc.vpc_id}, subnet: #{subnet.subnet_id}, security group: #{vpc_security_group_id}" # For testing regular credentials, create an IAM user with no permissions. user = detect_object(iam_client.list_users, :users, :user_name, AWS_AUTH_REGULAR_USER_NAME) if user.nil? resp = iam_client.create_user( user_name: AWS_AUTH_REGULAR_USER_NAME, ) user = resp.user end puts "Regular AWS auth unprivileged user: #{user.arn}" # Assume role testing # # # The instructions given in the above guide create an intermediate user # who has the ability to assume the role. This script reuses the # regular unprivileged user to be the user that assumes the role. user_policy = detect_object(iam_client.list_policies, :policies, :policy_name, AWS_AUTH_ASSUME_ROLE_USER_POLICY_NAME) if user_policy.nil? user_policy_document = { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ec2:Describe*", "iam:ListRoles", "sts:AssumeRole", ], "Resource": "*", }, ], } user_policy = iam_client.create_policy( policy_name: AWS_AUTH_ASSUME_ROLE_USER_POLICY_NAME, policy_document: user_policy_document.to_json, ).policy end iam_client.attach_user_policy( policy_arn: user_policy.arn, user_name: user.user_name, ) assume_role = detect_object(iam_client.list_roles, :roles, :role_name, AWS_AUTH_ASSUME_ROLE_NAME) if assume_role.nil? aws_account_id = user.arn.split(':')[4] assume_role_policy = { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::#{aws_account_id}:root" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", }, } resp = iam_client.create_role( role_name: AWS_AUTH_ASSUME_ROLE_NAME, assume_role_policy_document: assume_role_policy.to_json, max_session_duration: 12*3600, ) assume_role = resp.role end puts "Assume role ARN: #{assume_role.arn}" # For testing retrieval of credentials from EC2 link local endpoint, # create an instance profile. ips = iam_client.list_instance_profiles instance_profile = ips.instance_profiles.detect do |instance_profile| instance_profile.instance_profile_name == AWS_AUTH_INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME end if instance_profile.nil? resp = iam_client.create_instance_profile( instance_profile_name: AWS_AUTH_INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME, ) instance_profile = resp.instance_profile end puts "EC2 instance profile: #{instance_profile.arn}" # assume_role_policy_document = { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": {"Service": ""}, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", }, } ec2_role_policy_document = { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ec2:Describe*", ], "Resource": "*", }, ], } ec2_role = create_role_with_policy( AWS_AUTH_EC2_ROLE_NAME, { assume_role_policy_document: assume_role_policy_document.to_json, }, ec2_role_policy_document, ) puts "EC2 role ARN: #{ec2_role.arn}" instance_profile.roles.each do |role| iam_client.remove_role_from_instance_profile( instance_profile_name: AWS_AUTH_INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME, role_name: role.role_name, ) end iam_client.add_role_to_instance_profile( instance_profile_name: AWS_AUTH_INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME, role_name: AWS_AUTH_EC2_ROLE_NAME, ) # puts "ECS cluster name: #{AWS_AUTH_ECS_CLUSTER_NAME}" resp = ecs_client.describe_clusters( clusters: [AWS_AUTH_ECS_CLUSTER_NAME], ) cluster = detect_object(resp, :clusters, :cluster_name, AWS_AUTH_ECS_CLUSTER_NAME) if cluster.nil? resp = ecs_client.create_cluster( cluster_name: AWS_AUTH_ECS_CLUSTER_NAME, ) cluster = resp.cluster end # ecs_assume_role_policy_document = { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "", }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", }, ], } # The task role itself does not have any permissions. # The example given in # allows read-only access to an S3 bucket. ecs_task_role_policy_document = { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [], } ecs_task_role = create_role_with_policy( AWS_AUTH_ECS_TASK_ROLE_NAME, { assume_role_policy_document: ecs_assume_role_policy_document.to_json, }, ) # Logging to CloudWatch: # ecs_execution_role_policy_document = { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "logs:CreateLogGroup", "logs:CreateLogStream", "logs:PutLogEvents", "logs:DescribeLogStreams", ], "Resource": [ "*" ], }], } ecs_execution_role = create_role_with_policy( AWS_AUTH_ECS_EXECUTION_ROLE_NAME, { assume_role_policy_document: ecs_assume_role_policy_document.to_json, }, ecs_execution_role_policy_document, ) =begin iam_client.attach_role_policy( role_name: AWS_AUTH_ECS_ROLE_NAME, policy_arn: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy", ) =end log_group = logs_client.describe_log_groups( log_group_name_prefix: AWS_AUTH_ECS_LOG_GROUP, ).log_groups.first unless log_group logs_client.create_log_group( log_group_name: AWS_AUTH_ECS_LOG_GROUP, ) end logs_client.put_retention_policy( log_group_name: AWS_AUTH_ECS_LOG_GROUP, retention_in_days: 1, ) end def reset_keys user = detect_object(iam_client.list_users, :users, :user_name, AWS_AUTH_REGULAR_USER_NAME) if user.nil? raise 'No user found, please run `aws setup-resources`' end iam_client.list_access_keys( user_name: user.user_name, ).to_h[:access_key_metadata].each do |access_key| iam_client.delete_access_key( user_name: user.user_name, access_key_id: access_key[:access_key_id], ) end resp = iam_client.create_access_key( user_name: user.user_name, ) access_key = resp.to_h[:access_key] puts "Credentials for regular user (#{AWS_AUTH_REGULAR_USER_NAME}):" puts "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=#{access_key[:access_key_id]}" puts "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=#{access_key[:secret_access_key]}" puts end private def create_role_with_policy(role_name, role_options, role_policy_document = nil) role = detect_object(iam_client.list_roles, :roles, :role_name, role_name) if role.nil? resp = iam_client.create_role({ role_name: role_name, }.update(role_options)) role = resp.role end if role_policy_document iam_client.put_role_policy( role_name: role_name, policy_name: "#{role_name}.policy", policy_document: role_policy_document.to_json, ) end role end def setup_security_group(security_group_id) ec2_client.authorize_security_group_ingress( group_id: security_group_id, ip_permissions: [{ from_port: 22, to_port: 22, ip_protocol: 'tcp', ip_ranges: [{ cidr_ip: '', }], }], ) rescue Aws::EC2::Errors::InvalidPermissionDuplicate end end end