en: button: home: 'Home' shop: 'Shop' orders: 'Orders' settings: 'Settings' log_out: 'Log out' log_in: 'Log in' my_account: 'My account' sign_up: 'Sign up' back_to_store: 'Back to Store' back_to_orders: 'Back to Orders' forgot_password: 'Forgot password?' resend_passwd_instruction: 'Email Instructions' type_new_passwd: 'Type a new Password' confirm_passwd: 'Confirm Password' change: 'Change' buy_now: 'Buy Now' back_to_results: 'Back to results' add_to_cart: 'Add to Cart' read_more: 'Read More' view_more: 'View More' all: 'All' newest: 'Newest first' popular: 'Popular first' low_to_high_price: 'Price: Low to high' high_to_low_price: 'Price: High to low' title_a_z: 'Title A - Z' title_z_a: 'Title Z - A' get_started: 'Get Started' post: 'Post' remember_me: 'Remember me' header: logo: 'Bookstore' shop: 'Shop' account: "My account" orders: "Orders" settings: "Settings" signup: "Sign up" login: "Log in" logout: "Log out" settings: settings: 'Settings' address: 'Address' privacy: 'Privacy' billing: 'Billing Address' shipping: 'Shipping Address' use_billing: 'Use Billing Adress' save: 'Save' e-mail: 'Email' enter_e-mail: 'Enter Email' enter_your_e-mail: 'Enter your email' password: 'Password' old_password: 'Old Password' new_password: 'New Password' confirm_password: 'Confirm Password' remove_account: 'Remove Account' please_remove_account: 'Please Remove My Account' im_agree_lost_all_data: 'I understand that all data will be lost' first_name: 'First Name' last_name: 'Last Name' city: 'City' zip: 'Zip' country: 'Country' country_select: 'Select a country' save: 'Save' phone_placeholder: 'Example +1 541 754 3010' page: home: carusel: prev: 'Previous' next: 'Next' greeting: 'Welcome to our amazing Bookstore!' text: 'We pore through hundreds of new books each month and select the five best we can find to share with our members.' best_sellers: 'Best Sellers' book: show: description: 'Description' materials: 'Materials' dimension: 'Dimensions' published_at: 'Year of publication' filter: 'Filter by category' index: by_category: 'Filter by category' sort_by: 'Sort by' catalog: 'Catalog' cart: cart: 'Cart' product: 'Product' price: 'Price' quantity: 'Quantity' subtotal: 'SubTotal:' checkout: 'Checkout' coupon: 'Enter Your Coupon Code' apply_coupon: 'Apply Coupon' update: 'Update cart' summary: 'Order Summary:' coupon: 'Coupon:' total: 'Order Total:' review: reviews: 'Reviews' verified: 'Verified Reviewer' thanks_message: 'Thanks for Review. It will be published as soon as Admin will approve it.' incorrect: 'Incorrect review format' rating: 'Rating' review: 'Review' title: 'Title' checkout: save_and_continue: 'Save and Continue' fields_required: 'all fields are required' item_total: 'Item Total:' delivery: 'Delivery:' returning_customer: 'Returning Customer' or: 'or' login_with_password: 'Log in with password' enter_email: 'Enter Email' new_customer: 'New Customer' quick_register: 'Quick Register' quick_description: "You'll be able to create password later" continue: 'Continue to Checkout' payment: 'Payment' confirm: 'Confirm' complete: 'Complete' phone: 'Phone ' thanks: 'Thank You for your Order!' sent_message: 'An order confirmation has been has been sent to ' order: 'Order ' book: 'Book' total: 'Total' shipments: 'Shipments' place_order: 'Place Order' edit: 'edit' delivery: delivery_method: 'Shipping Method' method: 'Method' days: 'Days' price: 'Price' pickup: 'Please, pick up Delivery type!' payment: information: 'Payment Information' credit_card: 'Credit Card' card_number: 'Card Number' name_on_card: 'Name on Card' mm_yy: 'MM / YY' cvv: 'CVV' hint: '3-digit security code, usually found on the back of your card. American Express cards has 4-digit code, located on the front' number_hint: 'must contain from 13 to 18 digits' orders: my_orders: 'My Orders' sort_by: 'Sort by' number: 'Number' completed_at: 'Completed at' status: 'Status' total: 'Total' in_queue: 'Waiting for processing' in_delivery: 'In delivery' delivered: 'Delivered' canceled: 'Canceled' mail: thanks: 'Thank You for your Order!' welcome: 'Welcome to our Amazing Bookstore!' notice: reg_message: 'You have successfully registered, your account information has been sent to ' empty_cart: 'Cart is empty!' coupon_added: 'Coupon was successfully added' coupon_invalid: 'Coupon is invalid!' updated: 'Updated!' admin: edit: 'Edit' view: 'View' delete: 'Delete' sure?: 'Are you sure ?' image: 'Image' images: 'Images' authors: 'Authors' short_description: 'Short description' dimension: 'Dimension' change_status: 'Change the status' current_status: 'Current status: ' order_details: 'Order details' book: 'Book' user: 'User' show: 'Show' actions: 'Actions' approve: 'Approve' reject: 'Reject' unprocess: 'Unprocess' approved: 'Approved' rejected: 'Rejected' unprocessed: 'Unprocessed'