require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe BraspagPagador::Connection do let(:merchant_id) { "{12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789000}" } let(:connection) { => merchant_id, :environment => :homologation)} context ".purchase" do it "should return authorize when authroize response failed" do auth = mock(:success? => false) connection.stub(:authorize).and_return(auth) connection.purchase(mock, mock).should eq(auth) end it "should return capture when authorize response success" do cap = mock(:success? => true) connection.stub(:authorize).and_return(mock(:success? => true)) connection.stub(:capture).and_return(cap) connection.purchase(mock, mock).should eq(cap) end end context ".authorize" do it "should return response" do authorize = { :status => "2", :message => "BLA", :number => "12345" } connection.should_receive(:post).and_return(authorize) response = connection.authorize(mock, mock) response.success?.should eq(false) response.message.should eq(authorize[:message]) response.authorization.should eq(authorize[:number]) response.params.should eq({"status"=>"2", "message"=>"BLA", "number"=>"12345"}) response.test.should eq(true) end it "should return success when status is zero" do authorize = { :status => "0", :message => "BLA", :number => "12345" } connection.should_receive(:post).and_return(authorize) response = connection.authorize(mock, mock) response.success?.should eq(true) end it "should return success when status is one" do authorize = { :status => "1", :message => "BLA", :number => "12345" } connection.should_receive(:post).and_return(authorize) response = connection.authorize(mock, mock) response.success?.should eq(true) end end context ".capture" do it "should return response" do capture = { :status => "1", :message => "BLA", :number => "12345" } connection.should_receive(:post).and_return(capture) response = connection.capture(mock) response.success?.should eq(false) response.message.should eq(capture[:message]) response.authorization.should eq(capture[:number]) response.params.should eq({"status"=>"1", "message"=>"BLA", "number"=>"12345"}) response.test.should eq(true) end it "should return success when status is zero" do capture = { :status => "0", :message => "BLA", :number => "12345" } connection.should_receive(:post).and_return(capture) response = connection.capture(mock) response.success?.should eq(true) end end context ".void" do it "should return response" do void = { :status => "1", :message => "BLA" } connection.should_receive(:post).and_return(void) response = connection.void(mock) response.success?.should eq(false) response.message.should eq(void[:message]) response.params.should eq({"status"=>"1", "message"=>"BLA"}) response.test.should eq(true) end it "should return success when status is zero" do void = { :status => "0", :message => "BLA" } connection.should_receive(:post).and_return(void) response = connection.void(mock) response.success?.should eq(true) end end end describe BraspagPagador::CreditCard do [:purchase, :authorize, :archive].each do |context_type| context "on #{context_type}" do it "should validate minimum 1 length of holder_name" do subject.holder_name = '' subject.valid?(context_type) subject.errors.messages[:holder_name].should include("is too short (minimum is 1 characters)") end it "should validate maximum 100 length of holder_name" do subject.holder_name = '*' * 110 subject.valid?(context_type) subject.errors.messages[:holder_name].should include("is too long (maximum is 100 characters)") end it "should not allow blank for number" do subject.number = '' subject.valid?(context_type) subject.errors.messages[:number].should include("can't be blank") end it "should not allow blank for month" do subject.month = '' subject.valid?(context_type) subject.errors.messages[:month].should include("can't be blank") end it "should not allow blank for year" do subject.year = '' subject.valid?(context_type) subject.errors.messages[:year].should include("can't be blank") end it "should not allow invalid date for month & year" do subject.month = "14" subject.year = "2012" subject.valid?(context_type) subject.errors.messages[:month].should include("invalid date") subject.errors.messages[:year].should include("invalid date") end it "should allow valid date for month & year" do subject.month = "09" subject.year = "12" subject.valid?(context_type) subject.errors.messages[:month].should be(nil) subject.errors.messages[:year].should be(nil) end it "should allow valid date for month & year" do subject.month = 12 subject.year = 2014 subject.valid?(context_type) subject.errors.messages[:month].should be(nil) subject.errors.messages[:year].should be(nil) end end end [:purchase, :authorize, :recurrency].each do |context_type| context "on #{context_type}" do it "should validate minimum 1 length of verification_value" do subject.verification_value = '' subject.valid?(context_type) subject.errors.messages[:verification_value].should include("is too short (minimum is 1 characters)") end it "should validate maximum 4 length of verification_value" do subject.verification_value = '*' * 5 subject.valid?(context_type) subject.errors.messages[:verification_value].should include("is too long (maximum is 4 characters)") end end end [:get_recurrency, :recurrency].each do |context_type| context "on #{context_type}" do it "should validate length of id" do = '*' * 37 subject.valid?(context_type) subject.errors.messages[:id].should include("is the wrong length (should be 36 characters)") end end end let(:customer) do => "W" * 21) end let(:order) do :id => "um order id", :amount => 1000.00, :payment_method => BraspagPagador::PAYMENT_METHOD[:redecard], :installments => 1, :installments_type => BraspagPagador::INTEREST[:no], :customer => customer ) end let(:credit_card) do :holder_name => "Joao Maria Souza", :number => "9" * 10, :month => "10", :year => "12", :verification_value => "123" ) end context "on authorize credit card" do let(:merchant_id) { "{12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789000}" } let(:connection) { => merchant_id, :environment => :homologation)} let(:valid_xml) do <<-EOXML 1.000,00 Transaction Successful 733610 0 1 01231234 EOXML end it "should convert objects to hash" do BraspagPagador::CreditCard.to_authorize(connection, order, credit_card).should eq({ "merchantId" => "#{merchant_id}", "orderId" => "#{}", "customerName" => "#{}", "amount" => "1000,00", "paymentMethod" => 20, "holder" => "#{credit_card.holder_name}", "cardNumber" => "#{credit_card.number}", "expiration" => "10/12", "securityCode" => "123", "numberPayments" => order.installments, "typePayment" => order.installments_type }) end it "should populate data" do resp = BraspagPagador::CreditCard.from_authorize(connection, order, credit_card, mock(:body => valid_xml)) order.gateway_authorization.should eq('733610') order.gateway_id.should eq('01231234') order.gateway_return_code.should eq('0') order.gateway_status.should eq('1') order.gateway_message.should eq('Transaction Successful') order.gateway_amount.should eq(1000.00) resp.should eq({ :amount=>"1.000,00", :number=>"733610", :message=>"Transaction Successful", :return_code=>"0", :status=>"1", :transaction_id=>"01231234"}) end end context "on capture credit card" do let(:merchant_id) { "{12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789000}" } let(:connection) { => merchant_id, :environment => :homologation)} let(:valid_xml) do <<-EOXML 2 Approved 0 0 EOXML end it "should convert objects to hash" do BraspagPagador::CreditCard.to_capture(connection, order).should eq({ "merchantId" => "#{merchant_id}", "orderId" => "#{}" }) end it "should populate data" do resp = BraspagPagador::CreditCard.from_capture(connection, order, mock(:body => valid_xml)) order.gateway_capture_return_code.should eq('0') order.gateway_capture_status.should eq('0') order.gateway_capture_message.should eq('Approved') order.gateway_capture_amount.should eq(2.00) resp.should eq({ :amount=>"2", :message=>"Approved", :return_code=>"0", :status=>"0", :transaction_id=>nil }) end end context "on void credit card" do let(:merchant_id) { "{12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789000}" } let(:connection) { => merchant_id, :environment => :homologation)} let(:valid_xml) do <<-EOXML 1234 0 100 Approved 0 0 EOXML end it "should convert objects to hash" do BraspagPagador::CreditCard.to_void(connection, order).should eq({ "merchantId" => "#{merchant_id}", "order" => "#{}" }) end it "should populate data" do resp = BraspagPagador::CreditCard.from_void(connection, order, mock(:body => valid_xml)) order.gateway_void_return_code.should eq('0') order.gateway_void_status.should eq('0') order.gateway_void_message.should eq('Approved') order.gateway_void_amount.should eq(100.00) resp.should eq({:order_id=>"1234", :amount=>"100", :message=>"Approved", :return_code=>"0", :status=>"0", :transaction_id=>"0"}) end end end