require 'praxis-mapper' require 'singleton' require 'terminal-table' # Plugin for applications which use the 'praxis-mapper' gem. # # This plugin provides the following features: # 1. Sets up the PraxisMapper::IdentityMap for your application and assigns # it to the controller's request.identity_map for access from your # application. # 2. Connects to your database and dumps a log of database interaction stats # (if enabled via the :log_stats option). # # This plugin accepts one of the following options: # 1. config_file: A String indicating the path where this plugin's config # file exists. # 2. config_data: A Hash of data that is merged into the YAML hash loaded # from config_file. # # The config_data Hash contains the following keys: # 1. repositories: A Hash containing the configs for the database repositories # queried through praxis-mapper. This parameter is a Hash where a key is # the identifier for a repository and the value is the options one # would give to the 'sequel' gem. For example: # repositories: { # default: { # host:, # username: root, # password: nil, # database: myapp_dev, # adapter: mysql2 # } # } # 2. log_stats: A String indicating what kind of DB stats you would like # output into the Praxis::Application.instance.logger app log. Possible # values are: "detailed", "short", and "skip" (i.e. do not print the stats # at all). # 3. stats_log_level: the logging level with which the statistics should be logged. # # See for further details on how # to use a plugin and pass it options. # module Praxis module Plugins module PraxisMapperPlugin include Praxis::PluginConcern class RepositoryConfig < Attributor::Hash self.key_type = String keys allow_extra: true do key 'type', String, default: 'sequel' extra 'connection_settings' end end class Plugin < Praxis::Plugin include Singleton def initialize @options = { config_file: 'config/praxis_mapper.yml', config_data: { repositories: {} } } end def config_key :praxis_mapper end def prepare_config!(node) node.attributes do attribute :log_stats, String, values: ['detailed', 'short', 'skip'], default: 'detailed' attribute :stats_log_level, Symbol, values: [:fatal,:error,:warn,:info,:debug], default: :info attribute :repositories, Attributor::Hash.of(key: String, value: RepositoryConfig) end end # Make our own custom load_config! method def load_config! config_file_path = application.root + options[:config_file] result = config_file_path.exist? ? YAML.load_file(config_file_path) : {} result.merge(@options[:config_data]) end def setup! self.config.repositories.each do |repository_name, repository_config| type = repository_config['type'] connection_settings = repository_config['connection_settings'] case type when 'sequel' self.setup_sequel_repository(repository_name, connection_settings) else raise "unsupported repository type: #{type}" end end log_stats = PraxisMapperPlugin::Plugin.instance.config.log_stats unless log_stats == 'skip' Praxis::Notifications.subscribe 'praxis.request.all' do |name, *junk, payload| if (payload[:request].identity_map?) identity_map = payload[:request].identity_map PraxisMapperPlugin::Statistics.log(payload[:request], identity_map, log_stats) end end end end def setup_sequel_repository(name, settings) db = Sequel.connect(settings.dump.symbolize_keys) Praxis::Mapper::ConnectionManager.setup do repository(name.to_sym) { db } end end end module Request def identity_map @identity_map ||= end def identity_map=(map) @identity_map = map end def identity_map? !@identity_map.nil? end def silence_mapper_stats @silence_mapper_stats end def silence_mapper_stats=(value) @silence_mapper_stats = value end end module Controller extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # Ensure we call #release on any identity map # that may be set by the controller after the action # completes. around :action do |controller, callee| begin ensure if controller.request.identity_map? controller.request.identity_map.release end end end end def identity_map request.identity_map end end module Statistics def self.log(request, identity_map, log_stats) return if identity_map.nil? return if request.silence_mapper_stats == true if identity_map.queries.empty? self.to_logger "No database interactions observed." return end case log_stats when 'detailed' self.detailed(identity_map) when 'short' self.short(identity_map) when 'skip' # Shouldn't receive this. But end end def self.detailed(identity_map) stats_by_model = identity_map.query_statistics.sum_totals_by_model stats_total = identity_map.query_statistics.sum_totals fields = [ :query_count, :records_loaded, :datastore_interactions, :datastore_interaction_time] rows = [] total_models_loaded = 0 # stats per model stats_by_model.each do |model, totals| total_values = totals.values_at(*fields) self.round_fields_at( total_values , [fields.index(:datastore_interaction_time)]) row = [ model ] + total_values models_loaded = identity_map.all(model).size total_models_loaded += models_loaded row << models_loaded rows << row end rows << :separator # totals for all models stats_total_values = stats_total.values_at(*fields) self.round_fields_at(stats_total_values , [fields.index(:datastore_interaction_time)]) rows << [ "All Models" ] + stats_total_values + [total_models_loaded] table = \ :rows => rows, :title => "Praxis::Mapper Statistics", :headings => [ "Model", "# Queries", "Records Loaded", "Interactions", "Time(sec)", "Models Loaded" ] table.align_column(1, :right) table.align_column(2, :right) table.align_column(3, :right) table.align_column(4, :right) table.align_column(5, :right) self.to_logger "\n#{table.to_s}" end def self.round_fields_at(values, indices) indices.each do |idx| values[idx] = "%.3f" % values[idx] end end def self.short(identity_map) self.to_logger identity_map.query_statistics.sum_totals.to_s end def self.to_logger(message) Praxis::Application.instance.logger.__send__(Plugin.instance.config.stats_log_level, "Praxis::Mapper Statistics: #{message}") end end end end end