Given /^I run '(.*)'$/ do |command| if ENV['mode'] == 'regression' && command.gsub!(/^mirage/, MIRAGE_CMD) else path = "#{RUBY_CMD} ../bin/" end @commandline_output = normalise(run("#{path}#{command}")) end Given /^the file '(.*)' contains:$/ do |file_path, content| write_to_file file_path, content end Given /^usage information:$/ do |usage| @usage = normalise(usage.to_s) end Then /^I run$/ do |text| text.gsub!("\"", "\\\\\"") Dir.chdir SCRATCH do raise "run failed" unless system "#{RUBY_CMD} -I #{SOURCE_PATH} -e \"#{@code_snippet}\n#{text}\"" end end Given /^the following require statements are needed:$/ do |text| @code_snippet = text.gsub("\"", "\\\\\"") end When /^I send (POST|PUT) to '(.*)' with request entity$/ do |method, endpoint, entity| url = "http://localhost:7001#{endpoint}" @response = case method when 'POST' post(url, body: entity) when 'PUT' put(url, body: entity) end end When /^(GET|PUT|POST|DELETE) is sent to '([^']*)'$/ do |method, endpoint| start_time = url = "http://localhost:7001#{endpoint}" @response = case method when 'GET' then get(url) when 'PUT' then put(url, body: '') when 'POST' then post(url, body: '') when 'DELETE' then delete(url) end @response_time = - start_time end When /^I click '(.*)'$/ do |thing| @page = @page.links.find { |link| link.attributes['id'] == thing }.click end When /^I send (GET|POST) to '(.*)' with parameters:$/ do |http_method, endpoint, table| url = "http://localhost:7001#{endpoint}" parameters = {} table.raw.each do |row| parameter, value = row[0].to_sym, row[1] value = File.exists?(value) ?, 'rb') : value parameters[parameter]=value end puts parameters @response = case http_method when 'POST' then post(url, query: parameters, headers: {'Content-length' => '0'}) when 'GET' then get(url, query: parameters) end end Given /^the following template template:$/ do |text| @response_template = end When /^'(.*)' is base64 encoded$/ do |template_component| @response_template.send(:eval, "#{template_component}=Base64.encode64(#{template_component})") end When /^the template is sent using PUT to '(.*?)'$/ do |endpoint| @response = put("http://localhost:7001#{endpoint}", body: @response_template.to_hash.to_json, :headers => {"Content-Type" => "application/json"}) end Given /^a template for '(.*)' has been set with a value of '(.*)'$/ do |endpoint, value| mirage.templates.put(endpoint, value) end Given(/^the following Template JSON:$/) do |text| @response_template = end