INSTALLING FROM GEM ------------------- This is the easiest way to get up and running with chimp. Make sure you have Ruby and RubyGems installed. You can then install on your system by using the following command: gem install right_chimp Once you have the right_chimp gem installed, you'll need to get up your API creds. First create a directory for the configuration file: mkdir ~/.rest_connection Next create the configuration file. Name it rest_api_config.yaml and place it in the .rest_connection folder. Use the following YAML as a template, replacing , and with your email address, RightScale password, and account number. --- :ssh_keys: - ~/.ssh/id_rsa :pass: :user: :api_url: Now you're ready to run a test query. The following chimp command should return a list of all the operational servers in your account: chimp --tag="rs_monitoring:state=active" RIGHTSCALE OAUTH SPECIFIC NOTES -------------------------------- rest_api_config.yaml should look like :ssh_keys: - ~/.ssh/id_rsa :user: :refresh_token: :api_url: :account: