module HealthDataStandards module Validate module ReportedResultExtractor #takes a document and a list of 1 or more id hashes, e.g.: #[{measure_id:"8a4d92b2-36af-5758-0136-ea8c43244986", set_id:"03876d69-085b-415c-ae9d-9924171040c2", ipp:"D77106C4-8ED0-4C5D-B29E-13DBF255B9FF", den:"8B0FA80F-8FFE-494C-958A-191C1BB36DBF", num:"9363135E-A816-451F-8022-96CDA7E540DD"}] #returns nil if nothing matching is found # returns a hash with the values of the populations filled out along with the population_ids added to the result def extract_results_by_ids(measure_id, ids, doc) results = nil _ids = ids.dup stratification = _ids.delete("stratification") stratification ||= _ids.delete("STRAT") errors = [] nodes = find_measure_node(measure_id, doc) if nodes.nil? || nodes.empty? # short circuit and return nil return {} end nodes.each do |n| results = get_measure_components(n, _ids, stratification) break if (results != nil || (results != nil && !results.empty?)) end return nil if results.nil? results[:population_ids] = ids.dup results end def find_measure_node(id, doc) xpath_measures = %Q{/cda:ClinicalDocument/cda:component/cda:structuredBody/cda:component/cda:section /cda:entry/cda:organizer[ ./cda:templateId[@root = "2.16.840.1.113883."] and ./cda:reference/cda:externalDocument/cda:id[#{translate("@extension")}='#{id.upcase}' and #{translate("@root")}='2.16.840.1.113883.4.738']]} return doc.xpath(xpath_measures) end def get_measure_components(n,ids, stratification) results = {:supplemental_data =>{}} ids.each_pair do |k,v| val = nil sup = nil if (k == 'OBSERV') msrpopl = ids['MSRPOPL'] val, sup = extract_cv_value(n,v,msrpopl, stratification) else val,sup,pr =extract_component_value(n,k,v,stratification) end if !val.nil? results[k.to_s] = val results[:supplemental_data][k] = sup else # return nil end if !pr.nil? results["PR"] = pr end end results end def extract_cv_value(node, id, msrpopl, strata = nil) xpath_observation = %{ cda:component/cda:observation[./cda:value[@code = "MSRPOPL"] and ./cda:reference/cda:externalObservation/cda:id[#{translate("@root")}='#{msrpopl.upcase}']]} cv = node.at_xpath(xpath_observation) return nil unless cv val = nil if strata strata_path = %{ cda:entryRelationship[@typeCode="COMP"]/cda:observation[./cda:templateId[@root = "2.16.840.1.113883."] and ./cda:reference/cda:externalObservation/cda:id[#{translate("@root")}='#{strata.upcase}']]} n = cv.xpath(strata_path) val = get_cv_value(n,id) else val = get_cv_value(cv,id) end return val, (strata.nil? ? extract_supplemental_data(cv) : nil) end def extract_component_value(node, code, id, strata = nil) xpath_observation = %{ cda:component/cda:observation[./cda:value[@code = "#{code}"] and ./cda:reference/cda:externalObservation/cda:id[#{translate("@root")}='#{id.upcase}']]} cv = node.at_xpath(xpath_observation) return nil unless cv val = nil if strata strata_path = %{ cda:entryRelationship[@typeCode="COMP"]/cda:observation[./cda:templateId[@root = "2.16.840.1.113883."] and ./cda:reference/cda:externalObservation/cda:id[#{translate("@root")}='#{strata.upcase}']]} n = cv.xpath(strata_path) val = get_aggregate_count(n) if n else val = get_aggregate_count(cv) end #Performance rate is only applicable for unstratified values if code == "NUMER" && strata == nil pref_rate_value = extract_performance_rate(node,code,id) end return val,(strata.nil? ? extract_supplemental_data(cv) : nil),pref_rate_value end def extract_performance_rate(node,code,id) xpath_perf_rate = %{ cda:component/cda:observation[./cda:templateId[@root = "2.16.840.1.113883."] and ./cda:reference/cda:externalObservation/cda:id[#{translate("@root")}='#{id.upcase}']]/cda:value} perf_rate = node.at_xpath(xpath_perf_rate) pref_rate_value = {} if perf_rate != nil if perf_rate.at_xpath("./@nullFlavor") pref_rate_value["nullFlavor"] = "NA" return pref_rate_value else pref_rate_value["value"] = perf_rate.at_xpath("./@value").value return pref_rate_value end end return nil end # convert numbers in value nodes to Int / Float as necessary TODO add more types other than 'REAL' def convert_value(value_node) if value_node.nil? return end if value_node['type'] == 'REAL' || value_node['value'].include?('.') return value_node['value'].to_f else return value_node['value'].to_i end end #given an observation node with an aggregate count node, return the reported and expected value within the count node def get_cv_value(node, cv_id) xpath_value = %{cda:entryRelationship/cda:observation[./cda:templateId[@root="2.16.840.1.113883."] and ./cda:reference/cda:externalObservation/cda:id[#{translate("@root")}='#{cv_id.upcase}']]/cda:value} value_node = node.at_xpath(xpath_value) value = convert_value(value_node) if value_node value end #given an observation node with an aggregate count node, return the reported and expected value within the count node def get_aggregate_count(node) xpath_value = 'cda:entryRelationship/cda:observation[./cda:templateId[@root="2.16.840.1.113883."]]/cda:value' value_node = node.at_xpath(xpath_value) value = convert_value(value_node) if value_node value end def extract_supplemental_data(cv) ret = {} supplemental_data_mapping = {"RACE"=> "2.16.840.1.113883.", "ETHNICITY" => "2.16.840.1.113883.", "SEX" => "2.16.840.1.113883.", "PAYER" => "2.16.840.1.113883."} supplemental_data_mapping.each_pair do |supp, id| key_hash = {} xpath = "cda:entryRelationship/cda:observation[cda:templateId[@root='#{id}']]" (cv.xpath(xpath) || []).each do |node| value = node.at_xpath('cda:value') count = get_aggregate_count(node) if value.at_xpath("./@nullFlavor") key_hash["UNK"] = count else key_hash[value['code']] = count end end ret[supp.to_s] = key_hash end ret end def translate(id) %{translate(#{id}, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")} end end end end