require 'fileutils' require 'posix/spawn' require 'tmpdir' class RemoteTable class SpawnError < ::RuntimeError; end module Utils def self.tmp_path(ancestor) basename = ::File.basename(ancestor).sub(/remote_table-[0-9]+-/, '') ::Kernel.srand ::File.join ::Dir.tmpdir, "remote_table-#{::Kernel.rand(1e11)}-#{basename}" end def self.spawn(*argv) options = argv.extract_options! if options[:in] or options[:out] # capture these now because posix/spawn is known to bork them in_out = options.slice(:in, :out).map { |k, v| ":#{k} => #{v.path}" }.join(', ') # -- pid = ::POSIX::Spawn.spawn *argv, options ::Process.waitpid pid raise SpawnError, "[remote_table] spawn #{argv.join(' ')} (#{in_out}) failed with exit status #{$?.exitstatus}" unless $?.success? else child = *argv raise SpawnError, "[remote_table] spawn #{argv.join(' ')}) failed with #{child.err}" unless child.success? end nil end def self.in_place(*args) options = args.extract_options! input = args.shift argv = args output = tmp_path input, 'r') do |f0|, 'wb') do |f1| spawn *argv, :in => f0, :out => f1 end end output, input nil rescue SpawnError => e if options[:ignore_error] $stderr.puts "#{e.inspect} (ignoring error...)" output, input else raise e end end def, form_data = nil) output = tmp_path uri.path if uri.scheme == 'file' $stderr.puts "[remote_table] Getting #{uri.path} from the local file system" if ::ENV['REMOTE_TABLE_VERBOSE'] == 'true' ::FileUtils.cp uri.path, output return output end argv = [ 'curl', '--location', '--show-error', '--silent', '--compressed', '--header', 'Expect: ' ] if form_data argv += [ '--data', form_data ] end argv += [ uri.to_s, '--output', output ] # sabshere 7/20/11 make web requests move more slowly so you don't get accused of DOS if ::ENV.has_key?('REMOTE_TABLE_DELAY_BETWEEN_REQUESTS') ::Kernel.sleep ::ENV['REMOTE_TABLE_DELAY_BETWEEN_REQUESTS'].to_i end $stderr.puts "[remote_table] Downloading #{uri.to_s}" if ::ENV['REMOTE_TABLE_VERBOSE'] == 'true' spawn *argv output end def self.decompress(input, compression) case compression when :zip, :exe Utils.unzip input when :bz2 Utils.bunzip2 input when :gz Utils.gunzip input else raise ::ArgumentError, "[remote_table] Unrecognized compression #{compression}" end end def self.unpack(input, packing) case packing when :tar Utils.untar input else raise ::ArgumentError, "[remote_table] Unrecognized packing #{packing}" end end def self.pick(input, options = {}) options = options.symbolize_keys if (options[:filename] or options[:glob]) and not raise ::RuntimeError, "[remote_table] Expecting #{input} to be a directory" end if filename = options[:filename] src = ::File.join input, filename raise(::RuntimeError, "[remote_table] Expecting #{src} to be a file") unless ::File.file?(src) output = tmp_path src src, output ::FileUtils.rm_rf input if ::File.dirname(input).start_with?(::Dir.tmpdir) elsif glob = options[:glob] src = ::Dir[input+glob].first raise(::RuntimeError, "[remote_table] Expecting #{glob} to find a file in #{input}") unless src and ::File.file?(src) output = tmp_path src src, output ::FileUtils.rm_rf input if ::File.dirname(input).start_with?(::Dir.tmpdir) else output = tmp_path input input, output end output end def self.gunzip(input) output = tmp_path input, 'wb') do |f| spawn 'gunzip', '--stdout', input, :out => f end ::FileUtils.rm_f input output end def self.bunzip2(input) output = tmp_path input, 'wb') do |f| spawn 'bunzip2', '--stdout', input, :out => f end ::FileUtils.rm_f input output end def self.untar(input) dest_dir = tmp_path input ::FileUtils.mkdir dest_dir spawn 'tar', '-xf', input, '-C', dest_dir ::FileUtils.rm_f input dest_dir end def self.unzip(input) dest_dir = tmp_path input ::FileUtils.mkdir dest_dir spawn 'unzip', '-qq', '-n', input, '-d', dest_dir ::FileUtils.rm_f input dest_dir end end end