window.GOVUK = window.GOVUK || {} window.GOVUK.Modules = window.GOVUK.Modules || {}; (function (Modules) { /* This JavaScript provides two functional enhancements to option-select components: 1) A count that shows how many results have been checked in the option-container 2) Open/closing of the list of checkboxes */ function OptionSelect ($module) { this.$optionSelect = $module this.$options = this.$optionSelect.querySelectorAll("input[type='checkbox']") this.$optionsContainer = this.$optionSelect.querySelector('.js-options-container') this.$optionList = this.$optionsContainer.querySelector('.js-auto-height-inner') this.$allCheckboxes = this.$optionsContainer.querySelectorAll('.govuk-checkboxes__item') this.hasFilter = this.$optionSelect.getAttribute('data-filter-element') || '' this.checkedCheckboxes = [] = window.matchMedia('(min-width: 641px)') this.isClosedOnLoad = this.$optionSelect.getAttribute('data-closed-on-load') this.isClosedOnLoadMobile = this.$optionSelect.getAttribute('data-closed-on-load-mobile') } OptionSelect.prototype.init = function () { if (this.hasFilter.length) { var filterEl = document.createElement('div') filterEl.innerHTML = this.hasFilter var optionSelectFilter = document.createElement('div') optionSelectFilter.classList.add('gem-c-option-select__filter') optionSelectFilter.innerHTML = filterEl.childNodes[0].nodeValue this.$optionsContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(optionSelectFilter, this.$optionsContainer) this.$filter = this.$optionSelect.querySelector('input[name="option-select-filter"]') this.$filterCount = document.getElementById(this.$filter.getAttribute('aria-describedby')) this.filterTextSingle = ' ' + this.$filterCount.getAttribute('data-single') this.filterTextMultiple = ' ' + this.$filterCount.getAttribute('data-multiple') this.filterTextSelected = ' ' + this.$filterCount.getAttribute('data-selected') this.checkboxLabels = [] this.filterTimeout = 0 this.getAllCheckedCheckboxes() for (var i = 0; i < this.$allCheckboxes.length; i++) { this.checkboxLabels.push(this.cleanString(this.$allCheckboxes[i].textContent)) } this.$filter.addEventListener('keyup', this.typeFilterText.bind(this)) } // Attach listener to update checked count this.$optionsContainer.querySelector('.govuk-checkboxes').addEventListener('change', this.updateCheckedCount.bind(this)) // Replace div.container-head with a button this.replaceHeadingSpanWithButton() // Add js-collapsible class to parent for CSS this.$optionSelect.classList.add('js-collapsible') // Add open/close listeners var button = this.$optionSelect.querySelector('.js-container-button') button.addEventListener('click', this.toggleOptionSelect.bind(this)) // Toggle option visibility depending on screen size (min-width: 641px) and // presence of any 'closed' properties (`data-closed-on-load`, `data-closed-on-load-mobile`). // See if ( { this.toggleVisibility(true) } else { this.toggleVisibility(false) } var checkedString = this.checkedString() if (checkedString) { this.attachCheckedCounter(checkedString) } } OptionSelect.prototype.toggleVisibility = function (isTabletOrLarger) { if (isTabletOrLarger) { if (this.isClosedOnLoad === 'true') { this.close() } else { this.setupHeight() } } else { if (this.isClosedOnLoadMobile === 'true' || this.isClosedOnLoad === 'true') { this.close() } else { this.setContainerHeight(201) } } } OptionSelect.prototype.typeFilterText = function (event) { event.stopPropagation() var ENTER_KEY = 13 if (event.keyCode !== ENTER_KEY) { clearTimeout(this.filterTimeout) this.filterTimeout = setTimeout( function () { this.doFilter(this) }.bind(this), 300 ) } else { event.preventDefault() // prevents finder forms from being submitted when user presses ENTER } } OptionSelect.prototype.cleanString = function cleanString (text) { text = text.replace(/&/g, 'and') text = text.replace(/[’',:–-]/g, '') // remove punctuation characters text = text.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&') // escape special characters return text.trim().replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ').toLowerCase() // replace multiple spaces with one } OptionSelect.prototype.getAllCheckedCheckboxes = function getAllCheckedCheckboxes () { this.checkedCheckboxes = [] for (var i = 0; i < this.$options.length; i++) { if (this.$options[i].checked) { this.checkedCheckboxes.push(i) } } } OptionSelect.prototype.doFilter = function doFilter (obj) { var filterBy = obj.cleanString(obj.$filter.value) var showCheckboxes = obj.checkedCheckboxes.slice() var i = 0 for (i = 0; i < obj.$allCheckboxes.length; i++) { if (showCheckboxes.indexOf(i) === -1 && obj.checkboxLabels[i].search(filterBy) !== -1) { showCheckboxes.push(i) } } for (i = 0; i < obj.$allCheckboxes.length; i++) { obj.$allCheckboxes[i].style.display = 'none' } for (i = 0; i < showCheckboxes.length; i++) { obj.$allCheckboxes[showCheckboxes[i]].style.display = 'flex' } var lenChecked = obj.$optionsContainer.querySelectorAll('.govuk-checkboxes__input:checked').length var len = showCheckboxes.length + lenChecked var html = len + (len === 1 ? obj.filterTextSingle : obj.filterTextMultiple) + ', ' + lenChecked + obj.filterTextSelected obj.$filterCount.innerHTML = html } OptionSelect.prototype.replaceHeadingSpanWithButton = function replaceHeadingSpanWithButton () { /* Replace the span within the heading with a button element. This is based on feedback from Léonie Watson. * The button has all of the accessibility hooks that are used by screen readers and etc. * We do this in the JavaScript because if the JavaScript is not active then the button shouldn't * be there as there is no JS to handle the click event. */ var containerHead = this.$optionSelect.querySelector('.js-container-button') var jsContainerHeadHTML = containerHead.innerHTML // Create button and replace the preexisting html with the button. var button = document.createElement('button') button.setAttribute('class', 'js-container-button gem-c-option-select__title gem-c-option-select__button') // Add type button to override default type submit when this component is used within a form button.setAttribute('type', 'button') button.setAttribute('aria-expanded', true) button.setAttribute('id', containerHead.getAttribute('id')) button.setAttribute('aria-controls', this.$optionsContainer.getAttribute('id')) var buttonAttributes = this.$optionSelect.getAttribute('data-button-data-attributes') if (buttonAttributes) { try { buttonAttributes = JSON.parse(buttonAttributes) for (var rawKey in buttonAttributes) { var key = rawKey.replace(/_/g, '-').toLowerCase() var rawValue = buttonAttributes[rawKey] var value = typeof rawValue === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(rawValue) : rawValue button.setAttribute('data-' + key, value) } } catch (e) { console.error('Error with option select button data attributes, invalid JSON passed' + e.message, window.location) } } button.innerHTML = jsContainerHeadHTML containerHead.parentNode.replaceChild(button, containerHead) } OptionSelect.prototype.attachCheckedCounter = function attachCheckedCounter (checkedString) { var element = document.createElement('div') element.setAttribute('class', 'gem-c-option-select__selected-counter js-selected-counter') element.innerHTML = checkedString this.$optionSelect.querySelector('.js-container-button').insertAdjacentElement('afterend', element) } OptionSelect.prototype.updateCheckedCount = function updateCheckedCount () { var checkedString = this.checkedString() var checkedStringElement = this.$optionSelect.querySelector('.js-selected-counter') if (checkedString) { if (checkedStringElement === null) { this.attachCheckedCounter(checkedString) } else { checkedStringElement.textContent = checkedString } } else if (checkedStringElement) { checkedStringElement.parentNode.removeChild(checkedStringElement) } } OptionSelect.prototype.checkedString = function checkedString () { this.getAllCheckedCheckboxes() var count = this.checkedCheckboxes.length var checkedString = false if (count > 0) { checkedString = count + ' selected' } return checkedString } OptionSelect.prototype.toggleOptionSelect = function toggleOptionSelect (e) { if (this.isClosed()) { } else { this.close() } e.preventDefault() } = function open () { if (this.isClosed()) { this.$optionSelect.querySelector('.js-container-button').setAttribute('aria-expanded', true) this.$optionSelect.classList.remove('js-closed') this.$optionSelect.classList.add('js-opened') if (!this.$ { this.setupHeight() } } } OptionSelect.prototype.close = function close () { this.$optionSelect.classList.remove('js-opened') this.$optionSelect.classList.add('js-closed') this.$optionSelect.querySelector('.js-container-button').setAttribute('aria-expanded', false) } OptionSelect.prototype.isClosed = function isClosed () { return this.$optionSelect.classList.contains('js-closed') } OptionSelect.prototype.setContainerHeight = function setContainerHeight (height) { this.$ = height + 'px' } OptionSelect.prototype.isCheckboxVisible = function isCheckboxVisible (option) { var initialOptionContainerHeight = this.$optionsContainer.clientHeight var optionListOffsetTop = this.$optionList.getBoundingClientRect().top var distanceFromTopOfContainer = option.getBoundingClientRect().top - optionListOffsetTop return distanceFromTopOfContainer < initialOptionContainerHeight } OptionSelect.prototype.getVisibleCheckboxes = function getVisibleCheckboxes () { var visibleCheckboxes = [] for (var i = 0; i < this.$options.length; i++) { if (this.isCheckboxVisible(this.$options[i])) { visibleCheckboxes.push(this.$options[i]) } } // add an extra checkbox, if the label of the first is too long it collapses onto itself if (this.$options[visibleCheckboxes.length]) { visibleCheckboxes.push(this.$options[visibleCheckboxes.length]) } return visibleCheckboxes } OptionSelect.prototype.isComponentParentHidden = function isComponentParentHidden () { var parentContent = this.$optionSelect.parentElement var isparentContentHidden = false // check whether this is hidden by progressive disclosure, // because height calculations won't work // would use offsetParent === null but for IE10+ if (parentContent) { isparentContentHidden = !(parentContent.offsetWidth || parentContent.offsetHeight || parentContent.getClientRects().length) } return isparentContentHidden } OptionSelect.prototype.setupHeight = function setupHeight () { var initialOptionContainerHeight = this.$optionsContainer.clientHeight var height = this.$optionList.offsetHeight var isComponentParentHidden = this.isComponentParentHidden() if (isComponentParentHidden) { initialOptionContainerHeight = 200 height = 200 } // Resize if the list is only slightly bigger than its container // If isComponentParentHidden is true, then 200 < 250 // And the container height is always set to 201px if (height < initialOptionContainerHeight + 50) { this.setContainerHeight(height + 1) return } // Resize to cut last item cleanly in half var visibleCheckboxes = this.getVisibleCheckboxes() var lastVisibleCheckbox = visibleCheckboxes[visibleCheckboxes.length - 1] var position = lastVisibleCheckbox.parentNode.offsetTop // parent element is relative this.setContainerHeight(position + (lastVisibleCheckbox.clientHeight / 1.5)) } Modules.OptionSelect = OptionSelect })(window.GOVUK.Modules)