require 'rubygems' require 'bacon' require 'mocha' require 'mocha-on-bacon' Bacon.summary_at_exit $:.unshift File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__) require 'terminal-notifier' describe "TerminalNotifier" do it "executes the tool with the given options and properly escapes the message" do command = [TerminalNotifier::BIN_PATH, '-message', '\[ZOMG] "OH YEAH"'] command = Shellwords.join(command) if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' IO.expects(:popen).with(command).yields('output')) TerminalNotifier.execute(false, :message => '[ZOMG] "OH YEAH"') end it "returns the result output of the command" do TerminalNotifier.execute(false, 'help' => '').should == `'#{TerminalNotifier::BIN_PATH}' -help` end it "sends a notification" do TerminalNotifier.expects(:execute).with(false, :message => 'ZOMG', :group => 'important stuff') TerminalNotifier.notify('ZOMG', :group => 'important stuff') end it "removes a notification" do TerminalNotifier.expects(:execute).with(false, :remove => 'important stuff') TerminalNotifier.remove('important stuff') end it "by default removes all the notifications" do TerminalNotifier.expects(:execute).with(false, :remove => 'ALL') TerminalNotifier.remove end it "returns `nil` if no notification was found to list info for" do TerminalNotifier.expects(:execute).with(false, :list => 'important stuff').returns('') TerminalNotifier.list('important stuff').should == nil end it "returns info about a notification posted in a specific group" do TerminalNotifier.expects(:execute).with(false, :list => 'important stuff'). returns("GroupID\tTitle\tSubtitle\tMessage\tDelivered At\n" \ "important stuff\tTerminal\t(null)\tExecute: rake spec\t2012-08-06 19:45:30 +0000") TerminalNotifier.list('important stuff').should == { :group => 'important stuff', :title => 'Terminal', :subtitle => nil, :message => 'Execute: rake spec', :delivered_at => Time.parse('2012-08-06 19:45:30 +0000') } end it "by default returns a list of all notification" do TerminalNotifier.expects(:execute).with(false, :list => 'ALL'). returns("GroupID\tTitle\tSubtitle\tMessage\tDelivered At\n" \ "important stuff\tTerminal\t(null)\tExecute: rake spec\t2012-08-06 19:45:30 +0000\n" \ "(null)\t(null)\tSubtle\tBe subtle!\t2012-08-07 19:45:30 +0000") TerminalNotifier.list.should == [ { :group => 'important stuff', :title => 'Terminal', :subtitle => nil, :message => 'Execute: rake spec', :delivered_at => Time.parse('2012-08-06 19:45:30 +0000') }, { :group => nil, :title => nil, :subtitle => 'Subtle', :message => 'Be subtle!', :delivered_at => Time.parse('2012-08-07 19:45:30 +0000') } ] end end