# require 'rails/generators/base' # module Shipay # module Generator # class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base # source_root File.expand_path("../../templates", __FILE__) # desc "Creates a Devise initializer and copy locale files to your application." # class_option :orm, required: true # def copy_initializer # unless options[:orm] # raise MissingORMError, <<-ERROR.strip_heredoc # An ORM must be set to install Devise in your application. # Be sure to have an ORM like Active Record or Mongoid loaded in your # app or configure your own at `config/application.rb`. # config.generators do |g| # g.orm :your_orm_gem # end # ERROR # end # template "devise.rb", "config/initializers/devise.rb" # end # def copy_locale # copy_file "../../../config/locales/en.yml", "config/locales/devise.en.yml" # end # def show_readme # readme "README" if behavior == :invoke # end # end # end # end # end # end