# Changelog **1.3.1** Minor release - Use FontCustom's codepoints when regenerating fonts to add/remove glyphs -- #19 - Fixed an issue picking up the wrong font filename -- #18 - Dropped Ruby 1.9 support - Testing on all Ruby 2.x versions - Deprecated options `fontcustom_fonts_path` in favor of `fontcustom_options` **1.3.0** Major release - Bundles Fontcustom 1.3.0 -- #10 - Fixes an issue where fonts are not regenerated -- #11 - Adds Compass configuration option `fontcustom_input_paths` -- #12 - Adds Compass configuration option `fontcustom_fonts_path` -- #13 - Officially supporting Compass 1.0 **1.2.0** Major release - Bundles Fontcustom 1.2.0 - **Compatibility**: CSS class name and glyph name normalization have been decoupled. See the readme for details. - Extended documentation in the readme. **1.1.0** Minor release - Bundles Fontcustom 1.1.0 - Adds proper support for Rails' asset pipeline. Should work with Rails >= 3.1, tested with 4.0. - Changes/fixes behavior of naming CSS classes: Special characters, other than a-z and 0-9, are now being stripped when generating class names from glyph file names to prevent CSS from throwing up: File name `google+.svg` becomes class name `.icon-yourfont-google` -- without the `+` sign. **1.0.0** Feature release - Adding mixin for generating custom glyph classes **1.0.0.pre3** Bugfix release - Fixing CSS class <-> glyph mapping **1.0.0.pre2** Maintenance release - Depending on fontcustom 1.0.0.pre2 **1.0.0.pre** - Designed to work with fontcustom 1.0.0.pre - Leveraging fontcustom's new `Fontcustom::Generator::Font` to generate font without stylesheets - Generating custom stylesheet (see `lib/compass/fontcustom/templates/stylesheet.scss.erb) via mixins - After `@import`ing your font you now need to `@include all-font-name-glyphs` to have classes available - Font glyph class names follow this naming scheme: `.icon--` - New Sass function: `glyph(index)` which yields `:before` styles with proper index pointing at a specific glyph Example: `&:before { content: "\"; }` **0.0.1** - obsolete. doesn't matter anymore.