require "spec_helper" describe Supernova::SolrIndexer do let(:db) { double("db", :query => [to_index]) } let(:to_index) { { :id => 1, :title => "Some Title"} } let(:file_stub) { double("file").as_null_object } let(:indexer) { indexer = indexer.db = db Supernova::Solr.url = "http://solr.xx:9333/solr" indexer.stub!(:system).and_return true indexer } before(:each) do File.stub!(:open).and_return file_stub end describe "initialize" do it "sets all options" do options = { :database => { :database => "dynasty", :username => "dynasty_user" } } indexer = indexer.options.should == options end it "sets all known attributes" do indexer = => db) indexer.db.should == db end end describe "#query_db" do it "executes the query" do db.should_receive(:query).with("query").and_return [to_index] indexer.query_db("query") end it "calls select_all when not responding to query" do old_mysql_double = double("old mysql double", :select_all => []) indexer.db = old_mysql_double old_mysql_double.should_receive(:select_all).with("query").and_return [to_index] indexer.query_db("query") end end describe "#index_query" do let(:query) { %(SELECT CONCAT("user_", id) AS id, title FROM people WHERE type = 'User') } it "executes the query" do indexer.should_receive(:query_db).with(query).and_return [to_index] indexer.index_query(query) end it "calls write_to_file on all rows" do rows = [double("1"), double("2")] indexer.stub(:query_db).and_return rows indexer.should_receive(:write_to_file).with(rows.first) indexer.should_receive(:write_to_file).with( indexer.stub!(:finish) indexer.index_query(query) end it "calls finish" do indexer.should_receive(:finish) indexer.index_query(query) end end describe "#index_file_path" do it "returns the set file_path" do indexer.index_file_path = "/some/path" indexer.index_file_path.should == "/some/path" end it "returns a random file path when not set" do Time.stub(:now).and_return indexer.index_file_path.should == "/tmp/index_file_112233.json" end end describe "#write_to_file" do describe "with the stream not being open" do it "opens a new stream" do indexer.index_file_path = "/tmp/some_path.json" File.should_receive(:open).with("/tmp/some_path.json", "w") indexer.write_to_file(to_index) end it "writes the opening brackets and the first line" do file_stub.should_receive(:puts).with("\{") file_stub.should_receive(:print).with("\"add\":{\"doc\":{\"title\":\"Some Title\",\"id\":1}}") indexer.write_to_file(to_index) end it "only write fields which are not null" do file_stub.should_receive(:print).with("\"add\":{\"doc\":{\"title\":\"Some Title\",\"id\":1}}") indexer.write_to_file(to_index.merge(:text => nil)) end it "separates the first and the second line" do file_stub.should_receive(:puts).with("\{") file_stub.should_receive(:print).with("\"add\":{\"doc\":{\"title\":\"Some Title\",\"id\":1}}") file_stub.should_receive(:print).with(%(,\n"add":{"doc":{"id":2}})) indexer.write_to_file(to_index) indexer.write_to_file({:id => 2}) end end it "does not open a new file when already open" do indexer.instance_variable_set("@index_file_stream", file_stub) File.should_not_receive(:open) indexer.write_to_file(to_index) end end describe "#finish" do it "raises an error when stream not open" do lambda { indexer.finish }.should raise_error("nothing to index") end describe "with something being written" do it "writes closing bracket to file" do indexer.write_to_file(to_index) file_stub.should_receive(:puts).with("\}") indexer.finish end it "closes the stream" do indexer.write_to_file(to_index) file_stub.should_receive(:close) indexer.finish end it "calls do_index_file" do indexer.write_to_file(to_index) indexer.should_receive(:do_index_file) indexer.finish end end end describe "#do_index_file" do it "raises an error when solr_url not configues" do Supernova::Solr.url = nil lambda { }.should raise_error("solr not configured") end it "calls the correct curl command" do indexer.index_file_path = "/tmp/some_path.json" indexer.should_receive(:system).with("curl -s 'http://solr.xx:9333/solr/update/json?commit=true\\&stream.file=/tmp/some_path.json'") indexer.do_index_file(:local => true) end it "executes the correct curl call when not local" do # curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/update/json?commit=true' --data-binary @books.json -H 'Content-type:application/json' indexer.index_file_path = "/tmp/some_path.json" indexer.should_receive(:system).with("cd /tmp && curl -s 'http://solr.xx:9333/solr/update/json?commit=true' --data-binary @some_path.json -H 'Content-type:application/json'") indexer.do_index_file end end end