require_relative './test_helper' require 'simple_taggable' require "magazine" require "photo" require "post" require "subscription" require "magazine" require "user" require "byebug" class SimpleTaggableTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase fixtures :tags, :taggings, :photos, :posts, :subscriptions, :magazines, :users test 'tag_counts on class' do assert_tag_counts Photo.tag_counts, :great => 2, :sucks => 1, :crazy_animal => 1, :animal => 3, :nature => 3 assert_tag_counts Post.tag_counts, :great => 2, :sucks => 2, :nature => 7 end test 'tag_counts on instance' do assert_tag_counts @small_dog.tag_counts, :great => 2, :nature => 3, :animal => 3 end test 'tag_counts with frequency' do assert_tag_counts Photo.tag_counts(:at_least => 2), :great => 2, :animal => 3, :nature => 3 assert_tag_counts Photo.tag_counts(:at_most => 1), :sucks => 1, :crazy_animal => 1 end test 'tag_counts with frequency and condition' do counts = Photo.tag_counts(:at_least => 2, :conditions => " LIKE '%n%'") assert_tag_counts counts, :animal => 3, :nature => 3 end test 'tag_counts with order and limit' do assert_equal [@nature, @great], Post.tag_counts(:order => 'count DESC, name', :limit => 2) end # test 'tag_counts on association' do # assert_tag_counts @john.posts.tag_counts, :great => 1, :nature => 5, :sucks => 1 # assert_tag_counts @jane.posts.tag_counts, :great => 1, :nature => 2, :sucks => 1 # # assert_tag_counts, :great => 1, :sucks => 1, :crazy_animal => 1, :animal => 3, :nature => 1 # assert_tag_counts, :nature => 2, :great => 1 # end # test 'tag_counts on association with options' do # assert_equal [], @john.posts.tag_counts(:conditions => '1 = 0') # assert_tag_counts @john.posts.tag_counts(:at_most => 2), :great => 1, :sucks => 1 # end test 'tag_counts on has_many :through' do assert_tag_counts @john.magazines.tag_counts, :great => 1 end test 'has tags and taggings' do assert @small_dog.respond_to? :tags assert @small_dog.respond_to? :taggings end test '#tag_list' do assert_equal %w(Animal Nature Great), @small_dog.tag_list end test '#tagged finds records tagged with the given tags' do assert_equal [@big_dog, @small_dog, @bad_cat], Photo.tagged('Animal') assert_equal [@bad_cat], Photo.tagged('"Crazy animal"') assert_equal [@ground, @rain], Post.tagged('sucks') end test '#tagged does not find records tagged with nothing or blank tags' do assert_equal [], Photo.tagged("") assert_equal [], Photo.tagged([]) end test '#tagged does not find records tagged with non existant tags' do assert_equal [], Post.tagged('doesnotexist') assert_equal [], Photo.tagged(['doesnotexist']) assert_equal [], Photo.tagged([ => 'unsaved tag')]) end test '#tagged finds records tagged with at least one of the given tags' do assert_equal [@big_dog, @small_dog, @bad_cat, @flower], Photo.tagged('Animal', 'Great') end test '#tagged finds records tagged with all of the given tags when :match_all option was set' do assert_equal [@small_dog], Photo.tagged('Animal', 'Great', :match_all => true) end test '#tagged using match_all and include' do assert_nothing_raised do Photo.tagged('Great', :include => :tags) Photo.tagged("Great", :include => { :taggings => :tag }) end assert_equal [@small_dog], Photo.tagged(['Great', 'Animal'], :match_all => true, :include => :tags) assert_no_queries { @small_dog.tags } end test '#tagged using conditions' do assert_equal [], Photo.tagged('Great Nature', :conditions => '1 = 0') end test '#tagged using :except option' do assert_equal [@sky, @flower], Photo.tagged('Nature', :except => 'Animal') end test '#tagged with association scope' do assert_equal [@sky, @flower],'Nature') assert_equal [@small_dog],'Nature') assert_equal [],'Nature', :except => 'Animal') assert_equal [],'Nature Bad', :match_all => true) end test '#save_tags saves new tags' do @small_dog.tag_list.add('New') assert Tag.find_by_name('New') assert_equal %w(Animal Nature Great New), @small_dog.reload.tag_list end test '#save_tags removes old tags' do @small_dog.tag_list.remove('Great') assert_equal %w(Animal Nature), @small_dog.reload.tag_list end test 'unused tags are deleted by default' do assert_difference('Tag.count', -1) do @bad_cat.tag_list.remove('Crazy Animal')! end end test 'unused tags are not deleted when Tag.destroy_unused is set to false' do Tag.destroy_unused = false assert_difference('Tag.count', 0) do @big_dog.tag_list.remove('Animal')! end end test '#tag_list reader returns a tag list' do assert_equivalent ['Sucks', 'Crazy Animal', 'Animal'], @bad_cat.tag_list end test 'adding new tags via #tag_list writer' do assert_equivalent %w(Nature), @sky.tag_list @sky.update_attributes!(:tag_list => "#{@sky.tag_list} One Two") assert_equivalent %w(Nature One Two), @sky.tag_list end test 'removing tags via #tag_list writer' do assert_equivalent %w(Nature), @sky.tag_list @sky.update_attributes!(:tag_list => "") assert_equivalent [], @sky.tag_list end test 'tag_list reader on a new record' do photo = => 'Test') assert photo.tag_list.blank? photo.tag_list = "One, Two" assert_equal "One, Two", photo.tag_list.to_s end test 'tag_list writer clears tag_list with nil' do photo = @small_dog assert !photo.tag_list.blank? assert photo.update_attributes(:tag_list => nil) assert photo.tag_list.blank? assert photo.reload.tag_list.blank? end test 'tag_list writer clears tag_list with a string containing only spaces' do photo = @small_dog assert !photo.tag_list.blank? assert photo.update_attributes(:tag_list => ' ') assert photo.tag_list.blank? assert photo.reload.tag_list.blank? end test 'tag_list is reset on reload' do photo = @small_dog assert !photo.tag_list.blank? photo.tag_list = nil assert photo.tag_list.blank? assert !photo.reload.tag_list.blank? end test 'changing the case of tags via #tag_list writer' do @small_dog.update_attributes!(:tag_list => @small_dog.tag_list.to_s.upcase) assert_equal 'ANIMAL NATURE GREAT', @small_dog.reload.tag_list.to_s end test 'case insensivity' do assert_difference "Tag.count", 1 do Photo.create!(:title => "Foo", :tag_list => "baz") Photo.create!(:title => "Bar", :tag_list => "Baz") Photo.create!(:title => "Bar", :tag_list => "BAZ") end assert_equal Photo.tagged("baz").to_a, Photo.tagged("BAZ").to_a end test "tagged scope works with sti" do photo = SpecialPhoto.create!(:title => "Foo", :tag_list => "STI") assert_equal [photo], SpecialPhoto.tagged("STI") assert Photo.tagged("STI").map(&:id).include?( end test 'caches the tag_list before save' do assert @small_dog.cached_tag_list.nil?! assert_equal 'Animal Nature Great', @small_dog.cached_tag_list @small_dog.update_attributes(:tag_list => 'Foo') assert_equal 'Foo', @small_dog.cached_tag_list assert_equal 'Foo', @small_dog.reload.cached_tag_list end test 'cached_tag_list used' do! @small_dog.reload assert_no_queries { assert_equal %w(Animal Nature Great), @small_dog.tag_list } end end