RSpec Results



API Command
should return encoded URL for the specified command and parameters
should URL encode any special characters in parameters
Secure API Command
should use HTTPS
Command executor
should create an API command with the given params
should send the URI generated by the created command via HTTP get and return the response
should send the command over a secure HTTPS connection if :secure option is set to true
should use the api_id, username and password to authenticate and return the new session id
should support ping, using the current session_id
should support sending messages to a specified number, returning the message id
should set the :from parameter and set the :req_feat to 48 when using a custom from string when sending a message
should set the :mo flag to 1 when :set_mobile_originated is true when sending a message
should ignore any invalid parameters when sending a message
should support message status query for a given message id, returning the message status
should support balance query, returning number of credits as a float
should raise an API::Error if the response parser raises
Clickatell::API when authenticating
should authenticate to retrieve a session_id and return a new API instance using that session id
Clickatell::API with no authentication options set
should build commands with no authentication options
Clickatell::API in secure mode
should execute commands securely
API Error
should parse http response string to create error
should return only the keys specified
should return only the keys specified, ignoring keys that do not exist
Response parser
should return hash for one-line success response
should raise API::Error if response contains an error message