#include #include #include #include using namespace bzs::db::protocol::tdap::client; using namespace bzs::db::protocol::tdap; /** @brief read and delete example This program deletes one record of a "user" table. Please execute "create database" , "change schema" and "insert records" example before execute this example. */ static const short fieldnum_id = 0; static const short fieldnum_name = 1; static const short fieldnum_group = 2; static const short fieldnum_tel = 3; static const char_td keynum_id = 0; /** show database operation error */ void showError(const _TCHAR* caption,const _TCHAR* tableName, short statusCode) { _TCHAR tmp[1024]={0x00}; nstable::tdapErr(0x00, statusCode, tableName, tmp); _tprintf(_T("%s error No.%ld %s\n"),caption, statusCode, tmp); } bool deleteUser(table* tb) { tb->clearBuffer(); tb->setKeyNum(keynum_id); //use id key tb->setFV(fieldnum_id, 3);//id=3 satoshi tb->seek(); if (tb->stat() == 0) tb->del(); if (tb->stat()!=0) showError(_T("update user"), tb->tableDef()->tableName(), tb->stat()); return (tb->stat()== 0); } /** Open database */ bool openDatabase(database* db, const _TCHAR* uri) { db->open(uri, TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF); if (db->stat() != 0) { showError(_T("open daatabase"), NULL, db->stat()); return false; } return true; } #pragma argsused int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { int result = 0; static const _TCHAR* uri = _T("tdap://localhost/test?dbfile=test.bdf"); database* db = database::create(); if (openDatabase(db, uri)) { table* tbu = db->openTable(_T("user")); if (db->stat() != 0) showError(_T("open user table"), NULL, db->stat()); else { if (deleteUser(tbu)) _tprintf(_T("Update records success. \n")); tbu->release(); } db->close(); } database::destroy(db); return result; }