require 'helper' class TestDefinition < Test::Unit::TestCase context "Given an empty Definition object" do setup do init() initUser() @definition = @user.createDefinition() end should "have an empty CSDL" do assert_not_nil @definition assert_equal '', @definition.csdl end should "correctly set and get the CSDL" do @definition.csdl = @testdata['definition'] assert_equal @testdata['definition'], @definition.csdl end end context "Given a Definition object with CSDL" do setup do init() initUser() @definition = @user.createDefinition(@testdata['definition']) end should "have the correct CSDL" do assert_not_nil @definition assert_equal @testdata['definition'], @definition.csdl end end context "Given a Definition object with CSDL plus padding" do setup do init() initUser() @definition = @user.createDefinition(" " + @testdata['definition'] + " ") end should "have the correct CSDL" do assert_not_nil @definition assert_equal @testdata['definition'], @definition.csdl end end context "When trying to create a Definition object with an invalid user" do should "raise an InvalidDataError" do assert_raise(DataSift::InvalidDataError) {'username') } end end context "When trying to create a Definition object with an invalid CSDL" do setup do init() initUser() end should "raise an InvalidDataError" do assert_raise(DataSift::InvalidDataError) {, 1234) } end end context "Given a Definition object with a valid CSDL" do setup do init() initUser() @definition = @user.createDefinition(@testdata['definition']) end should "compile the definition successfully" do begin @user.api_client.setResponse(200, { 'hash' => @testdata['definition_hash'], 'created_at' =>'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'cost' => 10, }, 200, 150) @definition.compile() rescue InvalidDataError assert false, "InvalidDataError" rescue CompileFailedError assert false, "CompileFailedError" rescue APIError assert false, "APIError" end end should "have the correct hash" do @user.api_client.setResponse(200, { 'hash' => @testdata['definition_hash'], 'created_at' =>'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'cost' => 10, }, 200, 150) assert_equal @testdata['definition_hash'], @definition.hash end should "have a positive cost" do @user.api_client.setResponse(200, { 'hash' => @testdata['definition_hash'], 'created_at' =>'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'cost' => 10, }, 200, 150) @definition.compile() assert @definition.total_cost > 0 end should "have a valid created_at date" do @user.api_client.setResponse(200, { 'hash' => @testdata['definition_hash'], 'created_at' =>'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'cost' => 10, }, 200, 150) @definition.compile() assert @definition.created_at end end context "Given a Definition object with an invalid CSDL" do setup do init() initUser() @definition = @user.createDefinition(@testdata['invalid_definition']) end should "fail to compile the definition" do @user.api_client.setResponse(400, { 'error' => 'The target interactin.content does not exist', }, 200, 150) assert_raise(DataSift::CompileFailedError) { @definition.compile() } end should "have a hash of false" do @user.api_client.setResponse(400, { 'error' => 'The target interactin.content does not exist', }, 200, 150) assert_equal false, @definition.hash end end context "The cost returned from a valid Definition object" do setup do init() initUser() @definition = @user.createDefinition(@testdata['definition']) # Compile the definition first @user.api_client.setResponse(200, { 'hash' => @testdata['definition_hash'], 'created_at' =>'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'cost' => 10, }, 200, 150) @definition.compile() # Now get the cost @user.api_client.setResponse(200, { 'costs' => { 'contains' => { 'count' => 1, 'cost' => 4, 'targets' => { 'interaction.content' => { 'count' => 1, 'cost' => 4, }, }, }, }, 'total' => 4 }, 200, 150) @cost = @definition.getCostBreakdown() end should "contain valid cost data" do assert @cost.has_key?('costs') assert @cost.has_key?('total') end should "have a positive total cost" do assert @cost['total'] > 0 end end context "Buffered data returned by a valid Definition object" do setup do init() initUser() @definition = @user.createDefinition(@testdata['definition']) # Compile the definition first @user.api_client.setResponse(200, { 'hash' => @testdata['definition_hash'], 'created_at' =>'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'cost' => 10, }, 200, 150) @definition.compile() # Now get some buffered interactions @user.api_client.setResponse(200, { 'stream' => { 0 => { 'interaction' => { 'source' => 'Snaptu', 'author' => { 'username' => 'nittolexia', 'name' => 'nittosoetreznoe', 'id' => 172192091, 'avatar' => '', 'link' => '', }, 'type' => 'twitter', 'link' => '', 'created_at' => 'Sat, 09 Jul 2011 05:46:51 +0000', 'content' => 'RT @ayyuchadel: Haha RT @nittolexia: Mending gak ush maen twitter dehh..RT @sansan_arie:', 'id' => '1e0a9eedc207acc0e074ea8aecb2c5ea', }, 'twitter' => { 'user' => { 'name' => 'nittosoetreznoe', 'description' => 'fuck all', 'location' => 'denpasar, bali', 'statuses_count' => 6830, 'followers_count' => 88, 'friends_count' => 111, 'screen_name' => 'nittolexia', 'lang' => 'en', 'time_zone' => 'Alaska', 'id' => 172192091, 'geo_enabled' => true, }, 'mentions' => { 0 => 'ayyuchadel', 1 => 'nittolexia', 2 => 'sansan_arie', }, 'id' => '89571192838684672', 'text' => 'RT @ayyuchadel: Haha RT @nittolexia: Mending gak ush maen twitter dehh..RT @sansan_arie:', 'source' => '<a href="" rel="nofollow">Snaptu</a>', 'created_at' => 'Sat, 09 Jul 2011 05:46:51 +0000', }, 'klout' => { 'score' => 45, 'network' => 55, 'amplification' => 17, 'true_reach' => 31, 'slope' => 0, 'class' => 'Networker', }, 'peerindex' => { 'score' => 30, }, 'language' => { 'tag' => 'da', }, }, }, }, 200, 150) @interactions = @definition.getBuffered() end should "be valid" do assert @interactions end end context "A StreamConsumer object returned by a valid Definition object" do setup do init() initUser() @definition = @user.createDefinition(@testdata['definition']) # Compile the definition first @user.api_client.setResponse(200, { 'hash' => @testdata['definition_hash'], 'created_at' =>'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'cost' => 10, }, 200, 150) @definition.compile() # Now get a consumer @consumer = @definition.getConsumer() end should "be valid" do assert @consumer.is_a? DataSift::StreamConsumer end end end