- content_for :main do %h1 System Settings %ul.settings %li .cms_form = form_tag "/admin/dashboard/maintenance" do Down for maintenance message: = text_area_tag :message, params[:message] || Preference.get_cached(_sid, "down_for_maintenance_message") %br = kit_submit "Save" %br Note: Setting a message will cause the site to be "down for maintenance". To bring the site back up, clear the message. - if can?(:access, :rails_admin) %li(style="margin-bottom: 10px;") Reindex content: = icon_to "Reindex", "/admin/dashboard/reindex", false, :method=>:post, :confirm=>"Are you sure? This can take a long time if there is lots of content and searching won't work properly whilst it's taking place." %li Integrity check: = icon_to "Run", "/admin/integrity?system_id=#{_sid}" = icon_to "Run with Forums", "/admin/integrity?system_id=#{_sid}&forums=1" %li(style="margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px;") Create New System: = icon_to "Create...", "/admin/dashboard/build_system" - if true #feature?('cookie_compliance') %li %span.action_label %b Cookie authorisation dropdown (EU Compliance): = bold_if link_to("Show", "/admin/system/eu_cookies/true", :method=>:post), sys_pref("eu_cookies")=="true" | = bold_if link_to("Don't Show", "/admin/system/eu_cookies/false", :method=>:post), sys_pref("eu_cookies")=="false" - if feature?('mobile_templates') %li %span.action_label %b Use Mobile Version of pages by default: = bold_if link_to("Yes", "/admin/system/mobile_dif_by_default/true", :method=>:post), sys_pref("mobile_dif_by_default")=="true" | = bold_if link_to("No", "/admin/system/mobile_dif_by_default/false", :method=>:post), sys_pref("mobile_dif_by_default")=="false" .clearfix %h3 Preferences %table.loosen %tr %th Name %th Value %th Updated - @preferences.each do |pref| %tr %td(nowrap)= pref.name %td .top_space = best_in_place pref, :value, :path=>"/admin/system/#{pref.name}" %td(nowrap)= pref.updated_at.to_formatted_s(:short)