module Bitmovin::Webhooks class WebhookEncryption def initialize(hash = {}) @errors = [] hash.each do |name, value| instance_variable_set("@#{ActiveSupport::Inflector.underscore(name)}", value) end end attr_accessor :type, :key def valid? validate! @errors.empty? end def invalid? !valid? end def errors @errors end def to_json(args) collect_attributes.to_json(args) end private def collect_attributes val = [:type, :key].each do |name| json_name = ActiveSupport::Inflector.camelize(name.to_s, false) val[json_name] = instance_variable_get("@#{name}") end val end def validate! @errors << "type cannot be blank" if @type.blank? @errors << "key cannot be blank" if @key.blank? end end end