# jekyll-rtd-theme   Opinionated github flavored standard document theme for open source projects, with few options, but everything! ## What it does? This theme is inspired by [sphinx-rtd-theme](https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx_rtd_theme) and refactored with: - [github-pages](https://github.com/github/pages-gem) - [@primer/css](https://github.com/primer/css) Give you a native GitHub experience and solved the issue of open source project documentation site - No need to learn other programming languages for building documentation - No need to care about the site SEO - Markdown syntax extended - Native support for mermaid chart plugin ## Quick start ```yml remote_theme: rundocs/jekyll-rtd-theme ``` You can [generate](https://github.com/rundocs/starter-slim/generate) with the same files and folders from [rundocs/starter-slim](https://github.com/rundocs/starter-slim/) ## Options ```yml title: Your awesome title lang: # default: en description: Write an awesome description for your new site here readme_index: with_frontmatter: true ## optional settings ## direction: # default: auto, syntax: [ltr|rtl] meta: key1: value1 key2: value2 google: gtag: adsense: mermaid: custom: # mermaid link initialize: # mermaid options, default: {} # also available via file: _include/assets/custom.scss scss: # also available via file: _include/assets/custom.js script: # also available via file: _data/translate.yml translate: # shortcodes danger: note: tip: warning: # 404 not_found: # copyright revision: # search searching: search: search_docs: search_results: search_results_found: # the "#" in this translate will replaced with results size! search_results_not_found: ## optional plugins ## plugins: - jemoji - jekyll-avatar - jekyll-mentions ``` ## Writing Document writing specifications, please refer to [rundocs.io](https://rundocs.io) for details ## The license The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License