#pragma once #include "LDAModel.hpp" #include "HLDA.h" /* Implementation of hLDA using Gibbs sampling by bab2min * Griffiths, T. L., Jordan, M. I., Tenenbaum, J. B., & Blei, D. M. (2004). Hierarchical topic models and the nested Chinese restaurant process. In Advances in neural information processing systems (pp. 17-24). */ namespace tomoto { namespace detail { struct NCRPNode { int32_t numCustomers = 0, level = 0; int32_t parent = 0, sibling = 0, child = 0; DEFINE_SERIALIZER(numCustomers, level, parent, sibling, child); NCRPNode* getParent() const { if (!parent) return nullptr; return (NCRPNode*)(this + parent); } NCRPNode* getSibling() const { if (!sibling) return nullptr; return (NCRPNode*)(this + sibling); } NCRPNode* getChild() const { if (!child) return nullptr; return (NCRPNode*)(this + child); } void setSibling(NCRPNode* node) { sibling = node ? (node - this) : 0; } NCRPNode* addChild(NCRPNode* newChild) { auto* orgChild = getChild(); child = newChild - this; newChild->parent = this - newChild; newChild->setSibling(orgChild); return newChild; } void removeChild(NCRPNode* del) { NCRPNode* prev = getChild(); if (prev == del) { child = del->getSibling() ? del->getSibling() - this : 0; return; } for (NCRPNode* node = prev->getSibling(); node; node = node->getSibling()) { if (node == del) { prev->setSibling(node->getSibling()); return; } prev = node; } throw std::runtime_error{ "Cannot find the child" }; } operator bool() const { return numCustomers || level; } bool isLeaf(int totLevel) const { return level == totLevel - 1; } void dropPathOne() { NCRPNode* node = this; size_t _level = this->level; for (size_t i = 0; i <= _level; ++i) { if (!--node->numCustomers) { node->level = 0; node->getParent()->removeChild(node); } node = node->getParent(); } } void addPathOne() { NCRPNode* node = this; for (size_t i = 0; i <= level; ++i) { ++node->numCustomers; node = node->getParent(); } } }; struct NodeTrees { static constexpr size_t blockSize = 8; std::vector nodes; std::vector levelBlocks; Eigen::Matrix nodeLikelihoods; // Eigen::Matrix nodeWLikelihoods; // DEFINE_SERIALIZER(nodes, levelBlocks); template void calcNodeLikelihood(Float gamma, size_t levelDepth) { nodeLikelihoods.resize(nodes.size()); nodeLikelihoods.array() = -INFINITY; updateNodeLikelihood<_MakeNewPath>(gamma, levelDepth, &nodes[0]); } template void updateNodeLikelihood(Float gamma, size_t levelDepth, NCRPNode* node, Float weight = 0) { size_t idx = node - nodes.data(); const Float pNewNode = _MakeNewPath ? log(gamma / (node->numCustomers + gamma)) : -INFINITY; nodeLikelihoods[idx] = weight + ((node->level < levelDepth - 1) ? pNewNode : 0); for(auto * child = node->getChild(); child; child = child->getSibling()) { updateNodeLikelihood(gamma, levelDepth, child, weight + log(child->numCustomers / (node->numCustomers + gamma))); } } void markEmptyBlocks() { for (size_t b = 0; b < levelBlocks.size(); ++b) { if (!levelBlocks[b]) continue; bool filled = std::any_of(nodes.begin() + (b + 1) * blockSize, nodes.begin() + (b + 2) * blockSize, [](const NCRPNode& node) { return !!node; }); if (!filled) levelBlocks[b] = 0; } } NCRPNode* newNode(size_t level) { for (size_t b = 0; b < levelBlocks.size(); ++b) { if (levelBlocks[b] != level) continue; for (size_t i = 0; i < blockSize; ++i) { const size_t id = blockSize + i + b * blockSize; if (!nodes[id]) return &nodes[id]; } } for (size_t b = 0; b < levelBlocks.size(); ++b) { if (!levelBlocks[b]) { levelBlocks[b] = level; return &nodes[blockSize + b * blockSize]; } } nodes.insert(nodes.end(), blockSize, NCRPNode{}); levelBlocks.emplace_back(level); return &nodes[nodes.size() - blockSize]; } template void calcWordLikelihood(Float eta, size_t realV, size_t levelDepth, ThreadPool* pool, const DocumentHLDA<_tw>& doc, const std::vector& newTopicWeights, const ModelStateLDA<_tw>& ld) { nodeWLikelihoods.resize(nodes.size()); nodeWLikelihoods.setZero(); std::vector> futures; futures.reserve(levelBlocks.size()); auto calc = [this, eta, realV, &doc, &ld](size_t threadId, size_t b) { Float cnt = 0; Vid prevWord = -1; const size_t bStart = blockSize + b * blockSize; for (size_t w = 0; w < doc.words.size(); ++w) { if (doc.words[w] >= realV) break; if (doc.Zs[w] != levelBlocks[b]) continue; if (doc.words[w] != prevWord) { if (prevWord != (Vid)-1) { if (cnt == 1) nodeWLikelihoods.segment(bStart, blockSize).array() += (ld.numByTopicWord.col(prevWord).segment(bStart, blockSize).array().template cast() + eta).log(); else nodeWLikelihoods.segment(bStart, blockSize).array() += Eigen::lgamma_subt(ld.numByTopicWord.col(prevWord).segment(bStart, blockSize).array().template cast() + eta, cnt); } cnt = 0; prevWord = doc.words[w]; } cnt += doc.getWordWeight(w); } if (prevWord != (Vid)-1) { if (cnt == 1) nodeWLikelihoods.segment(bStart, blockSize).array() += (ld.numByTopicWord.col(prevWord).segment(bStart, blockSize).array().template cast() + eta).log(); else nodeWLikelihoods.segment(bStart, blockSize).array() += Eigen::lgamma_subt(ld.numByTopicWord.col(prevWord).segment(bStart, blockSize).array().template cast() + eta, cnt); } nodeWLikelihoods.segment(bStart, blockSize).array() -= Eigen::lgamma_subt(ld.numByTopic.segment(bStart, blockSize).array().template cast() + realV * eta, (Float)doc.numByTopic[levelBlocks[b]]); }; // we elide the likelihood for root node because its weight applied to all path and can be seen as constant. if (pool) { const size_t chStride = pool->getNumWorkers() * 8; for (size_t ch = 0; ch < chStride; ++ch) { futures.emplace_back(pool->enqueue([&](size_t threadId, size_t bBegin, size_t bEnd) { for (size_t b = bBegin; b < bEnd; ++b) { if (!levelBlocks[b]) continue; calc(threadId, b); } }, levelBlocks.size() * ch / chStride, levelBlocks.size() * (ch + 1) / chStride)); } for (auto& f : futures) f.get(); } else { for (size_t b = 0; b < levelBlocks.size(); ++b) { if (!levelBlocks[b]) continue; calc(0, b); } } updateWordLikelihood<_tw>(eta, realV, levelDepth, doc, newTopicWeights, &nodes[0]); } template void updateWordLikelihood(Float eta, size_t realV, size_t levelDepth, const DocumentHLDA<_tw>& doc, const std::vector& newTopicWeights, detail::NCRPNode* node, Float weight = 0) { size_t idx = node - nodes.data(); weight += nodeWLikelihoods[idx]; nodeLikelihoods[idx] += weight; for (size_t l = node->level + 1; l < levelDepth; ++l) { nodeLikelihoods[idx] += newTopicWeights[l - 1]; } for (auto* child = node->getChild(); child; child = child->getSibling()) { updateWordLikelihood<_tw>(eta, realV, levelDepth, doc, newTopicWeights, child, weight); } } template size_t generateLeafNode(size_t idx, size_t levelDepth, ModelStateLDA<_tw>& ld) { for (size_t l = nodes[idx].level + 1; l < levelDepth; ++l) { auto* nnode = newNode(l); idx = nodes[idx].addChild(nnode) - nodes.data(); nodes[idx].level = l; } if (ld.numByTopic.size() < nodes.size()) { size_t oldSize = ld.numByTopic.rows(); size_t newSize = std::max(nodes.size(), ((oldSize + oldSize / 2 + 7) / 8) * 8); ld.numByTopic.conservativeResize(newSize); ld.numByTopicWord.conservativeResize(newSize, Eigen::NoChange); ld.numByTopic.segment(oldSize, newSize - oldSize).setZero(); ld.numByTopicWord.block(oldSize, 0, newSize - oldSize, ld.numByTopicWord.cols()).setZero(); } return idx; } }; } template struct ModelStateHLDA : public ModelStateLDA<_tw> { std::shared_ptr nt; void serializerRead(std::istream& istr) { ModelStateLDA<_tw>::serializerRead(istr); nt = std::make_shared(); nt->serializerRead(istr); } void serializerWrite(std::ostream& ostr) const { ModelStateLDA<_tw>::serializerWrite(ostr); nt->serializerWrite(ostr); } }; template, typename _ModelState = ModelStateHLDA<_tw>> class HLDAModel : public LDAModel<_tw, _RandGen, flags::shared_state, _Interface, typename std::conditional::value, HLDAModel<_tw, _RandGen>, _Derived>::type, _DocType, _ModelState> { protected: using DerivedClass = typename std::conditional::value, HLDAModel<_tw, _RandGen>, _Derived>::type; using BaseClass = LDAModel<_tw, _RandGen, flags::shared_state, _Interface, DerivedClass, _DocType, _ModelState>; friend BaseClass; friend typename BaseClass::BaseClass; using WeightType = typename BaseClass::WeightType; static constexpr char TMID[] = "hLDA"; Float gamma; void optimizeParameters(ThreadPool& pool, _ModelState* localData, _RandGen* rgs) { // for alphas BaseClass::optimizeParameters(pool, localData, rgs); // to do: gamma } // Words of all documents should be sorted by ascending order. template void samplePathes(_DocType& doc, ThreadPool* pool, _ModelState& ld, _RandGen& rgs) const { if(_MakeNewPath) ld.nt->nodes[doc.path.back()].dropPathOne(); ld.nt->template calcNodeLikelihood<_MakeNewPath>(gamma, this->K); std::vector newTopicWeights(this->K - 1); std::vector cntByLevel(this->K); Vid prevWord = -1; for (size_t w = 0; w < doc.words.size(); ++w) { if (doc.words[w] >= this->realV) break; addWordToOnlyLocal<-1>(ld, doc, w, doc.words[w], doc.Zs[w]); if (_MakeNewPath) { if (doc.words[w] != prevWord) { std::fill(cntByLevel.begin(), cntByLevel.end(), 0); prevWord = doc.words[w]; } size_t level = doc.Zs[w]; if (level) { newTopicWeights[level - 1] += log(this->eta + cntByLevel[level]); cntByLevel[level] += doc.getWordWeight(w); } } } if (_MakeNewPath) { for (size_t l = 1; l < this->K; ++l) { newTopicWeights[l - 1] -= math::lgammaT(doc.numByTopic[l] + this->realV * this->eta) - math::lgammaT(this->realV * this->eta); } } ld.nt->template calcWordLikelihood<_tw>(this->eta, this->realV, this->K, pool, doc, newTopicWeights, ld); ld.nt->nodeLikelihoods = (ld.nt->nodeLikelihoods.array() - ld.nt->nodeLikelihoods.maxCoeff()).exp(); sample::prefixSum(ld.nt->nodeLikelihoods.data(), ld.nt->nodeLikelihoods.size()); size_t newPath = sample::sampleFromDiscreteAcc(ld.nt->nodeLikelihoods.data(), ld.nt->nodeLikelihoods.data() + ld.nt->nodeLikelihoods.size(), rgs); if(_MakeNewPath) newPath = ld.nt->template generateLeafNode<_tw>(newPath, this->K, ld); doc.path.back() = newPath; for (size_t l = this->K - 2; l > 0; --l) { doc.path[l] = doc.path[l + 1] + ld.nt->nodes[doc.path[l + 1]].parent; } for (size_t w = 0; w < doc.words.size(); ++w) { if (doc.words[w] >= this->realV) break; addWordToOnlyLocal<1>(ld, doc, w, doc.words[w], doc.Zs[w]); } if (_MakeNewPath) ld.nt->nodes[doc.path.back()].addPathOne(); } template inline void addWordToOnlyLocal(_ModelState& ld, _DocType& doc, uint32_t pid, Vid vid, Tid level) const { assert(vid < this->realV); constexpr bool _dec = _inc < 0 && _tw != TermWeight::one; auto weight = doc.getWordWeight(pid); updateCnt<_dec>(ld.numByTopic[doc.path[level]], _inc * weight); updateCnt<_dec>(ld.numByTopicWord(doc.path[level], vid), _inc * weight); } template inline void addWordTo(_ModelState& ld, _DocType& doc, uint32_t pid, Vid vid, Tid level) const { assert(vid < this->realV); constexpr bool _dec = _inc < 0 && _tw != TermWeight::one; auto weight = doc.getWordWeight(pid); updateCnt<_dec>(doc.numByTopic[level], _inc * weight); addWordToOnlyLocal<_inc>(ld, doc, pid, vid, level); } template Float* getZLikelihoods(_ModelState& ld, const _DocType& doc, size_t docId, size_t vid) const { const size_t V = this->realV; assert(vid < V); auto& zLikelihood = ld.zLikelihood; zLikelihood = (doc.numByTopic.array().template cast() + this->alphas.array()); for (size_t l = 0; l < this->K; ++l) { zLikelihood[l] *= (ld.numByTopicWord(doc.path[l], vid) + this->eta) / (ld.numByTopic(doc.path[l]) + V * this->eta); } sample::prefixSum(zLikelihood.data(), zLikelihood.size()); return &zLikelihood[0]; } void sampleTopics(_DocType& doc, size_t docId, _ModelState& ld, _RandGen& rgs) const { for (size_t w = 0; w < doc.words.size(); ++w) { if (doc.words[w] >= this->realV) continue; addWordTo<-1>(ld, doc, w, doc.words[w], doc.Zs[w]); Float* dist; if (this->etaByTopicWord.size()) { THROW_ERROR_WITH_INFO(exception::Unimplemented, "Unimplemented features"); } else { dist = static_cast(this)->template getZLikelihoods(ld, doc, docId, doc.words[w]); } doc.Zs[w] = sample::sampleFromDiscreteAcc(dist, dist + this->K, rgs); addWordTo<1>(ld, doc, w, doc.words[w], doc.Zs[w]); } } template void sampleDocument(_DocType& doc, const _ExtraDocData& edd, size_t docId, _ModelState& ld, _RandGen& rgs, size_t iterationCnt, size_t partitionId = 0) const { sampleTopics(doc, docId, ld, rgs); } template void sampleGlobalLevel(ThreadPool* pool, _ModelState* localData, _RandGen* rgs, _DocIter first, _DocIter last) { for (auto doc = first; doc != last; ++doc) { samplePathes<>(*doc, pool, *localData, rgs[0]); } localData->nt->markEmptyBlocks(); } template void sampleGlobalLevel(ThreadPool* pool, _ModelState* localData, _RandGen* rgs, _DocIter first, _DocIter last) const { for (auto doc = first; doc != last; ++doc) { samplePathes(*doc, pool, *localData, rgs[0]); } } template double getLLDocs(_DocIter _first, _DocIter _last) const { double ll = 0; auto lgammaAlpha = math::lgammaT(this->alpha); for (; _first != _last; ++_first) { auto& doc = *_first; // doc-path distribution for (Tid l = 1; l < this->K; ++l) { ll += log(this->globalState.nt->nodes[doc.path[l]].numCustomers / (this->globalState.nt->nodes[doc.path[l - 1]].numCustomers + gamma)); } // doc-level distribution ll -= math::lgammaT(doc.getSumWordWeight() + this->alpha * this->K); for (Tid l = 0; l < this->K; ++l) { ll += math::lgammaT(doc.numByTopic[l] + this->alpha) - lgammaAlpha; } } ll += math::lgammaT(this->alpha * this->K) * std::distance(_first, _last); return ll; } double getLLRest(const _ModelState& ld) const { double ll = 0; const size_t V = this->realV; const size_t K = ld.nt->nodes.size(); size_t liveK = 0; // topic-word distribution auto lgammaEta = math::lgammaT(this->eta); for (Tid k = 0; k < K; ++k) { if (!ld.nt->nodes[k]) continue; ++liveK; ll -= math::lgammaT(ld.numByTopic[k] + V * this->eta); for (Vid v = 0; v < V; ++v) { if (!ld.numByTopicWord(k, v)) continue; ll += math::lgammaT(ld.numByTopicWord(k, v) + this->eta) - lgammaEta; } } ll += math::lgammaT(V*this->eta) * liveK; return ll; } void initGlobalState(bool initDocs) { const size_t V = this->realV; if (initDocs) { this->globalState.numByTopic = Eigen::Matrix::Zero(this->K); this->globalState.numByTopicWord = Eigen::Matrix::Zero(this->K, V); this->globalState.nt->nodes.resize(detail::NodeTrees::blockSize); } } void prepareDoc(_DocType& doc, size_t docId, size_t wordSize) const { sortAndWriteOrder(doc.words, doc.wOrder); doc.numByTopic.init(nullptr, this->K); doc.Zs = tvector(wordSize); doc.path.resize(this->K); for (size_t l = 0; l < this->K; ++l) doc.path[l] = l; if (_tw != TermWeight::one) doc.wordWeights.resize(wordSize); } template void updateStateWithDoc(typename BaseClass::Generator& g, _ModelState& ld, _RandGen& rgs, _DocType& doc, size_t i) const { if (i == 0) { ld.nt->template calcNodeLikelihood(gamma, this->K); ld.nt->nodeLikelihoods = (ld.nt->nodeLikelihoods.array() - ld.nt->nodeLikelihoods.maxCoeff()).exp(); sample::prefixSum(ld.nt->nodeLikelihoods.data(), ld.nt->nodeLikelihoods.size()); size_t newPath = sample::sampleFromDiscreteAcc(ld.nt->nodeLikelihoods.data(), ld.nt->nodeLikelihoods.data() + ld.nt->nodeLikelihoods.size(), rgs); if (!_Infer) newPath = ld.nt->generateLeafNode(newPath, this->K, ld); doc.path.back() = newPath; for (size_t l = this->K - 2; l > 0; --l) { doc.path[l] = doc.path[l + 1] + ld.nt->nodes[doc.path[l + 1]].parent; } if (!_Infer) ld.nt->nodes[doc.path.back()].addPathOne(); } auto& z = doc.Zs[i]; auto w = doc.words[i]; z = g.theta(rgs); addWordTo<1>(ld, doc, i, w, z); } std::vector _getTopicsCount() const { std::vector cnt(this->globalState.nt->nodes.size()); for (auto& doc : this->docs) { for (size_t i = 0; i < doc.Zs.size(); ++i) { if (doc.words[i] < this->realV) ++cnt[doc.path[doc.Zs[i]]]; } } return cnt; } public: DEFINE_SERIALIZER_AFTER_BASE_WITH_VERSION(BaseClass, 0, gamma); DEFINE_TAGGED_SERIALIZER_AFTER_BASE_WITH_VERSION(BaseClass, 1, 0x00010001, gamma); HLDAModel(size_t _levelDepth = 4, Float _alpha = 0.1, Float _eta = 0.01, Float _gamma = 0.1, size_t _rg = std::random_device{}()) : BaseClass(_levelDepth, _alpha, _eta, _rg), gamma(_gamma) { if (_levelDepth == 0 || _levelDepth >= 0x80000000) THROW_ERROR_WITH_INFO(std::runtime_error, text::format("wrong levelDepth value (levelDepth = %zd)", _levelDepth)); if (_gamma <= 0) THROW_ERROR_WITH_INFO(std::runtime_error, text::format("wrong gamma value (gamma = %f)", _gamma)); this->globalState.nt = std::make_shared(); } size_t getLiveK() const override { return std::count_if(this->globalState.nt->nodes.begin(), this->globalState.nt->nodes.end(), [](const detail::NCRPNode& n) { return !!n; }); } size_t getK() const override { return this->globalState.nt->nodes.size(); } size_t getLevelDepth() const override { return this->K; } GETTER(Gamma, Float, gamma); bool isLiveTopic(Tid tid) const override { return this->globalState.nt->nodes[tid]; } size_t getParentTopicId(Tid tid) const override { if (!isLiveTopic(tid)) return (size_t)-1; return this->globalState.nt->nodes[tid].parent ? (tid + this->globalState.nt->nodes[tid].parent) : (size_t)-1; } size_t getNumDocsOfTopic(Tid tid) const override { if (!isLiveTopic(tid)) return 0; return this->globalState.nt->nodes[tid].numCustomers; } size_t getLevelOfTopic(Tid tid) const override { if (!isLiveTopic(tid)) return (size_t)-1; return this->globalState.nt->nodes[tid].level; } std::vector getChildTopicId(Tid tid) const override { std::vector ret; if (!isLiveTopic(tid)) return ret; for (auto* node = this->globalState.nt->nodes[tid].getChild(); node; node = node->getSibling()) { ret.emplace_back(node - this->globalState.nt->nodes.data()); } return ret; } void setWordPrior(const std::string& word, const std::vector& priors) override { THROW_ERROR_WITH_INFO(exception::Unimplemented, "HLDAModel doesn't provide setWordPrior function."); } }; template template inline void DocumentHLDA<_tw>::update(WeightType * ptr, const _TopicModel & mdl) { this->numByTopic.init(ptr, mdl.getLevelDepth()); for (size_t i = 0; i < this->Zs.size(); ++i) { if (this->words[i] >= mdl.getV()) continue; this->numByTopic[this->Zs[i]] += _tw != TermWeight::one ? this->wordWeights[i] : 1; } } }