require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. spec_helper])) describe Ziya::Charts::Base do before( :each ) do @chart = end describe "#initialize" do before( :each ) do @chart = "test_license", "test_id" ) end it "should create a chart with the correct license" do @chart.license.should == "test_license" end it "should create a chart with the correct id" do == "test_id" end end describe "it should produce the correct xml for a basic chart" do chart = "aaa" ) chart.add( :axis_category_text, %w[fox dog] ) chart.add( :series, "test", [10, 20] ) chart.to_xml.should == "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><chart><license>aaa</license><chart_data><row><null/><string>fox</string><string>dog</string></row><row><string>test</string><number>10</number><number>20</number></row></chart_data></chart>" end describe "#add" do before( :each ) do @chart = end it "should support setting an axis category" do @chart.add( :axis_category_text, %w[fox cat dog] ) @chart.to_xml.should == "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><chart><chart_data><row><null/><string>fox</string><string>cat</string><string>dog</string></row></chart_data></chart>" end it "should error if the axis category is not an array" do lambda { @chart.add( :axis_category_text, "") }.should raise_error( ArgumentError, /array of categories/i ) end it "should support setting a composite chart urls" do @chart.add( :composites, %w[url1 url2] ) @chart.to_xml.should == "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><chart></chart>" end it "should error if the composite url arg is not an array" do lambda { @chart.add( :composites, "") }.should raise_error( ArgumentError, /array of urls/i ) end it "should support setting the axis_value label" do @chart.add( :axis_category_text, %w[dog cat] ) @chart.add( :axis_value_label, %w[blee duh] ) @chart.to_xml.should == "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><chart><chart_data><row><null/><string>dog</string><string>cat</string></row></chart_data><axis_value_label><string>blee</string><string>duh</string></axis_value_label></chart>" end it "should error if the axis value label arg is not an array" do lambda { @chart.add( :axis_value_label, "") }.should raise_error( ArgumentError, /array of values/i ) end it "should support setting the axis category label" do @chart.add( :axis_category_text, %w[dog cat] ) @chart.add( :axis_category_label, %w[blee duh] ) @chart.to_xml.should == "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><chart><chart_data><row><null/><string>dog</string><string>cat</string></row></chart_data><axis_category_label><string>blee</string><string>duh</string></axis_category_label></chart>" end it "should error if the axis category label arg is not an array" do lambda { @chart.add( :axis_category_label, "") }.should raise_error( ArgumentError, /array of category/i ) end it "should support adding series" do @chart.add( :axis_category_text, %w[dog cat] ) @chart.add( :series, "test", %w[10 20] ) @chart.to_xml.should == "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><chart><chart_data><row><null/><string>dog</string><string>cat</string></row><row><string>test</string><string>10</string><string>20</string></row></chart_data></chart>" end it "should support adding labels to series" do @chart.add( :axis_category_text, %w[dog cat] ) @chart.add( :series, "test", [ {:value => 10, :label => "label1" }, { :value => 20, :label => "label2" } ] ) @chart.to_xml.should == "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><chart><chart_data><row><null/><string>dog</string><string>cat</string></row><row><string>test</string><number label=\"label1\">10</number><number label=\"label2\">20</number></row></chart_data></chart>" end it "should support adding filters to series" do @chart.add( :axis_category_text, %w[dog cat] ) @chart.add( :series, "test", [ {:value => 10, :glow => "glow1" }, { :value => 20, :blur => "blur2" } ] ) @chart.to_xml.should == "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><chart><chart_data><row><null/><string>dog</string><string>cat</string></row><row><string>test</string><number glow=\"glow1\">10</number><number blur=\"blur2\">20</number></row></chart_data></chart>" end it "should error if a series is defined but no axis_category is specified" do @chart.add( :series, "test", [10,20] ) lambda { @chart.to_xml }.should raise_error( RuntimeError, /axis_category_text/i ) end it "should accept a series with no name" do lambda { @chart.add( :series, "", [10,20]) }.should_not raise_error end it "should error if the series is not an array" do lambda { @chart.add( :series, "test", nil) }.should raise_error( ArgumentError, /data points/i ) end it "should error if the user data has no key" do lambda { @chart.add( :user_data, nil) }.should raise_error( ArgumentError, /specify a key/i ) end it "should error if the user data has no key" do lambda { @chart.add( :user_data, :fred, "blee") }.should_not raise_error( ArgumentError, /specify a key/i ) end it "should support setting yaml styles directly" do @chart.add( :styles, "--- !ruby/object:Ziya::Charts::Base\n" ) @chart.to_xml.should == "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><chart></chart>" end it "should error if no style is specified" do lambda { @chart.add( :styles, "") }.should raise_error( ArgumentError, /set of styles/i ) end it "should support mixed charts" do @chart.add( :chart_types, %w[line bar] ) @chart.to_xml.should == "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><chart><chart_type><string>line</string><string>bar</string></chart_type></chart>" end it "should error if no chart types are specified" do lambda { @chart.add( :chart_types, "") }.should raise_error( ArgumentError, /set of chart types/i ) end it "should support setting a themes" do @chart.add( :theme, "blee" ) @chart.to_xml.should == "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><chart></chart>" end it "should error if no chart types are specified" do lambda { @chart.add( :theme, "") }.should raise_error( ArgumentError, /theme name/i ) end it "should error if an invalid option is specified" do lambda { @chart.add( :fred, "") }.should raise_error( ArgumentError, /invalid directive/i ) end end end