# # Author: cary@rightscale.com # Copyright 2014 RightScale, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Basic helper gem for provisioning IaaS servers using the RightScale API. # # It is intended to be used by ruby applications that need to launch servers. # # ## Usage # # Example: # # require "right_api_helper" # # # initialize rightscale provisioner # @rightscale = # RightApiHelper::Provisioner.new("my_user@somewhere.com", // user # "my_rightscale_password", // password # 12345) // rightscale account ID # # # setup some inputs # server_inputs = { # # open up port 8000 # "sys_firewall/rule/enable" => "text:enable", # "sys_firewall/rule/port" => "text:8000", # "sys_firewall/rule/ip_address" => "text:any", # "sys_firewall/rule/protocol" => "text:tcp" # } # # # provision a RightScale managed server from a ServerTemplate # @rightscale.provision("My Cool Server", # "ServerTemplate for Linux (v13.5)", // name or ID # "AWS US-East", # "My Deployment", # server_inputs) # # # wait for server to be ready # state = @rightscale.wait_for_operational # # # Do stuff with your brand new server... module RightApiHelper # # This is the main class to use to create a server on the RightScale platform. # Use the {#provision} method to create and launch # the server. # # The other methods are for checking server state and gathering information # once the server is operational. # class Provisioner < Base RETRY_DELAY = 10 # seconds BAD_STATES_UP = [ "stranded", "terminated"] def initialize(right_api_client) super(right_api_client) @api_shim = RightApiHelper::API15.new(right_api_client) end def connection_url raise RightScaleError, "No server provisioned. No connection URL available." unless @server unless @data_request_url user_data = @server.current_instance.show(:view => "full").user_data @data_request_url = @api_shim.data_request_url(user_data) @log.debug "Data Request URL: #{@data_request_url}" end @data_request_url end # Provision a server using RightScale # # @param server_name [String] the name to give the server that will be # created. # @param server_template [String] the name or ID of the ServerTemplate to # create the server from. # @param cloud_name [String] name of cloud to provision on. # @param deployment_name [String] name of deployment to add the server to. # This will be created if it does not exist. # @param inputs [Array] An array of {Input} objects. # @param ssh_key_id [String] The resource_uuid of an ssh key from the # RightScale dashboard. Only required on EC2 and Eucalyptus. # @param secgroup_id [Array] An array of security group IDs to place the # server in. # # @raise {RightApiProvisionException} if anything # goes wrong def provision(server_name = "default", server_template = nil, cloud_name = "ec2", deployment_name = "default", inputs = nil, multi_cloud_image_name = nil, ssh_key_uuid = nil, security_groups = nil) # fail if the requested cloud is not registered with RightScale account @cloud = @api_shim.find_cloud_by_name(cloud_name) unless @cloud clouds = @client.list_clouds.inject("") { |str, c| str == "" ? c.name : "#{str}, #{c.name}" } raise RightScaleError, "ERROR: cannot find a cloud named: '#{cloud_name}'. " + "Please check the spelling of the 'cloud_name' parameter in " + "your Vagrant file and verify the cloud is registered with " + "your RightScale account? Supported clouds: #{clouds}" end # Verify ssh key uuid, if required by cloud if @api_shim.requires_ssh_keys?(@cloud) @ssh_key = @api_shim.find_ssh_key_by_uuid_or_first(@cloud, ssh_key_uuid) raise RightScaleError, "ERROR: cannot find an ssh_key named: #{ssh_key_uuid}" unless @ssh_key end # Verify security group, if required by cloud if @api_shim.requires_security_groups?(@cloud) @sec_groups = [] if !security_groups.nil? && !security_groups.is_a?(Array) raise RightScaleError, "security_groups must be an array. You passed a #{security_groups.class}" end security_groups ||= ["default"] security_groups.each do |name| group = @api_shim.find_security_group_by_name(@cloud, name) group = @api_shim.find_security_group_by_id(@cloud, name) unless group raise RightScaleError, "ERROR: cannot find an security group : #{name}" unless group @sec_groups << group end end # check for existing deployment and server in RightScale account @deployment = @api_shim.find_deployment_by_name(deployment_name) @log.info "Deployment '#{deployment_name}' #{@deployment ? "found." : "not found."}" @server = @api_shim.find_server_by_name(server_name) if @deployment @log.info "Server '#{server_name}' #{@server ? "found." : "not found."}" if @server # verify existing server is on the cloud we are requesting, if not fail. actual_cloud_name = @api_shim.server_cloud_name(@server) raise RightScaleError, "ERROR: the server is in the '#{actual_cloud_name}' cloud, " + "and not in the requested '#{cloud_name}' cloud.\n" + "Please delete the server or pick and new server name." if cloud_name != actual_cloud_name end unless @deployment && @server # we need to create a server, can we find the servertemplate? begin @servertemplate = @api_shim.find_servertemplate(server_template) rescue RightScaleError raise RightScaleError, "ERROR: cannot find ServerTemplate '#{server_template}'. Did you import it?\n" + "Visit http://bit.ly/VnOiA7 for more info.\n\n" end # We need to find the to be used in the server if the MCI name is given begin @mci = if multi_cloud_image_name.nil? || multi_cloud_image_name.empty? nil else @client.find_mci_by_name(multi_cloud_image_name) end rescue Exception => e raise RightScaleError, "ERROR: Cannot find the mci '#{multi_cloud_image_name}'. Please make sure" + " that you have the MCI under the server template selected." + " Exception: #{e.inspect}" end end # create deployment and server as needed unless @deployment @deployment = @api_shim.create_deployment(deployment_name) @log.info "Created deployment." end unless @server @server = @api_shim.create_server(@deployment, @servertemplate, @mci, @cloud, server_name, @ssh_key, @sec_groups) @log.info "Created server." end unless @api_shim.is_provisioned?(@server) # setup any inputs begin @api_shim.set_server_inputs(@server, inputs) if inputs && ! inputs.empty? rescue Exception => e raise RightScaleError, "Problem setting inputs. \n #{e.message}\n\n" end # launch server @log.info "Launching server..." @server = @api_shim.launch_server(@server, inputs) @api_shim.set_bad_states(BAD_STATES_UP) @api_shim.server_wait_for_state(@server, "booting", 30) end end def server_ready? @api_shim.server_ready?(@server) end def wait_for_operational @api_shim.set_bad_states(BAD_STATES_UP) @api_shim.server_wait_for_state(@server, "operational", 30) end def server_info info = @api_shim.server_info(@server) while info.private_ip_addresses.empty? @log.info "Waiting for cloud to provide IP address..." sleep 30 info = @api_shim.server_info(@server) end info end end end