Puppet::Type.newtype(:computer) do @doc = "Computer object management using DirectoryService on OS X. Note that these are distinctly different kinds of objects to 'hosts', as they require a MAC address and can have all sorts of policy attached to them. This provider only manages Computer objects in the local directory service domain, not in remote directories. If you wish to manage `/etc/hosts` file on Mac OS X, then simply use the host type as per other platforms. This type primarily exists to create localhost Computer objects that MCX policy can then be attached to. **Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the plist file representing a Computer object (located at `/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/computers/{name}.plist`), the Computer resource will autorequire it." # ensurable # We autorequire the computer object in case it is being managed at the # file level by Puppet. autorequire(:file) do if self[:name] "/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/computers/#{self[:name]}.plist" else nil end end newproperty(:ensure, :parent => Puppet::Property::Ensure) do desc "Control the existences of this computer record. Set this attribute to `present` to ensure the computer record exists. Set it to `absent` to delete any computer records with this name" newvalue(:present) do provider.create end newvalue(:absent) do provider.delete end end newparam(:name) do desc "The authoritative 'short' name of the computer record." isnamevar end newparam(:realname) do desc "The 'long' name of the computer record." end newproperty(:en_address) do desc "The MAC address of the primary network interface. Must match en0." end newproperty(:ip_address) do desc "The IP Address of the Computer object." end end