require "uuidtools" require "base64" require "mime/types" require "image_size" require "fileutils" class Html2Doc def mime_preamble(boundary, filename, result) <<~"PREAMBLE" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="#{boundary}" --#{boundary} Content-ID: <#{File.basename(filename)}> Content-Disposition: inline; filename="#{File.basename(filename)}" Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8" #{result} PREAMBLE end def mime_attachment(boundary, _filename, item, dir) content_type = mime_type(item) text_mode = %w[text application].any? { |p| content_type.start_with? p } path = File.join(dir, item) content = text_mode ?, encoding: "utf-8") : IO.binread(path) encoded_file = Base64.strict_encode64(content).gsub(/(.{76})/, "\\1\n") <<~"FILE" --#{boundary} Content-ID: <#{File.basename(item)}> Content-Disposition: inline; filename="#{File.basename(item)}" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Type: #{content_type} #{encoded_file} FILE end def mime_type(item) types = MIME::Types.type_for(item) type = types ? types.first.to_s : 'text/plain; charset="utf-8"' type = %(#{type} charset="utf-8") if /^text/.match(type) && types type end def mime_boundary salt = UUIDTools::UUID.random_create.to_s.gsub(/-/, ".")[0..17] "----=_NextPart_#{salt}" end def mime_package(result, filename, dir) boundary = mime_boundary mhtml = mime_preamble(boundary, "#{filename}.htm", result) mhtml += mime_attachment(boundary, "#{filename}.htm", "filelist.xml", dir) Dir.foreach(dir) do |item| next if item == "." || item == ".." || /^\./.match(item) || item == "filelist.xml" mhtml += mime_attachment(boundary, "#{filename}.htm", item, dir) end mhtml += "--#{boundary}--""#{filename}.doc", "w:UTF-8") { |f| f.write contentid(mhtml) } end def contentid(mhtml) mhtml.gsub %r{(]*?src=")([^"']+)(['"])}m do |m| repl = "#{$1}cid:#{File.basename($2)}#{$3}" /^data:|^https?:/ =~ $2 ? m : repl end.gsub %r{(]*?src=")([^"']+)(['"])}m do |m| repl = "#{$1}cid:#{File.basename($2)}#{$3}" /^data:|^https?:/ =~ $2 ? m : repl end end def image_resize(img, path, maxheight, maxwidth) s, realsize = get_image_size(img, path) s[0] == nil && s[1] == nil and return s if == "svg" && !img["viewBox"] img["viewBox"] = "0 0 #{s[0]} #{s[1]}" end s[1] = s[0] * realsize[1] / realsize[0] if s[1].zero? && !s[0].zero? s[0] = s[1] * realsize[0] / realsize[1] if s[0].zero? && !s[1].zero? s = [(s[0] * maxheight / s[1]).ceil, maxheight] if s[1] > maxheight s = [maxwidth, (s[1] * maxwidth / s[0]).ceil] if s[0] > maxwidth s end def get_image_size(img, path) realsize = ImageSize.path(path).size s = [img["width"].to_i, img["height"].to_i] s = realsize if s[0].zero? && s[1].zero? s = [nil, nil] if realsize.nil? || realsize[0].nil? || realsize[1].nil? [s, realsize] end IMAGE_PATH = "//*[local-name() = 'img' or local-name() = 'imagedata']".freeze def mkuuid UUIDTools::UUID.random_create.to_s end def warnsvg(src) warn "#{src}: SVG not supported" if /\.svg$/i.match?(src) end def localname(src, localdir) %r{^([A-Z]:)?/}.match?(src) ? src : File.join(localdir, src) end # only processes locally stored images def image_cleanup(docxml, dir, localdir) maxheight, maxwidth = page_dimensions(docxml) docxml.traverse do |i| skip_image_cleanup?(i) and next local_filename = rename_image(i, dir, localdir) i["width"], i["height"] = if landscape?(i) image_resize(i, local_filename, maxwidth, maxheight) else image_resize(i, local_filename, maxheight, maxwidth) end end docxml end def landscape?(img) img.ancestors.each do |a| == "div" or next @landscape.include?(a["class"]) and return true end false end def rename_image(img, dir, localdir) local_filename = localname(img["src"], localdir) new_filename = "#{mkuuid}#{File.extname(img['src'])}" FileUtils.cp local_filename, File.join(dir, new_filename) img["src"] = File.join(File.basename(dir), new_filename) local_filename end def skip_image_cleanup?(img) src = img["src"] (img.element? && %w(img v:imagedata).include?( or return true (src.nil? || src.empty? || /^http/.match?(src) || %r{^data:(image|application)/[^;]+;base64}.match?(src)) and return true false end # we are going to use the 2nd instance of @page in the Word CSS, # skipping the cover page. Currently doesn't deal with Landscape. # Scan both @stylesheet and docxml.to_xml (where @standardstylesheet has ended up) # Allow 0.9 * height to fit caption def page_dimensions(docxml) stylesheet = read_stylesheet(@stylesheet) page_size = find_page_size_in_doc(stylesheet, docxml.to_xml) or return [680, 400] m_size = /size:\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*;/.match(page_size) or return [680, 400] m_marg = /margin:\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*(\S+)\s*(\S+)\s*;/.match(page_size) or return [680, 400] [0.9 * (units_to_px(m_size[2]) - units_to_px(m_marg[1]) - units_to_px(m_marg[3])), units_to_px(m_size[1]) - units_to_px(m_marg[2]) - units_to_px(m_marg[4])] rescue StandardError [680, 400] end def find_page_size_in_doc(stylesheet, doc) find_page_size(stylesheet, "WordSection2", false) || find_page_size(stylesheet, "WordSection3", false) || find_page_size(doc, "WordSection2", true) || find_page_size(doc, "WordSection3", true) || find_page_size(stylesheet, "", false) || find_page_size(doc, "", true) end # if in_xml, CSS is embedded in XML ") and xml_found = false /^\s*@page\s+#{klass}/.match?(l) and found = true found && /^\s*\{?size:/.match?(l) and ret += l found && /^\s*\{?margin:/.match?(l) and ret += l if found && /}/.match?(l) !ret.blank? && (!in_xml || xml_found) and return ret ret = "" found = false end end nil end def units_to_px(measure) m = /^(\S+)(pt|cm)/.match(measure) ret = case m[2] when "px" then (m[1].to_f * 0.75) when "pt" then m[1].to_f when "cm" then (m[1].to_f * 28.346456693) when "in" then (m[1].to_f * 72) end ret.to_i end # do not parse the header through Nokogiri, since it will contain # non-XML like def header_image_cleanup(doc, dir, filename, localdir) doc.split(%r{(]*>|]*>)}).each_slice(2).map do |a| header_image_cleanup1(a, dir, filename, localdir) end.join end def header_image_cleanup1(a, dir, _filename, localdir) if a.size == 2 && !(/ src="https?:/.match a[1]) && !(%r{ src="data:(image|application)/[^;]+;base64}.match a[1]) m = / src=['"](?[^"']+)['"]/.match a[1] m2 = /\.(?[a-zA-Z_0-9]+)$/.match m[:src] new_filename = "#{mkuuid}.#{m2[:suffix]}" FileUtils.cp localname(m[:src], localdir), File.join(dir, new_filename) a[1].sub!(%r{ src=['"](?[^"']+)['"]}, " src='cid:#{new_filename}'") end a.join end def generate_filelist(filename, dir), "filelist.xml"), "w") do |f| f.write %{ } Dir.entries(dir).sort.each do |item| (item == "." || item == ".." || /^\./.match(item)) and next f.write %{ \n} end f.write("\n") end end end