# Octopress Quote Tag Easy HTML5 blockquotes for Jekyll sites. [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/octopress/quote-tag.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/octopress/quote-tag) [![Gem Version](http://img.shields.io/gem/v/octopress-quote-tag.svg)](https://rubygems.org/gems/octopress-quote-tag) [![License](http://img.shields.io/:license-mit-blue.svg)](http://octopress.mit-license.org) ## Installation ### Using Bundler Add this gem to your site's Gemfile in the `:jekyll_plugins` group: group :jekyll_plugins do gem 'octopress-quote-tag' end Then install the gem with Bundler $ bundle ### Manual Installation $ gem install octopress-quote-tag Then add the gem to your Jekyll configuration. gems: -octopress-quote-tag ## Usage ``` {% blockquote [options] %} Some great quote {% endblockquote %} ``` Options: | option | default | description | |:-------|:--------|:------------| | author | nil | String: Quote author | | title | nil | String: Title of work cited | | url | nil | String: Link to work | ### Example ``` {% quote author:"Bob McAwesome" url:"http://example.com" title:"Great Wisdom" %} Never pet a burning dog. {% endquote %} ``` ``` ``` ## Why? In Markdown Blockquotes are simple but attribution isn't. Also, if you want semantic HTML, you'll have to write your own. ``` > Some cool quote # becomes:
``` But what if you want to cite an author or a source? ``` > Some cool quote > - Bob McAwesome # becomes:Some cool quote
``` Which doesn't work at all since a browser will see it as: ``` Some cool quote - Bob McAwesome ```Some cool quote - Bob McAwesome