# 0.9.2 - No longer require a specific Psych dependency to instead use Ruby stdlib # 0.9.1 - Fix Schema#requires? incorrectly returning true for referenced properties - https://github.com/kevindew/openapi3_parser/issues/20 - Drop support for Ruby 2.5 # 0.9.0 - Fix unexpected fields error when using Example nodes inside a Parameter - https://github.com/kevindew/openapi3_parser/pull/19 - Drop support for Ruby 2.4 # 0.8.2 - Fix bug falling into recursive loop on Array/Map nodes - https://github.com/kevindew/openapi3_parser/issues/13 # 0.8.1 - Fix incorrectly spelt method name on `Schema` s/disciminator/discriminator/g # 0.8.0 - Resolve deprecation warnings for Ruby 2.7 - Resolve deprecation warnings for Psych - Operation and Path Item objects use servers that have cascaded from parent objects if they do not have their own servers defined. - Add `#relative_node` and `#parent_node` methods to `Node::Context`. - Default to a server of "/" when given an empty or null servers input for OpenAPI node. - Set referenced data as input and source location for a PathItem with only a $ref value. - Fix data being lost in PathItem reference merges. # 0.7.0 - Add `#values` method to `Node::Object` and `Node#Map` to have a method that pairs with `#keys` - Add `Node::Schema#requires?` method to simplify checking whether a property is required by a particular schema. - Add `#==` methods to Node objects. This allows checking whether two nodes are from the same source location even if they're referenced in different places. - Add `Node::Schema#name` method that looks up the name of a Schema based on it's contextual position in a document. Allows accessing the `Pet` value from `#/components/schemas/Pet`. # 0.6.1 - Fix bug where Node::Object and Node::Map iterated arrays rather than hashes on #each and other Enumerable methods # 0.6.0 - Drop support for Ruby 2.3 - Re-use references for significantly faster initialisation and validation - Only error when accessing an invalid node rather than at root - Handle infinitely recursive references that never resolve # 0.5.2 - Fix outputting warnings for cyclic dependencies and undefined variables - fixes: https://github.com/kevindew/openapi3_parser/issues/6 - Add Date and Time to YAML safe classes so library doesn't crash on an unquoted timestamp - fixes: https://github.com/kevindew/openapi3_parser/issues/7 # 0.5.1 - Bugfix for allowing maps to have extension like field names # 0.5.0 - Support for recursive references - fixes: https://github.com/kevindew/openapi3_parser/issues/4 - `node_at` method on nodes and document to allow looking up nodes by string paths - Refactor of the node factory classes to use simpler inheritance rather than the mixins in mixins approach. # 0.4.0 - Determine the OpenAPI specification version and store it in document. - Support commonmark rendering, add description_html methods to nodes which allow description to be rendered as HTML. - Fix bug with CGI constant unresolved # 0.3.0 - Allow opening files by URL - Support references in different files # 0.2.0 - Allow defaulting to empty arrays and maps - Configure rubydoc - Types returned documented for the nodes