class BTAPPRE1980 # Check if ERV is required on this airloop. # # @param (see #economizer_required?) # @return [Boolean] Returns true if required, false if not. def air_loop_hvac_energy_recovery_ventilator_required?(air_loop_hvac, climate_zone) # Do not apply ERV to BTAPPRE1980 buildings. erv_required = false return erv_required end # Applies the standard efficiency ratings and typical performance curves to this object from MNECB Supplement # # @return [Boolean] true if successful, false if not def chiller_electric_eir_apply_efficiency_and_curves(chiller_electric_eir, clg_tower_objs) chillers = standards_data['chillers'] # Define the criteria to find the chiller properties # in the hvac standards data set. search_criteria = chiller_electric_eir_find_search_criteria(chiller_electric_eir) cooling_type = search_criteria['cooling_type'] condenser_type = search_criteria['condenser_type'] compressor_type = search_criteria['compressor_type'] # Get the chiller capacity capacity_w = chiller_electric_eir_find_capacity(chiller_electric_eir) # All chillers must be modulating down to 25% of their capacity chiller_electric_eir.setChillerFlowMode('LeavingSetpointModulated') chiller_electric_eir.setMinimumPartLoadRatio(0.25) chiller_electric_eir.setMinimumUnloadingRatio(0.25) chiller_capacity = capacity_w if (capacity_w / 1000.0) <= 700.0 # As per MNECB if chiller capacity <= 700 kW the compressor should be reciprocating so change the type here in # the name, compressor_type and search_criteria which is where the compressor type is used. search_criteria['compressor_type'] = 'Reciprocating' compressor_type = search_criteria['compressor_type'] chiller_electric_eir = replace_compressor_name(chiller: chiller_electric_eir, comp_type: compressor_type, chillers: chillers) if 'Primary Chiller' chiller_capacity = capacity_w elsif 'Secondary Chiller' chiller_capacity = 0.001 end elsif ((capacity_w / 1000.0) > 700.0) && ((capacity_w / 1000.0) <= 2100.0) # As per MNECB if chiller capacity > 700 kW the compressor should be centrifugal so change the type here in # the name, compressor_type and search_criteria which is where the compressor type is used. search_criteria['compressor_type'] = 'Centrifugal' compressor_type = search_criteria['compressor_type'] chiller_electric_eir = replace_compressor_name(chiller: chiller_electric_eir, comp_type: compressor_type, chillers: chillers) if 'Primary Chiller' chiller_capacity = capacity_w elsif 'Secondary Chiller' chiller_capacity = 0.001 end else search_criteria['compressor_type'] = 'Centrifugal' compressor_type = search_criteria['compressor_type'] chiller_electric_eir = replace_compressor_name(chiller: chiller_electric_eir, comp_type: compressor_type, chillers: chillers) chiller_capacity = capacity_w / 2.0 end chiller_electric_eir.setReferenceCapacity(chiller_capacity) # Convert capacity to tons capacity_tons = OpenStudio.convert(chiller_capacity, 'W', 'ton').get # Get the chiller properties chlr_table = @standards_data['chillers'] chlr_props = model_find_object(chlr_table, search_criteria, capacity_tons, unless chlr_props OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.ChillerElectricEIR', "For #{}, cannot find chiller properties, cannot apply standard efficiencies or curves.") successfully_set_all_properties = false return successfully_set_all_properties end # Make the CAPFT curve cool_cap_ft = model_add_curve(chiller_electric_eir.model, chlr_props['capft']) if cool_cap_ft chiller_electric_eir.setCoolingCapacityFunctionOfTemperature(cool_cap_ft) else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.ChillerElectricEIR', "For #{}, cannot find cool_cap_ft curve, will not be set.") successfully_set_all_properties = false end # Make the EIRFT curve cool_eir_ft = model_add_curve(chiller_electric_eir.model, chlr_props['eirft']) if cool_eir_ft chiller_electric_eir.setElectricInputToCoolingOutputRatioFunctionOfTemperature(cool_eir_ft) else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.ChillerElectricEIR', "For #{}, cannot find cool_eir_ft curve, will not be set.") successfully_set_all_properties = false end # Make the EIRFPLR curve # which may be either a CurveBicubic or a CurveQuadratic based on chiller type cool_plf_fplr = model_add_curve(chiller_electric_eir.model, chlr_props['eirfplr']) if cool_plf_fplr chiller_electric_eir.setElectricInputToCoolingOutputRatioFunctionOfPLR(cool_plf_fplr) else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.ChillerElectricEIR', "For #{}, cannot find cool_plf_fplr curve, will not be set.") successfully_set_all_properties = false end # Set the efficiency value kw_per_ton = nil cop = nil if chlr_props['cop'] cop = chlr_props['cop'] kw_per_ton = cop_to_kw_per_ton(cop) chiller_electric_eir.setReferenceCOP(cop) elsif !chlr_props['cop'] && chlr_props['minimum_full_load_efficiency'] kw_per_ton = chlr_props['minimum_full_load_efficiency'] cop = kw_per_ton_to_cop(kw_per_ton) chiller_electric_eir.setReferenceCOP(cop) else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.ChillerElectricEIR', "For #{}, cannot find minimum full load efficiency, will not be set.") successfully_set_all_properties = false end # Set cooling tower properties now that the new COP of the chiller is set if 'Primary Chiller' # Single speed tower model assumes 25% extra for compressor power tower_cap = capacity_w * (1.0 + 1.0 / chiller_electric_eir.referenceCOP) if (tower_cap / 1000.0) < 1750 clg_tower_objs[0].setNumberofCells(1) else clg_tower_objs[0].setNumberofCells((tower_cap / (1000 * 1750) + 0.5).round) end clg_tower_objs[0].setFanPoweratDesignAirFlowRate(0.015 * tower_cap) end # Append the name with size and kw/ton chiller_electric_eir.setName("#{} #{capacity_tons.round}tons #{kw_per_ton.round(1)}kW/ton") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.ChillerElectricEIR', "For #{template}: #{}: #{cooling_type} #{condenser_type} #{compressor_type} Capacity = #{capacity_tons.round}tons; COP = #{cop.round(1)} (#{kw_per_ton.round(1)}kW/ton)") return successfully_set_all_properties end # Determines the minimum pump motor efficiency and nominal size # for a given motor bhp. This should be the total brake horsepower with # any desired safety factor already included. This method picks # the next nominal motor catgory larger than the required brake # horsepower, and the efficiency is based on that size. For example, # if the bhp = 6.3, the nominal size will be 7.5HP and the efficiency # for 90.1-2010 will be 91.7% from Table 10.8B. This method assumes # 4-pole, 1800rpm totally-enclosed fan-cooled motors. # # @param motor_bhp [Double] motor brake horsepower (hp) # @return [Array<Double>] minimum motor efficiency (0.0 to 1.0), nominal horsepower def pump_standard_minimum_motor_efficiency_and_size(pump, motor_bhp) motor_eff = 0.85 nominal_hp = motor_bhp # Don't attempt to look up motor efficiency # for zero-hp pumps (required for circulation-pump-free # service water heating systems). return [1.0, 0] if motor_bhp == 0.0 # Lookup the minimum motor efficiency motors = @standards_data['motors'] # Assuming all pump motors are 4-pole ODP search_criteria = { 'motor_use' => 'PUMP', 'number_of_poles' => 4.0, 'type' => 'Enclosed' } motor_properties = model_find_object(motors, search_criteria, motor_bhp) if motor_properties.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Pump', "For #{}, could not find motor properties using search criteria: #{search_criteria}, motor_bhp = #{motor_bhp} hp.") return [motor_eff, nominal_hp] end motor_eff = motor_properties['nominal_full_load_efficiency'] nominal_hp = motor_properties['maximum_capacity'].to_f.round(1) # Round to nearest whole HP for niceness if nominal_hp >= 2 nominal_hp = nominal_hp.round end # Get the efficiency based on the nominal horsepower # Add 0.01 hp to avoid search errors. motor_properties = model_find_object(motors, search_criteria, nominal_hp + 0.01) if motor_properties.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Fan', "For #{}, could not find nominal motor properties using search criteria: #{search_criteria}, motor_hp = #{nominal_hp} hp.") return [motor_eff, nominal_hp] end motor_eff = motor_properties['nominal_full_load_efficiency'] # Change the pump design shaft power per unit flow rate per unit head to use MNECB combined efficiency values apply_pump_impeller_efficiency(pump: pump, motor_eff: motor_eff) return [motor_eff, nominal_hp] end # Replace the chiller compressor type in the chiller name. def replace_compressor_name(chiller:, comp_type:, chillers:) # Get the current name. chiller_name = # Get the unique compressor types from the chiller table (from the chillers.json file.) chiller_types = chillers.uniq { |chill_param| chill_param['compressor_type'] } new_name = chiller_name # Go through each chiller compressor type from the chiller table and see if it is in the chiller name. If it is, # then replace the old compressor type in the name with the new one. chlr_name_updated = false chiller_types.each do |chill_type| if chiller_name.include? chill_type['compressor_type'] new_name = chiller_name.sub(chill_type['compressor_type'], comp_type) chlr_name_updated = true break end end new_name = chiller_name + ' ' + comp_type if !chlr_name_updated chiller.setName(new_name) return chiller end # Set the pump design shaft power per unit flow rate per unit head to incorporate total pump efficiency (adjusted for # motor efficiency). def apply_pump_impeller_efficiency(pump:, motor_eff:) # Get the pump efficiency table from the pump_efficiencies.json pump_data = @standards_data['pump_combined_eff'] pump_info = nil # Go through the components of the plant loop the plant is attached to. Find the type of plant loop based on the # equipment in it (e.g. it is a hot water loop if the loop contains a boiler supply component). Once we know the # type of plant loop get the combined pump efficiency from pump_data pump.plantLoop.get.supplyComponents.each do |comp| obj_type = comp.iddObjectType.valueName.to_s break if pump_info == pump_data.find { |plant_pump| plant_pump['components'].find { |component| component.include?(obj_type) } } end return if pump_info.nil? # DesignShaftPowerPerUnitFlowRatePerUnitHead seems to be the inverse of an efficiency so get the inverse efficiency # by dividing the motor efficiency from the total pump efficiency. inv_impeller_eff = motor_eff / pump_info['comb_eff'].to_f pump.setDesignShaftPowerPerUnitFlowRatePerUnitHead(inv_impeller_eff) end # Adjust the total efficiency, motor efficiency (if applicable), and pressure rise for fans used in BTAPPRE1980 and # BTAP1980TO2010. This probably should be implemented a different way but rather than truly understanding the code # I wrote this. So far it applies fan performance to system 3 return fans and to zone exhaust fans which were added # to BTAPPRE1980 and BTAP1980TO2010 since they are not used in NECB2011, NECB2015, or NECB2017. def model_apply_existing_building_fan_performance(model:) ret_fans = { |ret_fan| ret_fan.endUseSubcategory.to_s == 'Return_Fan' } return if ret_fans.empty? fan_type = 'CONSTANT-RETURN' motor_type = 'CONSTANT-RETURN' pressure_rise = 'return_fan_constant_volume_pressure_rise_value' fan_hash = get_fan_chars(fan_type: fan_type, motor_type: motor_type, press_rise: pressure_rise) ret_fans.each do |ret_fan| ret_fan.setPressureRise(fan_hash[:press_rise].to_f) ret_fan.setFanTotalEfficiency(fan_hash[:total_eff].to_f) ret_fan.setMotorEfficiency(fan_hash[:motor_eff].to_f) end exhaust_fans = model.getFanZoneExhausts return if exhaust_fans.empty? fan_type = 'EXHAUST' pressure_rise = 'exhaust_fan_pressure_rise_value' fan_hash = get_fan_chars(fan_type: fan_type, press_rise: pressure_rise) exhaust_fans.sort.each do |exhaust_fan| exhaust_fan.setFanTotalEfficiency(fan_hash[:total_eff]) exhaust_fan.setPressureRise(fan_hash[:press_rise]) end end # This method gets the required fan performance characteristics. It would probably be better to change the # appropriate methods in standards or prototype or create another class but I did this here for expediency. # The method looks for: # -the total fan efficiency in fans.json (a custom json just for BTAP vintage files) # -the motor efficiency (if applicable) in moters.json # -the pressure rise in constants.json # If the above cannot be found it defaults values (this should not happen). # The method return a hash containing the total fan efficiency, motor efficiency and pressure rise. def get_fan_chars(fan_type:, motor_type: nil, press_rise:) standards_fan_total_efficiency = @standards_data['fans'].select { |standards_fan| standards_fan['fan_type'] == fan_type } if standards_fan_total_efficiency.empty? fan_total_efficiency = 0.25 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.model_apply_existing_building_fan_characteristics', "Cannot find fan data in standards fans data. Defaulting total fan efficiency to #{fan_total_efficiency}.") else fan_total_efficiency = standards_fan_total_efficiency[0]['fan_total_efficiency'] end fan_motor_efficiency = nil unless motor_type.nil? standards_fan_motor_efficiency = @standards_data['motors'].select { |standards_motor| (standards_motor['motor_use'] == 'FAN' && standards_motor['motor_type'] == motor_type) } if standards_fan_motor_efficiency.empty? fan_motor_efficiency = 0.385 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.model_apply_existing_building_fan_characteristics', "Cannot find fan motor data in standards fans data. Defaulting fan moter efficinecy to #{fan_motor_efficiency}.") else fan_motor_efficiency = standards_fan_motor_efficiency[0]['nominal_full_load_efficiency'] end end fan_pressure_rise = @standards_data['constants'][press_rise]['value'] if fan_pressure_rise.nil? fan_pressure_rise = 150.0 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.model_apply_existing_building_fan_characteristics', "Cannot find fan pressure data in constants data. Defaulting total fan pressure rise to #{fan_pressure_rise}.") end return { total_eff: fan_total_efficiency, motor_eff: fan_motor_efficiency, press_rise: fan_pressure_rise } end # This adds a zone exhaust fan to the zone passed to it. The flow rate for the exhaust fan is set to the sum of the # outdoor air requirements for the spaces in the zone. If the exhaust fan is set to run whenever the supply fan runs. def add_exhaust_fan(zone:, model:, name:) outdoor_air = 0.0 zone.spaces.sort.each do |space| outdoor_air_rate = space.designSpecificationOutdoorAir.get.outdoorAirFlowperFloorArea floor_area = space.floorArea outdoor_air += (outdoor_air_rate * floor_area) end exhaust_fan = exhaust_fan.setName(name) exhaust_fan.setSystemAvailabilityManagerCouplingMode('Coupled') exhaust_fan.setMaximumFlowRate(outdoor_air.to_f) exhaust_fan.addToThermalZone(zone) end end