ar_to_html_table (0.2.0) October 30, 2010 * Table formatter now calls row instance method (DRY's up formatting) and making column formatting stand alone from table formatting. Next step separate column_formatting into a separate gem. * Options can now be defined on the column_format call (:options = {}) which are passed to the formatter at invocation * :trend is now a valid totaling method. Requires ar_results_calculations * Add dependency for ar_result_calculations ar_to_html_table (0.1.10) October 24, 2010 * Options can be passed in #format_column ar_to_html_table (0.1.9) October 24, 2010 * Bar and percentage fixes for when % > 100 ar_to_html_table (0.1.8) October 24, 2010 * Formatter seconds_to_time now omits the hours if the time is less than one hour. ar_to_html_table (0.1.7) October 24, 2010 * Included ::ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper into column_formats so those methods can be use in formatters * Coerce value to integer in seconds_to_time