var inherits = require('util').inherits; var Transform = require('stream').Transform; var TokenBucket = require('limiter').TokenBucket; /* * Throttle is a throttled stream implementing the stream.Transform interface. * Options: * rate (mandatory): the throttling rate in bytes per second. * chunksize (optional): the maximum chunk size into which larger writes are decomposed. * Any other options are passed to stream.Transform. */ function Throttle(opts, group) { if (group === undefined) group = new ThrottleGroup(opts); this.bucket = group.bucket; this.chunksize = group.chunksize;, opts); } inherits(Throttle, Transform); Throttle.prototype._transform = function(chunk, encoding, done) { process(this, chunk, 0, done); }; function process(self, chunk, pos, done) { var slice = chunk.slice(pos, pos + self.chunksize); if (!slice.length) { // chunk fully consumed done(); return; } self.bucket.removeTokens(slice.length, function(err) { if (err) { done(err); return; } self.push(slice); process(self, chunk, pos + self.chunksize, done); }); } /* * ThrottleGroup throttles an aggregate of streams. * Options are the same as for Throttle. */ function ThrottleGroup(opts) { if (!(this instanceof ThrottleGroup)) return new ThrottleGroup(opts); opts = opts || {}; if (opts.rate === undefined) throw new Error('throttle rate is a required argument'); if (typeof opts.rate !== 'number' || opts.rate <= 0) throw new Error('throttle rate must be a positive number'); if (opts.chunksize !== undefined && (typeof opts.chunksize !== 'number' || opts.chunksize <= 0)) { throw new Error('throttle chunk size must be a positive number'); } this.rate = opts.rate; this.chunksize = opts.chunksize || this.rate/10; this.bucket = new TokenBucket(this.rate, this.rate, 'second', null); } /* * Create a new stream in the throttled group and returns it. * Any supplied options are passed to the Throttle constructor. */ ThrottleGroup.prototype.throttle = function(opts) { return new Throttle(opts, this); }; module.exports = { Throttle: Throttle, ThrottleGroup: ThrottleGroup };