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              Abandoned Mine Land Inventory Polygons: Pennsylvania, 2016
              Abandoned Mine Land Inventory Polygons: Pennsylvania, 2016
<li><a href="#iso-identification-info">Identification Information</a></li>
<li><a href="#iso-data-quality-info">Data Quality Information</a></li>
<li><a href="#iso-distribution-info">Distribution Information</a></li>
<li><a href="#iso-spatial-representation-info">Spatial Representation Information</a></li>
<li><a href="#iso-metadata-reference-info">Metadata Reference Information</a></li>
<div id="iso-identification-info"><dl>
<dt>Identification Information</dt>
              Abandoned Mine Land Inventory Polygons: Pennsylvania, 2016
                  Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
                  Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
<dt>Publication Date</dt>
<dt>Geospatial Data Presentation Form</dt>
<dt>Collection Title</dt>
              Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access (PASDA)
<dt>Other Citation Details</dt>
          This data set portrays the approximate location of Abandoned Mine Land Problem Areas containing public health, safety, and public welfare problems created by past coal mining. It is a subset of data contained in the Office of Surface Mining (OSM) Abandoned Mine Land Inventory. This layer identifies AML Polygons representing specific areas to large to be represented by points within the entire, AML Inventory Site, examples include AML dangerous highwalls.
          This data set provides information needed to implement Title IV Abandoned Mine Reclamation, of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) of 1977. One of the major uses of this data set is for the reporting of annual Abandoned Mine Land Program accomplishments to Congress. In addition, the data is used in the National Atlas of the United States for geographic display and analysis at the national level, and for large regional areas.
<dt>Temporal Extent</dt>
<dt>Currentness Reference</dt>
              publication date
<dt>Time Period</dt>
<dt>Bounding Box</dt>
<dt>ISO Topic Category</dt>
<dt>Place Keyword</dt>
              Pennsylvania, United States
<dt>Place Keyword Thesaurus</dt>
<dt>Theme Keyword</dt>
<dt>Theme Keyword Thesaurus</dt>
<dt>Resource Constraints</dt>
<dt>Use Limitation</dt>
              Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Environmental Protection Disclaimer for Data The user shall save the Commonwealth harmless from any suits, claims, or actions arising out of the use of the data files or accompanying documentation, or arising out of any defects in the datafiles or accompanying documentation. The Commonwealth excludes any and all implied warranties and makes no warranty or representation with respect to the data files or accompanying documentation, including quality, performance, merchantability, or fits for a particular purpose. These data files and documentation are provided "as is" and the user assumes the entire risk as to their quality and performance.
<dt>Legal Constraints</dt>
<dt>Use Limitation</dt>
              The USER shall indemnify, save harmless, and, if requested, defend those parties involved with the development and distribution of this data, their officers, agents, and employees from and against any suits, claims, or actions for injury, death, or property damage arising out of the use of or any defect in the FILES or any accompanying documentation. Those parties involved with the development and distribution excluded any and all implied warranties, including warranties or merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and makes no warranty or representation, either express or implied, with respect to the FILES or accompanying documentation, including its quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. The FILES and documentation are provided "as is" and the USER assumes the entire risk as to its quality and performance. Those parties involved with the development and distribution of this data will not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the FILES or any accompanying documentation.
<dt>Security Constraints</dt>
<dt>Maintenance and Update Frequency</dt>
<dt>Collection Title</dt>
          Department of Environmental Protection
<dt>Point of Contact</dt>
              PA DEP, Geospatial Data Center
<div id="iso-data-quality-info">
<dt>Data Quality Information</dt>
<dt>Process Step</dt>
                  Presently data is collected partly via hand drawn maps that are then converted to a digital format or the data is received from field offices in a shapefile format.
<div id="iso-distribution-info">
<dt>Distribution Information</dt>
                  PA DEP, Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation
                  Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access (PASDA)
<dt>Online Access</dt>
<div id="iso-spatial-representation-info">
<dt>Spatial Representation Information</dt>
<dt>Topology Level</dt>
<dt>Vector Object Type</dt>
<dt>Vector Object Count</dt>
<div id="iso-metadata-reference-info"><dl>
<dt>Metadata Reference Information</dt>
<dt>Hierarchy Level</dt>
<dt>Metadata File Identifier</dt>
<dt>Dataset URI</dt>
<dt>Metadata Point of Contact</dt>
              Pennsylvania State University Libraries
<dt>Delivery Point</dt>
                      Donald W. Hamer Maps and Geospatial Information Center, 1 Central Pattee. The Pennsylvania State University
                      University Park
<dt>Administrative Area</dt>
<dt>Postal Code</dt>
<dt>Metadata Date Stamp</dt>
<dt>Metadata Standard Name</dt>
      ISO 19139 Geographic Information - Metadata - Implementation Specification
<dt>Metadata Standard Version</dt>