module JSONAPI module Attributes def self.included(target) target.send(:include, InstanceMethods) target.extend ClassMethods target.class_eval do def self.inherited(target) [:attributes_map, :to_one_associations, :to_many_associations] .each{|k| key = "@#{k}" attr = self.instance_variable_get(key) target.instance_variable_set(key, attr.dup) if attr } end end end module InstanceMethods end module ClassMethods attr_accessor :attributes_map attr_accessor :to_one_associations attr_accessor :to_many_associations def attribute(name, options = {}, &block) add_attribute(name, options, &block) end def attributes(*names) names.each { |name| add_attribute(name) } end def has_one(name, options = {}, &block) add_to_one_association(name, options, &block) end def has_many(name, options = {}, &block) add_to_many_association(name, options, &block) end def add_attribute(name, options = {}, &block) # Blocks are optional and can override the default attribute discovery. They are just # stored here, but evaluated by the Serializer within the instance context. @attributes_map ||= {} @attributes_map[name] = { attr_or_block: block_given? ? block : name, options: options, } end private :add_attribute def add_to_one_association(name, options = {}, &block) options[:include_links] = options.fetch(:include_links, true) options[:include_data] = options.fetch(:include_data, false) @to_one_associations ||= {} @to_one_associations[name] = { attr_or_block: block_given? ? block : name, options: options, } end private :add_to_one_association def add_to_many_association(name, options = {}, &block) options[:include_links] = options.fetch(:include_links, true) options[:include_data] = options.fetch(:include_data, false) @to_many_associations ||= {} @to_many_associations[name] = { attr_or_block: block_given? ? block : name, options: options, } end private :add_to_many_association end end end