# frozen_string_literal: true # this class is aimed at html rendering class HTML def self.locate(selector, base_element = JS.global[:document][:body]) return base_element if selector.empty? if selector.has_key?(:id) base_element.querySelector("##{selector[:id]}") elsif selector.has_key?(:parent) parent = base_element.querySelector("##{selector[:parent]}") return nil if parent.nil? parent.querySelectorAll("*").to_a elsif selector.has_key?(:html) html_element = selector[:html] return nil if html_element.nil? html_element.querySelectorAll("*").to_a end end def initialize(id_found, current_atome) @element ||= JS.global[:document].getElementById(id_found.to_s) @id = id_found @original_atome = current_atome end def object @element end def hypertext(params) current_div = JS.global[:document].getElementById(@id.to_s) current_div[:innerHTML] = params end def add_css_to_atomic_style(css) style_element = JS.global[:document].getElementById('atomic_style') text_node = JS.global[:document].createTextNode(css) style_element.appendChild(text_node) end def convert_to_css(data) conditions = data[:condition] apply = data[:alterations] # Convert the conditions condition_strings = [] if conditions[:max] condition_strings << "(max-width: #{conditions[:max][:width]}px)" if conditions[:max][:width] condition_strings << "(max-height: #{conditions[:max][:height]}px)" if conditions[:max][:height] end if conditions[:min] condition_strings << "(min-width: #{conditions[:min][:width]}px)" if conditions[:min][:width] condition_strings << "(min-height: #{conditions[:min][:height]}px)" if conditions[:min][:height] end operator = conditions[:operator] == :and ? 'and' : 'or' # Convert properties to apply property_strings = [] apply.each do |key, values| inner_properties = [] values.each do |property, value| if property == :color inner_properties << "background-color: #{value} !important;" else inner_properties << "#{property}: #{value}px !important;" if value.is_a?(Integer) inner_properties << "#{property}: #{value} !important;" if value.is_a?(Symbol) end end # Prefix each key with "#" property_strings << "##{key} {\n#{inner_properties.join("\n")}\n}" end # let it build css = "@media #{condition_strings.join(" #{operator} ")} {\n#{property_strings.join("\n")}\n}" add_css_to_atomic_style(css) css end def css_to_data(css) data = { :condition => {}, :apply => {} } # Extract conditions media_conditions = css.match(/@media ([^\{]+)/)[1].split(',').map(&:strip) media_conditions.each do |condition| type = condition.match(/(max|min)-/)[1].to_sym property = condition.match(/(width|height)/)[1].to_sym value = condition.match(/(\d+)/)[1].to_i data[:condition][type] ||= {} data[:condition][type][property] = value end # Extract properties to be applied css.scan(/(\w+) \{([^\}]+)\}/).each do |match| key = match[0].to_sym properties = match[1].split(';').map(&:strip).reject(&:empty?) data[:apply][key] ||= {} properties.each do |property| prop, value = property.split(':').map(&:strip) if prop == 'background-color' data[:apply][key][:color] = value.to_sym elsif value[-2..] == 'px' data[:apply][key][prop.to_sym] = value.to_i else data[:apply][key][prop.to_sym] = value.to_sym end end end data end def extract_properties(properties_string) properties_hash = {} properties = properties_string.split(';').map(&:strip).reject(&:empty?) properties.each do |property| key, value = property.split(':').map(&:strip) properties_hash[key] = value end properties_hash end def get_page_style main_view = JS.global[:document].getElementById('view') main_view_content = main_view[:innerHTML].to_s style_tags = main_view_content.split(/<\/?style[^>]*>/i).select.with_index { |_, index| index.odd? } style_tags = style_tags.join('') style_tags = style_tags.split("\n") hash_result = {} inside_media = false media_hash = {} style_tags.each do |line| line = line.strip next if line.empty? || line.start_with?('/*') if inside_media if line == '}' hash_result['@media'] << media_hash inside_media = false next end selector, properties = line.split('{').map(&:strip) next unless properties&.end_with?('}') properties = properties[0...-1].strip media_hash[selector] = extract_properties(properties) elsif line.start_with?('@media') media_content = line.match(/@media\s*\(([^)]+)\)\s*{/) next unless media_content media_query = media_content[1] hash_result['@media'] = [media_query] inside_media = true else selector, properties = line.split('{').map(&:strip) next unless properties&.end_with?('}') properties = properties[0...-1].strip hash_result[selector] = extract_properties(properties) end end hash_result end def hyperedit(params, usr_bloc) html_object = JS.global[:document].getElementById(params.to_s) particles_from_style = {} # we get all the styles tag present in the page get_page_style if html_object[:className].to_s classes_found = html_object[:className].to_s.split(' ') classes_found.each do |class_found| if get_page_style[".#{class_found}"] particles_from_style = particles_from_style.merge(get_page_style[".#{class_found}"]) end end end particles_found = {} particles_found[:data] = html_object[:innerText].to_s.chomp particles_found[:markup] = html_object[:tagName].to_s style_found = html_object[:style][:cssText].to_s style_found.split(';').each do |pair| key, value = pair.split(':').map(&:strip) particles_from_style[key.to_sym] = value if key && value end # alert "hyperedit" particles_found = particles_found.merge(particles_from_style) current_atome = grab(@id) usr_bloc.call(particles_found) # current_atome.callback({ hyperedit: particles_found }) # current_atome.call(:hyperedit) end def match(params) css_converted = convert_to_css(params) css_to_data(css_converted) end def connect(params, &bloc) type = params[:type] server = params[:address] # user=params[:user] # pass=params[:pass] # atomes=params[:atomes] # particles=params[:particles] # 'atomeJS.connect' is in the communication.js file ( connect: function (type, server, ) JS.eval("atomeJS.connect('#{type}','#{server}')") # JS.eval("atomeJS.connect('ws://#{server}')") end def send_message(message) JS.eval("atomeJS.ws_sender('#{message}')") end def close_websocket @websocket.close end def attr(attribute, value) @element.setAttribute(attribute.to_s, value.to_s) self end def add_class(class_to_add) @element[:classList].add(class_to_add.to_s) self end def remove_class(class_to_remove) @element[:classList].remove(class_to_remove.to_s) self end def id(id) attr('id', id) self end def check_double(id) # we remove any element if the id already exist element_to_delete = JS.global[:document].getElementById(id.to_s) delete(id) unless element_to_delete.inspect == 'null' end def shape(id) # we remove any element if the id already exist check_double(id) markup_found = @original_atome.markup || :div @element_type = markup_found.to_s @element = JS.global[:document].createElement(@element_type) JS.global[:document][:body].appendChild(@element) add_class('atome') id(id) self end def text(id) # we remove any element if the id already exist check_double(id) markup_found = @original_atome.markup || :pre @element_type = markup_found.to_s @element = JS.global[:document].createElement(@element_type) JS.global[:document][:body].appendChild(@element) add_class('atome') id(id) #### # editable_pres = JS.global[:document].querySelectorAll('pre[contenteditable="true"]') # editable_pres_array = Array.new(editable_pres[:length].to_i) { |i| editable_pres.call(:item, i) } # editable_pres_array.each do |pre| # pre.addEventListener('input') do # if pre[:innerText].strip == '' # pre[:innerHTML] = '​' # Insère un caractère d'espace insécable # end # end # end # editable_pres = JS.global[:document].querySelectorAll('pre[contenteditable="true"]') # # editable_pres_array = Array.new(editable_pres[:length].to_i) { |i| editable_pres.call(:item, i) } # editable_pres_array.each do |pre| # pre.addEventListener('click') do # # Focus sur l'élément pour activer le curseur # pre.focus() # alert :ok # # Optionnel : Ajoutez du style pour rendre le curseur plus visible # pre[:style][:caretColor] = 'blue' # Changez la couleur du curseur en bleu # end # end ### self end def select_text(range) # TODO : use atome color object instead of basic css color back_color = grab(:back_selection) text_color = grab(:text_selection) back_color_rgba = "rgba(#{back_color.red * 255},#{back_color.green * 255},#{back_color.blue * 255}, #{back_color.alpha})" text_color_rgba = "rgba(#{text_color.red * 255},#{text_color.green * 255},#{text_color.blue * 255}, #{text_color.alpha})" range = JS.global[:document].createRange() range.selectNodeContents(@element) selection = JS.global[:window].getSelection() selection.removeAllRanges() selection.addRange(range) @element.focus() style = JS.global[:document].createElement('style') style[:innerHTML] = "::selection { background-color: #{back_color_rgba}; color: #{text_color_rgba}; }" JS.global[:document][:head].appendChild(style) return unless @element[:innerText].to_s.length == 1 @element[:innerHTML] = '​' end def image(id) # we remove any element if the id already exist check_double(id) markup_found = @original_atome.markup || :img @element_type = markup_found.to_s @element = JS.global[:document].createElement(@element_type) JS.global[:document][:body].appendChild(@element) add_class('atome') self.id(id) self end def video(id) # we remove any element if the id already exist check_double(id) markup_found = @original_atome.markup || :video @element_type = markup_found.to_s @element = JS.global[:document].createElement(@element_type) JS.global[:document][:body].appendChild(@element) add_class('atome') self.id(id) self end def www(id) # we remove any element if the id already exist check_double(id) markup_found = @original_atome.markup || :iframe @element_type = markup_found.to_s @element = JS.global[:document].createElement(@element_type) JS.global[:document][:body].appendChild(@element) add_class('atome') @element.setAttribute('src', 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/lLeQZ8Llkso?si=MMsGBEXELy9yBl9R') # below we get image to feed width and height if needed # image = JS.global[:Image].new self.id(id) self end def raw(id) # we remove any element if the id already exist check_double(id) @element = JS.global[:document].createElement('div') add_class('atome') self.id(id) JS.global[:document][:body].appendChild(@element) self end def svg(id) # we remove any element if the id already exist check_double(id) markup_found = @original_atome.markup || 'svg' @element_type = markup_found.to_s svg_ns = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' @element = JS.global[:document].createElementNS(svg_ns, 'svg') JS.global[:document][:body].appendChild(@element) @element.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 1024 1024') @element.setAttribute('version', '1.1') add_class('atome') self.id(id) self end def svg_data(data) data.each do |type_passed, datas| svg_ns = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' new_path = JS.global[:document].createElementNS(svg_ns.to_s, type_passed.to_s) JS.global[:document][:body].appendChild(new_path) datas.each do |property, value| new_path.setAttribute(property.to_s, value.to_s) end @element.appendChild(new_path) end end def update_svg_data(data) data.each do |type_passed, datas| element_to_update = JS.global[:document].getElementById(type_passed.to_s) datas.each do |property, value| element_to_update.setAttribute(property.to_s, value.to_s) end end end def colorize_svg_data(data) command = <<-JS let svgElement = document.getElementById("#{@id}"); if (!svgElement) { return []; } var children = svgElement.children; var ids = []; for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var element = document.getElementById(children[i].id); // Récupérer l'élément par son ID if (element) { element.setAttribute('fill', '#{data}'); // Modifier l'attribut fill element.setAttribute('stroke', '#{data}'); // Modifier l'attribut stroke } ids.push(children[i].id); } return ids JS JS.eval(command) end def raw_data(html_string) @element[:innerHTML] = html_string end def video_path(video_path, type = 'video/mp4') source = JS.global[:document].createElement('source') source.setAttribute('src', video_path) source.setAttribute('type', type) @element.appendChild(source) end def sanitize_text(text) text.to_s .gsub('&', "\&") .gsub('<', "\<") .gsub('>', "\>") .gsub('"', '"') .gsub("'", "\'") end def innerText(data) sanitized_data = sanitize_text(data.to_s) @element[:innerText] = sanitized_data end def textContent(data) @element[:textContent] = data end def path(objet_path) @element.setAttribute('src', objet_path) # below we get image to feed width and height if needed # image = JS.global[:Image].new @element[:src] = objet_path @element[:onload] = lambda do |_event| @element[:width] @element[:height] end end def transform(property, value = nil) transform_needed = "#{property}(#{value}deg)" @element[:style][:transform] = transform_needed.to_s end def style(property, value = nil) if value @element[:style][property] = value.to_s elsif value.nil? @element[:style][property] else # If value is explicitly set to false, remove the property command = "document.getElementById('#{@id}').style.removeProperty('#{property}')" JS.eval(command) end end def fill(params) atome_path= grab(params[:atome]).path @element[:style][:backgroundImage] = "url('#{atome_path}')" @element[:style][:backgroundRepeat] = 'repeat' # @element[:style][:backgroundPosition] = '0 0, 110px 110px' # @element[:style][:backgroundPosition] = "99px 0px" # background-size: auto auto; # @element[:style][:backgroundSize] = "cover" @element[:style][:backgroundSize] = "#{params[:width]}px #{params[:height]}px" end def filter(property, value) filter_needed = "#{property}(#{value})" @element[:style][:filter] = filter_needed end def backdropFilter(property, value) filter_needed = "#{property}(#{value})" @element[:style][:"-webkit-backdrop-filter"] = filter_needed end def currentTime(time) @element[:currentTime] = time end def animation_frame_callback(proc_pass, play_content) JS.global[:window].requestAnimationFrame(-> (timestamp) { current_time = @element[:currentTime] fps = 30 current_frame = (current_time.to_f * fps).to_i @original_atome.instance_exec({ frame: current_frame, time: current_time }, &proc_pass) if proc_pass.is_a? Proc # we update play instance variable so if user ask for atome.play it will return current frame play_content[:play] = current_frame animation_frame_callback(proc_pass, play_content) }) end def action(_particle, action_found, option = nil) # alert option if action_found == :stop currentTime(option) @element.pause elsif action_found == :pause @element.pause else currentTime(option) proc_found = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@play_code')[action_found] play_content = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@play') animation_frame_callback(proc_found, play_content) @element.play end end def append_to(parent_id_found) parent_found = JS.global[:document].getElementById(parent_id_found.to_s) parent_found.appendChild(@element) self end # def visible(param) # @element[:style][:display] = param.to_s # end def delete(id_to_delete) element_to_delete = JS.global[:document].getElementById(id_to_delete.to_s) element_to_delete.remove if element_to_delete end def append(child_id_found) child_found = JS.global[:document].getElementById(child_id_found.to_s) @element.appendChild(child_found) self end # events handlers def on(property, _option) bloc = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@on_code')[:view_resize] property = property.to_s if property.start_with?('media:') # extract request from property media_query = property.split(':', 2).last mql = JS.global[:window].matchMedia(media_query) event_handler = ->(event) do bloc.call({ matches: event[:matches] }) if bloc.is_a? Proc end # add a listener to matchMedia object mql.addListener(event_handler) elsif property == 'resize' event_handler = ->(event) do width = JS.global[:window][:innerWidth] height = JS.global[:window][:innerHeight] bloc.call({ width: width, height: height }) if bloc.is_a? Proc end JS.global[:window].addEventListener('resize', event_handler) else event_handler = ->(event) do bloc.call(event) if bloc.is_a? Proc end @element.addEventListener(property, event_handler) end end def keyboard_press(_option) @keyboard_press = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@keyboard_code')[:press] keypress_handler = ->(native_event) do event = Native(native_event) # we use .call instead of instance_eval because instance_eval bring the current object as context # and it's lead to a problem of context and force the use of grab(:view) when suing atome method such as shape , # group etc.. @keyboard_press.call(event) if @keyboard_press.is_a?(Proc) end @element.addEventListener('keypress', keypress_handler) end def keyboard_down(_option) @keyboard_down = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@keyboard_code')[:down] keypress_handler = ->(event) do # we use .call instead of instance_eval because instance_eval bring the current object as context # and it's lead to a problem of context and force the use of grab(:view) when suing atome method such as shape , # group etc.. @keyboard_down.call(event) if @keyboard_down.is_a?(Proc) end @element.addEventListener('keydown', keypress_handler) end def keyboard_up(_option) @keyboard_up = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@keyboard_code')[:up] keypress_handler = ->(event) do # we use .call instead of instance_eval because instance_eval bring the current object as context # and it's lead to a problem of context and force the use of grab(:view) when suing atome method such as shape , # group etc.. @keyboard_up.call(event) if @keyboard_up.is_a?(Proc) end @element.addEventListener('keyup', keypress_handler) end def keyboard_remove(option) case option when :down @keyboard_down = '' when :up @keyboard_up = '' when :down @keyboard_press = '' else @keyboard_down = '' @keyboard_up = '' @keyboard_press = '' end end def event(action, variance, option = nil) send("#{action}_#{variance}", option) end def restrict_movement(restricted_x, restricted_y) @original_atome.left(restricted_x) @original_atome.top(restricted_y) end def drag_remove(option) case option when :start @drag_start = '' when :end, :stop @drag_end = '' when :locked @drag_locked = '' when :restrict @drag_restrict = '' else # to remove all interact event ( touch, drag, scale, ... uncomment below) @drag_start = '' @drag_end = '' @drag_locked = '' @drag_restrict = '' end end def drag_start(_option) interact = JS.eval("return interact('##{@id}')") @drag_start = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@drag_code')[:start] interact.on('dragstart') do |native_event| event = Native(native_event) # we use .call instead of instance_eval because instance_eval bring the current object as context # and it's lead to a problem of context and force the use of grab(:view) when suing atome method such as shape , # group etc.. @drag_start.call(event) if @drag_start.is_a?(Proc) end end def drag_end(_option) interact = JS.eval("return interact('##{@id}')") @drag_end = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@drag_code')[:end] interact.on('dragend') do |native_event| event = Native(native_event) # we use .call instead of instance_eval because instance_eval bring the current object as context # and it's lead to a problem of context and force the use of grab(:view) when suing atome method such as shape , # group etc.. @drag_end.call(event) if @drag_end.is_a?(Proc) end end def drag_move(_option) interact = JS.eval("return interact('##{@id}')") interact.draggable({ drag: true, inertia: { resistance: 12, minSpeed: 200, endSpeed: 100 }, }) @drag_move = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@drag_code')[:move] interact.on('dragmove') do |native_event| # the use of Native is only for Opal (look at lib/platform_specific/atome_wasm_extensions.rb for more infos) event = Native(native_event) # we use .call instead of instance_eval because instance_eval bring the current object as context # and it's lead to a problem of context and force the use of grab(:view) when suing atome method such as shape , # group etc.. @drag_move.call(event) if @drag_move.is_a?(Proc) dx = event[:dx] dy = event[:dy] x = (@original_atome.left || 0) + dx.to_f y = (@original_atome.top || 0) + dy.to_f @original_atome.left(x) @original_atome.top(y) end end def drag_restrict(option) interact = JS.eval("return interact('##{@id}')") interact.draggable({ drag: true, inertia: { resistance: 12, minSpeed: 200, endSpeed: 100 }, }) @drag_move = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@drag_code')[:restrict] if option.instance_of? Hash max_left = grab(:view).to_px(:width) max_top = grab(:view).to_px(:height) min_left = 0 min_top = 0 if option[:max] max_left = option[:max][:left] || max_left max_top = option[:max][:top] || max_top else max_left max_top end if option[:min] min_left = option[:min][:left] || min_left min_top = option[:min][:top] || min_top else min_left min_top end else parent_found = grab(option) min_left = parent_found.left min_top = parent_found.top parent_width = parent_found.compute({ particle: :width })[:value] parent_height = parent_found.compute({ particle: :height })[:value] original_width = @original_atome.width original_height = @original_atome.height max_left = min_left + parent_width - original_width max_top = min_top + parent_height - original_height end interact.on('dragmove') do |native_event| # the use of Native is only for Opal (look at lib/platform_specific/atome_wasm_extensions.rb for more infos) event = Native(native_event) # we use .call instead of instance_eval because instance_eval bring the current object as context # and it's lead to a problem of context and force the use of grab(:view) when suing atome method such as shape , # group etc.. @drag_move.call(event) if @drag_move.is_a?(Proc) dx = event[:dx] dy = event[:dy] x = (@original_atome.left || 0) + dx.to_f y = (@original_atome.top || 0) + dy.to_f restricted_x = [[x, min_left].max, max_left].min restricted_y = [[y, min_top].max, max_top].min restrict_movement(restricted_x, restricted_y) end end def drag_locked(_option) interact = JS.eval("return interact('##{@id}')") interact.draggable({ drag: true, inertia: { resistance: 12, minSpeed: 200, endSpeed: 100 } }) @drag_lock = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@drag_code')[:locked] interact.on('dragmove') do |native_event| # the use of Native is only for Opal (look at lib/platform_specific/atome_wasm_extensions.rb for more infos) event = Native(native_event) # we use .call instead of instance_eval because instance_eval bring the current object as context # and it's lead to a problem of context and force the use of grab(:view) when suing atome method such as shape , # group etc.. @drag_lock.call(event) if @drag_lock.is_a?(Proc) end end def drop_action(native_event, bloc) event = Native(native_event) draggable_element = event[:relatedTarget][:id].to_s dropzone_element = event[:target][:id].to_s # we use .call instead of instance_eval because instance_eval bring the current object as context # and it's lead to a problem of context and force the use of grab(:view) when suing atome method such as shape , # group etc.. bloc.call({ source: draggable_element, destination: dropzone_element }) if bloc.is_a?(Proc) end def drop_activate(_option) interact = JS.eval("return interact('##{@id}')") @drop_activate = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@drop_code')[:activate] interact.dropzone({ accept: nil, # Accept any element overlap: 0.75, ondropactivate: lambda do |native_event| drop_action(native_event, @drop_activate) end }) end def drop_deactivate(_option) interact = JS.eval("return interact('##{@id}')") @drop_deactivate = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@drop_code')[:deactivate] interact.dropzone({ # accept: nil, # Accept any element # overlap: 0.75, # FIXME : remove because os an opal bug since 1.8 reactivate when opal will be debbuged ondropdeactivate: lambda do |native_event| drop_action(native_event, @drop_deactivate) end }) end def drop_dropped(_option) @drop_dropped = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@drop_code')[:dropped] interact = JS.eval("return interact('##{@id}')") interact.dropzone({ # accept: nil, # Accept any element overlap: 0.75, # FIXME : remove because os an opal bug since 1.8 reactivate when opal will be debbuged ondrop: lambda do |native_event| drop_action(native_event, @drop_dropped) end }) end def drop_enter(_option) interact = JS.eval("return interact('##{@id}')") @drop_enter = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@drop_code')[:enter] interact.dropzone({ # accept: nil, overlap: 0.001, # FIXME : remove because os an opal bug since 1.8 reactivate when opal will be debbuged ondragenter: lambda do |native_event| drop_action(native_event, @drop_enter) end }) end def drop_leave(_option) interact = JS.eval("return interact('##{@id}')") @drop_leave = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@drop_code')[:leave] interact.dropzone({ # accept: nil, # overlap: 0.75, # FIXME : remove because os an opal bug since 1.8 reactivate when opal will be debbuged ondragleave: lambda do |native_event| drop_action(native_event, @drop_leave) end }) end def drop_remove(option) case option when :activate @drop_activate = '' when :deactivate @drop_deactivate = '' when :dropped @drop_dropped = '' when :enter @drop_enter = '' when :leave @drop_leave = '' else # to remove all interact event ( touch, drag, scale, ... uncomment below) # interact = JS.eval("return interact('##{@id}')") # interact.unset @drop_activate = '' @drop_deactivate = '' @drop_dropped = '' @drop_enter = '' @drop_leave = '' end end def resize(params, options) interact = JS.eval("return interact('##{@id}')") if params == :remove @resize = '' interact.resizable(false) else min_width = options[:min][:width] || 10 min_height = options[:min][:height] || 10 max_width = options[:max][:width] || 3000 max_height = options[:max][:height] || 3000 @resize = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@resize_code')[:resize] interact.resizable({ edges: { left: true, right: true, top: true, bottom: true }, inertia: true, modifiers: [], listeners: { move: lambda do |native_event| if @resize.is_a?(Proc) event = Native(native_event) # we use .call instead of instance_eval because instance_eval bring the current object as context # and it's lead to a problem of context and force the use of grab(:view) when suing atome method such as shape , # group etc.. @resize.call(event) if @resize.is_a?(Proc) x = (@element[:offsetLeft].to_i || 0) y = (@element[:offsetTop].to_i || 0) width = event[:rect][:width] height = event[:rect][:height] # Translate when resizing from any corner x += event[:deltaRect][:left].to_f y += event[:deltaRect][:top].to_f @original_atome.width width.to_i if width.to_i.between?(min_width, max_width) @original_atome.height height.to_i if height.to_i.between?(min_height, max_height) @original_atome.left(x) @original_atome.top (y) end end }, }) end end def overflow(params, bloc) style(:overflow, params) @overflow = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@overflow_code')[:overflow] @element.addEventListener('scroll', lambda do |event| scroll_top = @element[:scrollTop].to_i scroll_left = @element[:scrollLeft].to_i # we use .call instead of instance_eval because instance_eval bring the current object as context # and it's lead to a problem of context and force the use of grab(:view) when suing atome method such as shape , # group etc.. @overflow.call({ left: scroll_left, top: scroll_top }) if @overflow.is_a?(Proc) end) end def over_over(_option) interact = JS.eval("return interact('##{@id}')") @over_over = @original_atome.over_code[:over] interact.on('mouseover') do |native_event| JS.global[:myRubyMouseOverCallback] = Proc.new { @original_atome.over_code[:over].call } JS.eval("document.querySelector('##{@id}').addEventListener('mouseleave', myRubyMouseOverCallback);") event = Native(native_event) # we use .call instead of instance_eval because instance_eval bring the current object as context # and it's lead to a problem of context and force the use of grab(:view) when suing atome method such as shape , # group etc.. @over_over.call(event) if @over_over.is_a?(Proc) end end def over_enter(_option) @over_enter = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@over_code')[:enter] return unless @over_enter @over_enter_callback = lambda do |event| # we use .call instead of instance_eval because instance_eval bring the current object as context # and it's lead to a problem of context and force the use of grab(:view) when suing atome method such as shape , # group etc.. @over_enter.call(event) if @over_enter.is_a?(Proc) end @element.addEventListener('mouseenter', @over_enter_callback) end def over_leave(_option) @over_leave = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@over_code')[:leave] return unless @over_leave @over_leave_callback = lambda do |event| # we use .call instead of instance_eval because instance_eval bring the current object as context # and it's lead to a problem of context and force the use of grab(:view) when suing atome method such as shape , # group etc.. @over_leave.call(event) if @over_leave.is_a?(Proc) end @element.addEventListener('mouseleave', @over_leave_callback) end def over_remove(option) case option when :enter if @over_enter_callback # Remove the event listener using the same lambda @element.removeEventListener('mouseenter', @over_enter_callback) @over_enter_callback = nil @over_enter = nil end when :leave @element.removeEventListener('mouseleave', @over_leave_callback) @over_leave_callback = nil @over_leave = nil when :over @over_over = '' else @element.removeEventListener('mouseenter', @over_enter_callback) @over_enter_callback = nil @over_enter = nil @element.removeEventListener('mouseleave', @over_leave_callback) @over_leave_callback = nil @over_leave = nil @over_over = '' end end def touch_tap(_option) interact = JS.eval("return interact('##{@id}')") @touch_tap = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@touch_code')[:tap] interact.on('tap') do |native_event| event = Native(native_event) # we use .call instead of instance_eval because instance_eval bring the current object as context # and it's lead to a problem of context and force the use of grab(:view) when suing atome method such as shape , # group etc.. @touch_tap.call(event) if @touch_tap.is_a?(Proc) end end def touch_double(_option) interact = JS.eval("return interact('##{@id}')") @touch_double = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@touch_code')[:double] interact.on('doubletap') do |native_event| event = Native(native_event) # we use .call instead of instance_eval because instance_eval bring the current object as context # and it's lead to a problem of context and force the use of grab(:view) when suing atome method such as shape , # group etc.. @touch_double.call(event) if @touch_double.is_a?(Proc) end end def touch_long(_option) @touch_long = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@touch_code')[:long] interact = JS.eval("return interact('##{@id}')") interact.on('hold') do |native_event| event = Native(native_event) # we use .call instead of instance_eval because instance_eval bring the current object as context # and it's lead to a problem of context and force the use of grab(:view) when suing atome method such as shape , # group etc.. @touch_long.call(event) if @touch_long.is_a?(Proc) end end def touch_down(_option) @touch_down = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@touch_code')[:down] interact = JS.eval("return interact('##{@id}')") interact.on('down') do |native_event| event = Native(native_event) # we use .call instead of instance_eval because instance_eval bring the current object as context # and it's lead to a problem of context and force the use of grab(:view) when suing atome method such as shape , # group etc.. @touch_down.call(event) if @touch_down.is_a?(Proc) end end def touch_up(_option) @touch_up = @original_atome.instance_variable_get('@touch_code')[:up] interact = JS.eval("return interact('##{@id}')") interact.on('up') do |native_event| event = Native(native_event) # we use .call instead of instance_eval because instance_eval bring the current object as context # and it's lead to a problem of context and force the use of grab(:view) when suing atome method such as shape , # group etc.. @touch_up.call(event) if @touch_up.is_a?(Proc) end end def touch_remove(option) case option when :double @touch_double = '' when :down @touch_down = '' when :long @touch_long = '' when :tap @touch_tap = '' when :up @touch_up = '' else @touch_double = '' @touch_down = '' @touch_long = '' @touch_tap = '' @touch_up = '' # to remove all interact event ( touch, drag, scale, ... uncomment below) # interact = JS.eval("return interact('##{@id}')") # interact.unset end end def internet JS.eval('return navigator.onLine') end def terminal(id, cmd) if Atome.host == 'tauri' JS.eval("terminal('#{id}','#{cmd}')") else JS.eval("distant_terminal('#{id}','#{cmd}')") end end def read(id, file) if Atome.host == 'tauri' JS.eval("readFile('#{id}','#{file}')") else puts ' work in progress' end end def browse(id, file) if Atome.host == 'tauri' JS.eval("browseFile('#{id}','#{file}')") else puts 'work in progress' end end def handle_input @original_atome.instance_variable_set('@data', @element[:innerText].to_s) end # this method update the data content of the atome def update_data(params) # we update the @data of the atome @input_listener ||= lambda { |event| handle_input } if params @element.addEventListener('input', &@input_listener) else @element.removeEventListener('input', &@input_listener) end end # animation below def animate(animation_properties) command = <<~JS var target_div = document.getElementById('#{@id}'); window.currentAnimation = popmotion.animate({ from: #{animation_properties[:from]}, to: #{animation_properties[:to]}, duration: #{animation_properties[:duration]}, onUpdate: function(v) { rubyVMCallback("puts x= "+v) rubyVMCallback("grab('#{@id}').left("+v+")") }, onComplete: function() { window.currentAnimation = null; rubyVMCallback("puts :complete") } }); JS JS.eval(command) end def play_animation(properties) puts 'change for standard method : action' required_keys = [:from, :to, :duration] unless properties.is_a?(Hash) && (required_keys - properties.keys).empty? raise ArgumentError, 'Properties must be a hash with :from, :to, and :duration keys' end animate(properties) end def stop_animation JS.eval('if (window.currentAnimation) window.currentAnimation.stop();') end # Table manipulation def table(data) table_html = JS.global[:document].createElement('table') thead = JS.global[:document].createElement('thead') max_length = data.max_by { |row| row.keys.length }.keys.length if @original_atome.option[:header] header_row = JS.global[:document].createElement('tr') max_length.times do |i| th = JS.global[:document].createElement('th') th[:textContent] = data.map { |row| row.keys[i].to_s }.compact.first || '' header_row.appendChild(th) end thead.appendChild(header_row) end table_html.appendChild(thead) tbody = JS.global[:document].createElement('tbody') data.each_with_index do |row, row_index| tr = JS.global[:document].createElement('tr') max_length.times do |cell_index| td = JS.global[:document].createElement('td') cell_size = set_td_style(td) cell_height = cell_size[:cell_height] cell_value = row.values[cell_index] if cell_value.instance_of? Atome cell_value.fit(cell_height) html_element = JS.global[:document].getElementById(cell_value.id.to_s) td.appendChild(html_element) html_element[:style][:transformOrigin] = 'top left' html_element[:style][:position] = 'relative' cell_value.top(0) cell_value.left(0) else td[:textContent] = cell_value.to_s end tr.appendChild(td) end tbody.appendChild(tr) end table_html.appendChild(tbody) JS.global[:document].querySelector("##{@id}").appendChild(table_html) end def refresh_table(_params) # first we need to extact all atome from the table or they will be deleted by the table refres data = @original_atome.data data.each do |row| row.each do |k, v| v.attach(:view) if v.instance_of? Atome end end table_element = JS.global[:document].querySelector("##{@id} table") if table_element.nil? puts 'Table not found' return end (table_element[:rows].to_a.length - 1).downto(1) do |i| table_element.deleteRow(i) end max_cells = data.map { |row| row.keys.length }.max data.each do |row| new_row = table_element.insertRow(-1) max_cells.times do |i| key = row.keys[i] value = row[key] cell = new_row.insertCell(-1) if value.instance_of? Atome html_element = JS.global[:document].getElementById(value.id.to_s) cell.appendChild(html_element) else cell[:textContent] = value.to_s end set_td_style(cell) end end end def set_td_style(td) cell_height = 50 td[:style][:border] = '1px solid black' td[:style][:backgroundColor] = 'white' td[:style][:boxShadow] = '10px 10px 5px #888888' td[:style][:width] = "#{cell_height}px" td[:style]['min-width'] = "#{cell_height}px" td[:style]['max-width'] = "#{cell_height}px" td[:style]['min-height'] = "#{cell_height}px" td[:style]['max-height'] = "#{cell_height}px" td[:style][:height] = "#{cell_height}px" td[:style][:overflow] = 'hidden' { cell_height: cell_height, cell_width: cell_height } end def insert_cell(params) row_index, cell_index = params[:cell] new_content = params[:content] container = JS.global[:document].getElementById(@id.to_s) table = container.querySelector('table') if table.nil? puts 'No table found in the container' return end row = table.querySelectorAll('tr')[row_index] if row.nil? puts "Row at index #{row_index} not found" return end cell = row.querySelectorAll('td')[cell_index] if cell.nil? puts "Cell at index #{cell_index} in row #{row_index} not found" return end if new_content.instance_of? Atome cell.innerHTML = '' html_element = JS.global[:document].getElementById(new_content.id.to_s) cell.appendChild(html_element) else cell[:textContent] = new_content.to_s end end def insert_row(params) insert_at_index = params[:row] table_element = JS.global[:document].querySelector("##{@id} table") if table_element.nil? puts 'Tableau non trouvé' return end tbody = table_element.querySelector('tbody') header_row = table_element.querySelector('thead tr') column_count = header_row ? header_row.querySelectorAll('th').to_a.length : 0 new_row = JS.global[:document].createElement('tr') column_count.times do |cell_index| td = JS.global[:document].createElement('td') set_td_style(td) new_row.appendChild(td) end if insert_at_index.zero? tbody.insertBefore(new_row, tbody.firstChild) else reference_row = tbody.querySelectorAll('tr').to_a[insert_at_index] tbody.insertBefore(new_row, reference_row) end end def insert_column(params) insert_at_index = params[:column] table_element = JS.global[:document].querySelector("##{@id} table") if table_element.nil? puts 'Table not found' return end rows = table_element.querySelectorAll('tr').to_a rows.each_with_index do |row, index| if index == 0 # case1 else new_cell = JS.global[:document].createElement('td') new_cell[:innerText] = '' set_td_style(new_cell) if insert_at_index.zero? row.insertBefore(new_cell, row.firstChild) else child_nodes = row.querySelectorAll('td').to_a if insert_at_index < child_nodes.length reference_cell = child_nodes[insert_at_index] row.insertBefore(new_cell, reference_cell) else row.appendChild(new_cell) end end end end end def table_insert(params) if params[:cell] insert_cell(params) elsif params[:row] insert_row(params) elsif params[:column] insert_column(params) end end def remove(params) # puts "remove => #{params}" # TODO: FIXME: "html : must create a case here #{params} (#{@original_atome.id})" case params when Hash params.each do |k, v| case k when :row row_index = params[:row] table_element = JS.global[:document].querySelector("##{@id} table") if table_element.nil? puts 'Table not found' return end rows = table_element.querySelectorAll('tbody tr').to_a if row_index >= rows.length puts "row not found : #{row_index}" return end row_to_remove = rows[row_index] row_to_remove[:parentNode].removeChild(row_to_remove) rows.each_with_index do |row, i| next if i <= row_index end when :column column_index = params[:column] table_element = JS.global[:document].querySelector("##{@id} table") if table_element.nil? puts 'Table not found' return end rows = table_element.querySelectorAll('tbody tr').to_a rows.each do |row| cells = row.querySelectorAll('td').to_a if column_index < cells.length cell_to_remove = cells[column_index] cell_to_remove[:parentNode].removeChild(cell_to_remove) end end when :all case v when :paint style(:background, 'none') # style('box-shadow', 'none') # style('text-shadow', 'none') when :color when :shadow style('box-shadow', 'none') style('text-shadow', 'none') style("filter", 'none') end end end else @original_atome.apply.delete(params) style(:background, 'none') style('box-shadow', 'none') style('text-shadow', 'none') style("boxShadow", 'none') style("filter", 'none') @original_atome.apply(@original_atome.apply) end # alert "remove : #{params} , type: #{@original_atome.type}" # reset_background # style(:background, '') # style(:background, 'black') # @original_atome.color(:red) # @original_atome.apply(@original_atome.color[0]) end def table_remove(params) if params[:row] # row_index = params[:row] # table_element = JS.global[:document].querySelector("##{@id} table") # # if table_element.nil? # puts 'Table not found' # return # end # # rows = table_element.querySelectorAll('tbody tr').to_a # # if row_index >= rows.length # puts "row not found : #{row_index}" # return # end # row_to_remove = rows[row_index] # # row_to_remove[:parentNode].removeChild(row_to_remove) # # rows.each_with_index do |row, i| # next if i <= row_index # end elsif params[:column] # column_index = params[:column] # table_element = JS.global[:document].querySelector("##{@id} table") # # if table_element.nil? # puts 'Table not found' # return # end # # rows = table_element.querySelectorAll('tbody tr').to_a # rows.each do |row| # cells = row.querySelectorAll('td').to_a # if column_index < cells.length # cell_to_remove = cells[column_index] # cell_to_remove[:parentNode].removeChild(cell_to_remove) # end # end end end # def reset_background # style(:background, 'black') # style('box-shadow', 'none') # style('text-shadow', 'none') # end # atomisation! def atomized(html_object) html_object = html_object[0] if html_object.instance_of? Array @element = html_object end # def center(options, attach) # parent = grab(attach) # # # Centre sur l'axe X # if options[:x] # x_position = calculate_position(options[:x], parent.to_px(:width), @original_atome.to_px(:width)) # @original_atome.left(x_position) # end # # # Centre sur l'axe Y # if options[:y] # y_position = calculate_position(options[:y], parent.to_px(:height), @original_atome.to_px(:height)) # @original_atome.top(y_position) # end # end # # # Méthode auxiliaire pour calculer la position # def calculate_position(option, parent_dimension, self_dimension) # if option.is_a?(String) && option.end_with?('%') # percent = option.chop.to_f / 100.0 # (parent_dimension - self_dimension) * percent # elsif option == 0 # # Cas spécial pour centrer l'objet # (parent_dimension - self_dimension) / 2.0 # else # option # end # end def center(options, attach) @center_options = options @parent = grab(attach) apply_centering(@center_options, @parent) if @center_options[:dynamic] event_handler = ->(event) do apply_centering(@center_options, @parent) end JS.global[:window].addEventListener('resize', event_handler) end end private def apply_centering(options, parent) # Centre sur l'axe X if options[:x] x_position = calculate_position(options[:x], parent.to_px(:width), @original_atome.to_px(:width)) @original_atome.left(x_position) end if options[:y] y_position = calculate_position(options[:y], parent.to_px(:height), @original_atome.to_px(:height)) @original_atome.top(y_position) end end def calculate_position(option, parent_dimension, self_dimension) if option.is_a?(String) && option.end_with?('%') percent = option.chop.to_f / 100.0 (parent_dimension - self_dimension) * percent elsif option == 0 (parent_dimension - self_dimension) / 2.0 else option end end end